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Gunsmoke episode: funny Chester

Widder, SASS #59054

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Matt arrest 2 drunks.   

Next morning Chester feeds em their breakfast and one of them  sniffs the plate

and says:  What kind of breakfast do you call that?


Chester sez:   Its jailbird breakfast.


The other drunk sez:   Your smart aint cha?


Chester sez:  I'm smart enough to be on this side of the bars and not in there.







Speaking of drunks and comebacks,


An old boss of mine told me how when he was young he was out driving with his girlfriend one evening, and since he was a bit plastered he had a hard time staying on the road. Eventually the car ended up where it was destined to, a deep ditch on the side of the road. A tow truck was called, and as the operator was trying to winch the car out he warned my boss that the vehicle might get damaged when he pulled it out. My boss wasn't too pleased, and growled "any halfway competent tow truck operator would be able to pull this out without damaging it". The operator replied, "well any halfway competent driver wouldn't have ended up in the ditch in the first place!". <_<


Festus had some zingers, as well. Once he was lamenting the attention that a tall spinster lady was giving him in one episode. Someone asked him why he was so dead set against romancing the lady, and he replied, "Well, for one thing, she's tall enough to hunt geese with a rake!"


The give-and-take between Chester & Doc especially, but sometimes with Matt or Kitty, in the older half hour B&W Gunsmoke shows is the greatest.  They always had a sharp remark or little dig for the other.  Not PC, but good natured kidding.  Real similar to what goes on at our cowboy shoots.  Makes life fun. 


When I was a kid watching Gunsmoke on TV I always identified with Matt, of course...the hero, the leader, the star.


After breaking my kneecap I have identified more with Chester, for some reason.  :ph34r:



15 hours ago, SGT. QUINCANNON, SASS #32999 said:

Festus had some zingers, as well. Once he was lamenting the attention that a tall spinster lady was giving him in one episode. Someone asked him why he was so dead set against romancing the lady, and he replied, "Well, for one thing, she's tall enough to hunt geese with a rake!"


Thats funny.   I have not seen that episode yet.





I never cared much for Chester, Festus was so much better! Chester's character was weird!!:blink:


Festus and Doc kidded each other pretty regularly.  Always enjoyed thatpart of the show.  Kinda like what goes on amongst cowboy shooters, as was mentioned.


Chester had a unique way of asking a question.

He would make a statement and then close it out my making it a question.


For example, if he were asking Matt about releasing a prisoner from jail, he would say:

"You letting the prisoner free, are you?"


"You gonna need help, do you?"






Chester wasn't so much of a deputy (I don't recall him packing iron, unless it was a rifle) as a gofer.  Festus, OTOH, was a deputy, and pretty savvy and competent in his own way.  He and Doc had a relationship something like Spock and "Bones" McCoy on Star Trek.  When he wasn't playing Festus, Ken Curtis had a very plain Midwest accent, and boy could he sing...was one of the original member of the "Sons of the Pioneers".


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