Deuce Stevens SASS#55996 Posted January 27, 2011 Posted January 27, 2011 I am having trouble with lobside crimps on my Mec Sizemaster. Mec has told me not to worry about it but it's annoying. When I say lopsided I mean one side is higher than the other. Anyone have any idea where to start as far as trouble shooting goes?
Pigeonroost Slim , #36403 Posted January 27, 2011 Posted January 27, 2011 What gague, type of hull, type of crimp head, and how full is that hull? I've run into something like that in 20ga using once fired WW compression formed plastic hulls that were just a mite more full than original crimp. The outer rim of the crimps sort of had "low gaps" in them in once place where the old fold over line was a bit different. I did not have too many of those hulls and selected another recipe with the Rieffenhour (sp) type hulls. If you want to stay with that hull, you may need to select a shorter or taller wad to match the original fill level. My Sizesmaster is OLD and my MEC crimp startesrs are still the brass colored stamped metal ones. Nylon starters seem to serve me better. The other thing that might do that would be if the center ram of the finish crimp former is set to go too deep. prs
Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129 Posted January 27, 2011 Posted January 27, 2011 Try cleaning the attachment point of crimp dies, they need to be free to float (move a little)crud there can cause uneven crimps ... Hope this helps been using MEC equipment for 40+ years and never had a problem personally ,,,,,,,, own 6 MEC.presses at this time ... Jabez Cowboy
Pigeonroost Slim , #36403 Posted January 27, 2011 Posted January 27, 2011 Hope this helps been using MEC equipment for 40+ years and never had a problem personally ,,,,,,,, own 6 MEC.presses at this time ... Jabez Cowboy Dang! I've had just the same one since 1977 and its almost broke in with who knows how many thousands and thousands of rounds. Have all the die sets except 28 for it; but mostly use 16. prs
Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129 Posted January 27, 2011 Posted January 27, 2011 Pard ; I load 28,20,16 & 12 gauge all on there dedicated presses... I am a big fan of 16 and 28 guns... Jabez Cowboy
JD Trampas, SASS # 55781 Posted January 27, 2011 Posted January 27, 2011 Well Deuce, went and check the ones I have loaded since I also use the Mec sizemaster, now I'm not a experienced reloader for shotgun, mine are a little lop sided also, not bad but do have some high spots, they sure don't look like factory crimps, when I started this a year ago, I loaded some up and took to the Sportsmans Warehouse and had a guy that has been loading a very long time and had him look at them, he told me what to do and went back home and did what he told me and took some more back and said they were ok, he is the one that hooked me up with the sizemaster and everything I needed for a 7/8 oz load. Never really paid attention to the lopsided affect until you mention it, I know they never did look like factory but they worked. I'm using double A's hulls from featherlights that I saved because I knew I was going to reload these since the price was going up big time. So I guess I will be looking for the post that explains what is going on with this lopsided thing, surprised that Mec couldn't explain this, I guess it never bothered me before, just curious how many others have this affect that load on other types of reloaders for shotgun All for now JD Trampas
Marauder SASS #13056 Posted January 27, 2011 Posted January 27, 2011 Is this with Winchester AA hulls? If so, I have a guess. I would double check the wad pressure. When they went to a two piece hull, sometimes the wad doesn't get seated properly which resulted in a slight buckle or a thin line that goes around the shell. Plus relubing and cleaning the press as others have mentioned.
Abilene Slim SASS 81783 Posted January 27, 2011 Posted January 27, 2011 Is this with Winchester AA hulls? If so, I have a guess. I would double check the wad pressure. When they went to a two piece hull, sometimes the wad doesn't get seated properly which resulted in a slight buckle or a thin line that goes around the shell. Plus relubing and cleaning the press as others have mentioned. Yup, I had to increase the wad pressure on my Mec, Deuce. After that, you may need to increase the final crimp pressure a hair. I get nice crimps now. You can download the owner's manual here. It does a nice job of explaining how to adjust for the right crimp. Mec Owners Manuals Good luck!
Rance - SASS # 54090 Posted January 27, 2011 Posted January 27, 2011 I load the new type AA's 12 gauge on the MEC Sizemaster.. but I'm new to it.. My crimps seem to be ok... I'm using about 40 on the wad pressure.. Using pink wads... and loading a duplicate to Featherlites.. So Far ... So good... loaded about 900 rounds.. If yours just started doing this.. just wonderin'... Have you changed something?? like a wad or shell or something.. If not.. I might tend to agree with the cleaning and tightening and readjustments.. Hope this helps Rance About all I know on this subject ain't much huh?
Deuce Stevens SASS#55996 Posted January 27, 2011 Author Posted January 27, 2011 A clean and relube is my standard procedure when this kind of stuff happens. I use STS hulls exclusively now. I have made no changes. They function just fine, it's just annoying ot me.
Abilene Slim SASS 81783 Posted January 27, 2011 Posted January 27, 2011 A clean and relube is my standard procedure when this kind of stuff happens. I use STS hulls exclusively now. I have made no changes. They function just fine, it's just annoying ot me. Howdy again, Deuce. Might be time to redo your adjustments/settings as if you're setting up the press for the first time. My Mec did the same thing awhile back. After a few thousand rounds, a couple of locking screws had loosened just enough for settings to come undone and mess things up. Good luck!
Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 Posted January 27, 2011 Posted January 27, 2011 Make sure your safety glasses are sitting squarely on your nose and level with the floor.
Max Montana, SASS #23907 Posted January 27, 2011 Posted January 27, 2011 I always call my pard Deuce Stevens, he knows ever thin 'bout a MEC ya kin know. ....back to mah nap! Seriously Deuce, have ya cheked the legs on yer bench chair, you cud jes be lookin' at it cockeyed! Hope this helps...
Cedar Creek Coy Posted January 28, 2011 Posted January 28, 2011 Well,I was holden out on the smarta$$ stuff,but since Chubby broke the ice!!! Lets see....Oh I know..quit sellin your 366's they make factory quality crimps with STS's
Rev Lyin Kerrdawg SASS # 57116 Posted January 28, 2011 Posted January 28, 2011 Howdy Deuce, I have Sizemaster just for my 16 ga. I finally got away from the brass crimp starter. I kept it clean all the time. But it did the same thing as yours is doing. After I installed the new black plastic crimp starter, and adjusted it till it almost closed & re-adjusted the final crimp, no problem. I load Winnies Remis & Fiochi's,Feds. No Problem after the new crimp starter. Just height adjustments for the different hulls. And yes some of us are OCD, Rev
Goody, SASS #26190 Posted January 28, 2011 Posted January 28, 2011 Make sure your safety glasses are sitting squarely on your nose and level with the floor. Actually, I think it is caused by hanging one cheek off the loading stool. Sit up straight, young man!
Deuce Stevens SASS#55996 Posted January 28, 2011 Author Posted January 28, 2011 Well,I was holden out on the smarta$$ stuff,but since Chubby broke the ice!!! Lets see....Oh I know..quit sellin your 366's they make factory quality crimps with STS's I actually went back to a 366, have had it on my bench for about 5 months and it's running great. I use the Sizemaster for other stuff.
Red River Ray SASS#33254 Posted January 28, 2011 Posted January 28, 2011 Well ta be truthfull I noticed in Deuce's SXS video he had one sideburn a little longer. I don't guess he's checkin his shells in front of tha same mirror he shaves with?? RRR
Deuce Stevens SASS#55996 Posted January 28, 2011 Author Posted January 28, 2011 Well ta be truthfull I noticed in Deuce's SXS video he had one sideburn a little longer. I don't guess he's checkin his shells in front of tha same mirror he shaves with?? RRR Way ahead of ya Ray, I noticed it too and fixed the offending sideburn. As we've always said, some shoot and some look good
Gary Norsk Posted February 1, 2011 Posted February 1, 2011 Had trouble crimping 20 ga AAs and others, there was a buckle about 1/4" below the top crimp on one side. Not all the time. Found out the square riser was tilted from the base. Loosened the 2 bolts and reset the riser. It;s my understanding with plastic wads little or no crimp pressure is required to get powder to burn? Gary
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