Widder, SASS #59054 Posted November 17, 2010 Posted November 17, 2010 Pards and Pardettes, The SMOKY MTN. SHOOT-OUT is back. I just wanted to make an early announcement for those who need to make plans down the road. This Annual Shoot-Out is scheduled for April 7, 8 and 9th, 2011. Applications and more detailed info can be obtained at: www.smssgazette.com I have been ask to share that this match will be scored 'Total Time'. Hey..........'Widowmaker Ready'! ..........Widder
Fingers McGee Posted November 17, 2010 Posted November 17, 2010 Glad to hear it's back on. Sign me up widder. Fingers (Show Me MO smoke) McGee
Prairie Dawg, SASS #50329 Posted November 17, 2010 Posted November 17, 2010 Can't make it in 2011 Be there in 2012 --Dawg
Larry Earp SASS#60034 Posted November 17, 2010 Posted November 17, 2010 Isn't that where all those Outlaws shoot? I just may get up that way and try out that Outlaw thing I've been hearing about. In fact I just printed out my application. Larry (I don't need no stinkin' sights) Earp
Widder, SASS #59054 Posted November 17, 2010 Author Posted November 17, 2010 Fingers, I would have bet money that you would have been one of the first to respond. Great. Dawg: Thats sad news. But I hope all is going well with ya. Larry, let me just say that there would be some disappointed OUTLAWS up this way ifn you didn't make this dance. Safe travels ..........Widder
Larry Earp SASS#60034 Posted November 17, 2010 Posted November 17, 2010 Fingers,I would have bet money that you would have been one of the first to respond. Great. Dawg: Thats sad news. But I hope all is going well with ya. Larry, let me just say that there would be some disappointed OUTLAWS up this way ifn you didn't make this dance. Safe travels ..........Widder Well I've really taken the plunge when it comes to shooting OUTLAW. I finished up Givhans Ferry shooting gunfighter and rifle from the hip. Except for using that smoke stuff there's not much left to do. The SMS was my first Outlaw match a few years ago and it will continue to be my favorite. Oh, and not only was I shooting rifle from the hip, it was a Lightning !!!! At least it didn't jam with 8 rounds in it like my '73 did on the third stage.
Ugly, SASS #18106 Posted November 17, 2010 Posted November 17, 2010 Hey Widder, how're ya doin? Good, I hope. Is that the range with a 1,000 yard rifle range? I was down there in '66 when I was in the service. Extremely friendly town; lots of good memories and stories. My new hip is healing nicely and, maybe I'll be able to wander down there next year for the shoot (I'll be wearing my new Jedi Gunfighter pin if I do). Looking forward to seeing you down trail at a couple of matches next year. Take care, and have a great Thanksgiving.
Buck D. Law, SASS #62183 Posted November 17, 2010 Posted November 17, 2010 You know Sugah and I will be there. Is Fast Harley writing the stages?...I hope, I hope, I hope.
Widder, SASS #59054 Posted November 17, 2010 Author Posted November 17, 2010 LARRY, no doubt, this is OUTLAW and GF Paradise up here. These two categories have a big following at this club and this particular annual match. UGLY, I'm glad to hear the hip surgery and recovery are doing well. And yep, you surely need to wear that Jedi GF pin you so deservedly earned. This particular club is our home club and yes, they have a 1000 yard rifle range. All of our stages have good size berms and all the walking is on level ground. Bring that onery Korupt Karl with ya so we got someone to whoop up on. hehehe And may you also have a Blessed Thanksgiving. I look forward to our next handshake. BUCK, if we find out that Harley AIN'T doing the stages, we'll get together and corral him behind the barn for alittle small talk. Yep, Harley is going to be the first and foremost Cowboy on these stage setups and scenerios. Personally, I think he is doing an A+ job on our monthly matches and he really knows how to set em right. Like you, I would be disappointed if he wasn't the lead cowboy on this. I look forward to seeing you and Sugah again. ..........Widder
Red River Ray SASS#33254 Posted November 18, 2010 Posted November 18, 2010 By Golly IF Possible I'm a commin a holding a gun in each han!!!! Iffen tha lord lets me shoot it I'll B a shootin it wid my 45's gunfighter!!!!!!!!! RRR
Tn Tombstone Posted November 18, 2010 Posted November 18, 2010 Wider is correct on all accounts. Fast Harley is writting the stages, we do have a large number of Gun Fighters and Outlaws, always good to shoot with Larry Earp, we will not be shooting 1000 yards this time but we will have 300 and 600 yards on sidematch day, if the only way to get Sugah to attend is to have Buck there then that is not a bad swap in my book...and of course the big news... the board has listened and anounced that this will be a Total Time Match See everyone in April
Tn Tombstone Posted November 18, 2010 Posted November 18, 2010 RRR, you are always welcome, look out Harley and Widder, Ray can shoot two handed, one gun in each hand Ray, I would not even thank about shooting Outlaw again. Did not look like that much fun to me
Yazoo City Gal Posted November 18, 2010 Posted November 18, 2010 Widder... Do you think there is any chance of adding a Lady Outlaw category? While I don't mind shooting with the boys, it might be a good time to "convert" some other women to the dark side...
Widder, SASS #59054 Posted November 18, 2010 Author Posted November 18, 2010 Howdy YCG. those kind of things will have to be worked out by some others who are keeping a 'birds eye' view of the whole match. I have lunch with Keystone everyday and I'll surely let him know of your inquiry. Hope you and The Judge are doing well and I know you both are excited about the return of this match next year. To tell ya the truth, I'm kinda perked up alittle meowndangself. Hey RRR, brang ALL ya gots and we'll see how a poor ole boy from NC can hold two guns at the same time and still manage to pull the triggers.......hehehehe. I don't think you been over this way since the Shoot-Out was held up in Pigeon Forge a few years back. If I remember correctly, you WON that match against some of the BEST in this game. I think you'll like this setup, the location, Vendors, etc..... and all the intangibles that make a great match. Hope you can make it. It will be good to see ya again, my friend. ..........Widder
Jim Mayo, SASS # 28961 Posted November 18, 2010 Posted November 18, 2010 Hi Yazoo City Gal, Yes, we have Lady Outlaw and have for years. So, come on up and shoot with the Outlaws! Check our web site for the rules approved by SMSS for non-SASS approved categories. There is a list the SMSS recognized categories in the SMSS Gazette Forum under Local Range Rules, with no minimum number of participants and awarded to 3 places. Anyone wanting to shoot a category in the SMSO 2011 that is not on the SMSS recognized list can register and request it by the deadline of March 10, 2010. Any requested categories require 5 participants and registration by the deadline to be included in the awards. Or you can shoot it for fun and recognition. The SMSS approved Categories Josey Wales and Gunsharp are not available for the SMSO 2011. http://www.smssgazette.com
Tn Tombstone Posted November 20, 2010 Posted November 20, 2010 Yazoo darlin We have Ladies Outlaw but havent had any shoot since Two Dogs moved away. Why I bet the Ocoee Rangers would award Ladies Outlaw if'n you shot it. See you next weekend
Fingers McGee Posted November 20, 2010 Posted November 20, 2010 Fingers,I would have bet money that you would have been one of the first to respond. Great. Dawg: Thats sad news. But I hope all is going well with ya. Larry, let me just say that there would be some disappointed OUTLAWS up this way ifn you didn't make this dance. Safe travels ..........Widder Aaaaaaaaaauuuuurrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Just got my registration form in today's mail for Landrun 2011. It's the same weekend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta make that one, this'll be year 7. Sorry Widder, I'm gonna have to pass on SMSO this time. Now, if it had been in March, like previous years................. Fingers (Show Me MO smoke) McGee
Tn Tombstone Posted November 21, 2010 Posted November 21, 2010 Fingers - we will miss you this year. We looked at the second weekend in March but the questionable weather was just too much for the faint of heart. At least in April the snow is pretty much out of the picture.
Buffalo Dick, SASS #12880 Posted November 21, 2010 Posted November 21, 2010 I've never been to this match but it is on my "must do" list for next year.
Tn Tombstone Posted December 5, 2010 Posted December 5, 2010 What did everyone think about the anouncements we sent out to past shooters? I got one and was suprised and I thought I was somewhat involved in the shoot
Judge'm All Duncan, SASS#67320 Posted December 5, 2010 Posted December 5, 2010 We did not even get one and there is two of us. I guess you guys just don't like us anymore!
Tn Tombstone Posted December 6, 2010 Posted December 6, 2010 Judge, you know we love you and Yazoo , yours must still be in the mail. I will have to ask your girlfriend if she sent you one personally
Deuce Stevens SASS#55996 Posted December 6, 2010 Posted December 6, 2010 I didn't get one either, was hoping to be there with the MI crew again this year.
Widder, SASS #59054 Posted December 6, 2010 Author Posted December 6, 2010 Deuce, it just wouldn't be the same without you and those great folks from Michigan like Doc, Lightnin Wayne and your Uncle Johnny. Besides, you need to bring that Souped up Marlin down here and see ifn you can whoop me again in speed rifle. You LUCKED out at GOA! Lets see, I've gotten you once on speed pistols and once on speed shotgun 97. Maybe this will be the year to get ya on speed rifle. hehehehehe Happy Holidays my friend ..........Widder
Tn Tombstone Posted December 6, 2010 Posted December 6, 2010 I did a little reserch and found out they emailed all of the announments if we had your email, then we used snail mail to send the rest out. If you did not see it or maybe it got blocked I will ask our webmaster to post it on our webpage and put a link here. I thought it was very creative even if Lady T had a lot to do with it. Deuce, we already have you on a posse. Hope you any yours can make it this year, dont want to have to redo those posse lists.
whiskey creek johnson Posted December 6, 2010 Posted December 6, 2010 By Golly IF Possible I'm a commin a holding a gun in each han!!!! Iffen tha lord lets me shoot it I'll B a shootin it wid my 45's gunfighter!!!!!!!!! RRR Thets cause youse skairt ta shoot outlaw!
Widder, SASS #59054 Posted December 6, 2010 Author Posted December 6, 2010 Thets cause youse skairt ta shoot outlaw! Wiskey Creek, its either that OR, (as Manatee would put it) I think Wed Wiver Way wants to whoop me like a rented mule cause I can't say my 'R's. Do ya Weckon? ..........Widder
Tn Tombstone Posted December 6, 2010 Posted December 6, 2010 Whiskey, aint T-Bone bad enough. Dont go and get RRR started. We will be fighting for last place one of these days. If you did not get an announcment here is the link for the letter that went out SMSO 2011
Randy Saint Eagle, SASS # 64903 Posted December 6, 2010 Posted December 6, 2010 We did not even get one and there is two of us. I guess you guys just don't like us anymore! Don't guess they like me either Judge. By the way we shot our match "Total Time" at Wartrace this weekend, preparing for the Shootout. Randy
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