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future job interview for some rioting

Trigger Mike

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now sometime in the near future these people rioting in the streets will need to apply for a job. They were promised jobs paying over 100k a year for their studied field and they are going to demand it in the same manner they do everything else not realizing you have to work a while first and get experience.


Once they finish their studies they will have to tell on the application that they were once arrested. then tell the details about that arrest. unless they only work in New York City or certain cities in California (the only reason Hillary has the popular vote was those two places otherwise Trump got the popular vote) they will likely run into a person who voted for Trump. Trumps supporters were older and likely the age that does hiring. one candidate from George Washington University who protested and has better grades etc goes against say someone from university of Georgia who did not priest but had lower grades etc, who do you think will get the job first?

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Maybe they can get a job at the Clinton Foundation.

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The company I work for runs background checks on candidates before I even talk to them Pretty sure I don't get those with a conviction on thier record.

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I'm pretty sure that they could get jobs as community organizers.....just look at the shining example of that lot!



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Heck...around here, you may not even be able to ask about convictions.....

"Massachusetts recently enacted a “ban the box” provision, which prohibits employers from asking about any kind of criminal record information on their initial written applications. If an employer wants to ask an applicant about his or her criminal history (for example, in an interview), the following rules apply:

  • Employers may not ask about arrests that did not lead to conviction.
  • Employers may not ask about first-time convictions for drunkenness, simple assault, speeding, minor traffic violations, affray, or disturbing the peace.
  • Employers may not ask about misdemeanor convictions that are at least five years old, unless the applicant has another conviction in the last five years.
  • An employer that asks about criminal history must include a statement that an applicant whose record has been sealed is entitled to answer that he or she has no criminal record.

There's more; but as you can see, you could commit a lot of street riot crimes and NOT have to reveal them in a subsequent interview.


Before an employer can ask an applicant about criminal history, the employer must give the applicant a copy of the criminal record information the employer has about the applicant. If the employer makes an adverse decision about the applicant, it also has to provide the applicant with a copy of the record, if it hasn’t already done so.

An employer that conducts five or more criminal background checks annually has additional obligations, similar to those imposed by the FCRA. Such employers must:

  • Notify the applicant of a potential adverse decision based on the applicant’s criminal history
  • Give a copy of the history to the applicant, along with the employer’s policy on use of such information.
  • Give the applicant information on the procedures to correct a criminal record.

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Maybe they can get a job at the Clinton Foundation.

Ha Ha, I think they're money sources have now dried up!!

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Maybe they can get a job at the Clinton Foundation.

I think you have to be family or very close friends, or perhaps owed a lucrative favor to get a job doing bogus work for that bogus organization.

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