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First timer here and I need some input on primer brands.


Everyone goes on about how good Remington primers are but finding them is a bit difficult. And maybe they are good but availability is another factor.


Everywhere I check they say out of stock and no back orders being taken including Cabala's. So it begs the question - How about CCI or Win.? Are they really that bad and why can't we use them?


Without starting a war here I really need some help. So if you would please give me your thoughts.




Wildman Wells


PS: I jut found the post by Chief Rick that answered my questions - thanks.

Edited by Wildman Wells

I use CCI primers and like 'em just fine. Never used anything else so I don't know any better. They go bang every time, are reasonably priced and are readily available. What else could a feller ask for?

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I shot all antique guns for about three years. A well-known cowboy gunsmith looked at my Colt Bisley .32-20 (ca. 1902) and said, "CCI primers?".

Now I shoot in Winchester primers in all loads, though I do have loads worked up for non-CAS with CCI primers.

Many cowboys tuned their guns so such soft hammer springs that the guns will only ignite Federal primers. I want my guns useable for any situation and choose not to tune guns into toys.

Personal choices....

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Usually the question concerning Remington and CCI refers to percussion caps, not primers, with Remington being the odds on favorites.

Usually primer discussion concerns Federals against all comers with Federals being the favorites.


CCI primers work great for stock guns

If you have light springs then Not so good .

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Rooster Ron Wayne, on 17 Dec 2016 - 08:14 AM, said:

CCI primers work great for stock guns

If you have light springs then Not so good .


I use Federal Primers. Winchester Is my 2nd choice. I do use CCI magnum shotgun primer though. They tend to burn a tad hotter and leaves dust instead of plastic goop in the barrels. It's odd that CCI primers are harder than Federal primers. Both are owned by the same company.

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I've went through several hundred thousand rounds in my life, and can't recall having a primer failure with a reload with ANY brand of primer that could be directly attributed to the primer. Other folks have posted here about having X% failures with XXX brand primers and "I'll never use them again", but I'm inclined to believe there were circumstances involved other than a "bad primer".

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The only problems I've had with FTF's has been with 1 sleeve of Federal 209's and 1 sleeve of Winchester LP. The 209's were an 8 FTF's out of 2 boxes of reloads. I tried the ones that didn't go off in the barrel of my SxS to the barrel that did. And it wasn't just the one barrel. So I quit using those and went back to my Winchester 209's. Now like I said I use CCI magnum 209's now. NO FTF's with those either. The 1 sleeve of Winchester LP's I had trouble with wouldn't go off in either of the pistols or the rifle. There was IIRC 4 or 5 FTF's.

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I use CCI primers in the wart hog loads of Holy Black in my West Fargo tuned OM Rugers, my Henry Big Boys in ,45 Colt and ,44 Rem Mag and 209s in my ten and 8 gauge doubles. I have had NO problems with them. I also use them in the max load smokeless ammo in my S&W .44 Rem Mag hunting revolver. They have performed flawlessly.


I also use CCI 209s in the special ,45 Colt and .38 Special wax bullet cases that I provide to competitors entered in our local cowboy fast draw matches. Again, we have not had any primer problems.


It is nearly impossible for me to determine how many thousands of rounds have been shot from the foregoing guns over the decades. :wub:


My advice is check your hammer spring, It may be entirely too light.


I use Federal Primers. Winchester Is my 2nd choice. I do use CCI magnum shotgun primer though. They tend to burn a tad hotter and leaves dust instead of plastic goop in the barrels. It's odd that CCI primers are harder than Federal primers. Both are owned by the same company.

I use CCI only for my hunting guns .

Never had a failer in 25 years.


But in my 66 I had 4 round that did not fire with light springs .

I put them in my stock Rugers and all 4 went bang.


I love my CCI primers for hunting guns that MUST WORK 100% of the time .

But they allso have stock springs .


As far as Fedrial and CCI being ownd by the same company .

Its dont mean they come down the same line or built in the same plant or have the same hardness .


That would be like saying Chevy and Saturn are the same.

Because they was owned by the same company .


Not the same at all !

Mud Marine, SASS#54686 Life, on 17 Dec 2016 - 11:39 AM, said:

I use CCI primers in the wart hog loads of Holy Black in my West Fargo tuned OM Rugers, my Henry Big Boys in ,45 Colt and ,44 Rem Mag and 209s in my ten and 8 gauge doubles. I have had NO problems with them. I also use them in the max load smokeless ammo in my S&W .44 Rem Mag hunting revolver. They have performed flawlessly.


I also use CCI 209s in the special ,45 Colt and .38 Special wax bullet cases that I provide to competitors entered in our local cowboy fast draw matches. Again, we have not had any primer problems.


It is nearly impossible for me to determine how many thousands of rounds have been shot from the foregoing guns over the decades. :wub:


My advice is check your hammer spring, It may be entirely too light.


Well, we'll have to have J Bar Binks...see above....to check the hammer springs. He has both pistols (OMV's) and the 66 I was using.





As far as Fedrial and CCI being ownd by the same company .

Its dont mean they come down the same line or built in the same plant or have the same hardness .


That would be like saying Chevy and Saturn are the same.

Because they was owned by the same company .


Not the same at all !



Good point about who owns what. CCI is in Idaho...I think...and Federal is in Minnesota. I use to live 6 blocks from their plant and did a lot of telephone work in the Federal plant. BIG operation.


Federal is the best in my book. No matter how light the hammer strike they go bang.

Remington is the only primer I've had go off while I was seating them. Happened twice, blew my Lee hand primer apart.

Always wear safety glasses when reloading!


I use ONLY Federal for both rifle and pistol. We shoot BP and have never had issues. A distant second choice would be Winchester.


I shoot Ruger Vaquero's with lightened springs.. And '66 and '73 rifles.. With short strokes..

I started back in 2003 using Winchester small pistol primers..I shoot 38's.. No missfires..

I started the treck of switching to Federal.. A few years back... No missfires..


When the the primer shortage came through a few years back the only small pistol primer

I could find were Remington... Started having missfires.. All the guns were the same..

Springs got weaker with age to allow missfires you think?? Don't think so..


Finally found some Winchester small primers again and they all went bang again..


Rance ;)

Thinkin this ain't scientific... Just my experience...


Usually the question concerning Remington and CCI refers to percussion caps, not primers, with Remington being the odds on favorites.

Usually primer discussion concerns Federals against all comers with Federals being the favorites.

Yep - Remi caps and Federal primers



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