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U.S. better watch out!!

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Tell them "Sorry, for $7.2 million the best we can do is Kalifornia, but we will throw in Chicago and New York city. And you wont have to indoctrinate them



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If Russia did invade it would be in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s via the higher education institutions…Oh, wait!

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20 hours ago, Imis Twohofon,SASS # 46646 said:

Tell them "Sorry, for $7.2 million the best we can do is Kalifornia, but we will throw in Chicago and New York city. And you wont have to indoctrinate them



From those of us fighting the fight in California, thanks. NOT!! :(

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2 hours ago, Clay Mosby said:

From those of us fighting the fight in California, thanks. NOT!! :(

There is always going to be those that like to throw stones at us. But the fact is no state has done more to help the US develop into the Greatest country on earth than has California. There is a reason why so many free loading loafing liberal fuzz-balls have settled in the State. It is one of the most beautiful and bountiful places on earth. There isn't a state in the union that is worth more than California. Don't brag too much about your state... most of them now have their areas that are just like California is painted to be, and they are growing, not shrinking.  We wouldn't even have our favorite Game of CAS if it were not for California. So before you take a shot at us, look around. Your best option is to stop throwing stones and start figuring out how to actually do something constructive and HELP.  Like it or not, you are next... this is not just a California problem, it is a USA problem. 

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