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Happy Birthday 3 E's


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It's Grrrs birthday.. oh cool... Happy Birthday Grrrs.... have a great day out with your family!!

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Thanks, all. I'm hidding out in my trailer and the loading shed today till later so i won't see all the preperations the kid and his wife are getting ready for my SUPRISE birthday party. Kind of hard not to smell that huge hunk of meat slow cooking on the grill, but if I don't look, I won't see it till later. Jo insisted I shave and look presentable today, so the bunny slippers and old bathrobe are out for the day, told me to stay over here and watch Ozzie.


I can cary off total suprise fairly well, I hope. Gonna be a good day. Oldest boy called to wish me Happy Birthday, and got way more posts on my FB than I expected. Kind of suprised me about that.


My peayer for my Birthday is that God will take all of you in His loving hands, and provide peace and happyness in your lives.





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Happy Brithday, Pard.



go head and put dem bunny slippers back on.


Tell da Misses, ya go my permission to wear'em cuz ya da Birthdat Boy !!! ;)

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Happy Birthday Pard!!


Ya know birthdays are like an ol’ pair of long johns. They just keep creeping up on ya!!




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Happy birthday Brother...

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Happy Birthday, GR........


Hey, that reminds me........I gotta get my entry in for St. Judes! ;)


Off to the post office!!! Happy Birthday Pard!!


~EE Taft~

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Happy Birthday to ya 3 E's. Sounds like a great day headed your way!


Here's to MANY more!


Tex(what knows 3 E's appreciates a good toast of CR)Boden


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Happy birthday hugs heading your way sweetie. I know you're gonna have a great day (Ozzie told me so!). Savor every moment and have a sip of CR or two.


Take care of yourself big guy & I'll see ya soon.





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