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Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L

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Everything posted by Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L

  1. The arthr-i-tis in my 70 year old hands keeps me from being successful with this idea but thanks for pointing it out. Never know when I might have a good day at the range cr
  2. I think I asked this about a year ago and I've slept since then so apologies if this is old news I am in need of a source to checker my Marlin .45 Colt, 20 in barrel forearm. It came plain and I'm finding my left hand slowly moves back towards the receiver as I shoot. The stock is fine as I put my thumb on the right side of it as I lever and stays there without help, Not looking for something with roses and fluers-de-lis and angels in the skies above, just a nice checkering job that will allow me to grip the forearm manly-like. I can get a new forearm from Brownells for about $50 but not sure how well it would match--hey, I've got a little pride in how my guns looks. ideas and suggestions are welcome thanks cheyenne
  3. You have a dog for your avatar on Facebook? what about all the cats? I see them on your page but a dog avatar??? "Say it ain't so, Joe" cr
  4. with apologies to The Dirty Dozen: "Very pretty Colonel, very pretty, but can they [shoot]?" cr
  5. sounds, we need the audio of this!!!
  6. great tune and words reminds me of Marty Robbins and "Big Gun on his Hip" cr
  7. For me I have found that short of pure lead anything I melt and cast does great at SASS speeds. I've used COWW, SOWW, lead folks have given me, stuff I bought off CastBoolits.com and even diving weights which were interesting to say the least. I have gone to powder coating so my lube doesn't melt off during Texas summers. I also like that part of the process, too. I've been running tests over on castboolists as walterlaich. I cast, powder coated and sized 15 lbs of 200 gr RNFP .45 Colt yesterday and today. I would say jump in and start learning--after all the mistakes and less than perfect ones go back in the pot but you'd be surprised how well the less than perfect ones will shoot. cr
  8. mine was 3.8¢ each. I enjoy all parts of this, wet tumbling brass, casting and loading. Sometimes more than shooting I think Oh, and powder coating; that's the latest fun part of all of this cr
  9. Thanks guys, Now for a little elbow grease.... cr
  10. while it was not mentioned in the description is the Dillon primer filler machine part of this sale? cr
  11. can't tell if my oilskin has developed some mold or what. while overall dirty from table saw there are locations were I have about pencil eraser sized greenish spots. While they never seem be larger they do vary in amounts on various places on coat. Big question is if it is a bit of mold how to remove it Going to go with dry stiff brush with breathing mask as a start. someone suggested hydrogen peroxide. Not thinking bleach is a good thing to try. Might go with a bit of Dawn and water with stiff brush and good rinsing. Open to knowledge of wire thanks cheyenne
  12. same here. been that way for over a week now cr
  13. right now 19º in 'Toad' Mission I've got two pair of long johns on and headed north for all the fun and games. Have to embrace what our northern friends shoot in 8 months a year cr
  14. Good Evening Cowfolk, To support our brothers at the top of the map and to protest the lack of Chinese food at the South Pole we will be having our regularly scheduled match tomorrow. As always it will be held at the “Toad” Mission location Arriving at 8 a.m. we will be greeted by mild 25º temps and a north wind of 9 mph resulting in a wonderful chill factor of 16º. By the end of the match around 1 p.m. the temp will be at a balmy 38º with the winds dropping to 7 mph still from the north translating into an equally fantastic chill factor of 32º; at least we don’t have snow to shovel. Smart money is the ice will hold over the low water crossing so no cars should be lost downstream. For this one match summer dress is again allowed and there is talk of having a snow cones at the end. So pack you gear, dig out the long johns, and we’ll see you around 8:15 for the start of TRR’s 2017 shooting season. http://www.thunderriverrenegades.com/ cheyenne
  15. I went with a .38 with mine and am very happy. Saw a few guys shoot on in .45 and that's just too much recoil for me. I must admit that my .38 derringer loads are the same as the .32 Long ones and of course the lightest bullet you can find--think mine is Lee's 105 gr one. with it I can hit a paper plate at 20 yards but have to take careful aim also aiming points are different for each barrel and yes, I realize they were used at distances that didn't require sights cr
  16. they are correct that Lee molds have a learning curve. That being said once you get one up and running you now have the cheaper Lee molds as an option. here are a couple of links to getting Lee's running (being retired I have more time than money so I can invest some sweat equity in them): http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?4790-This-is-a-Lee-6-cavity-mould and http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?654-Sure-Fire-Lee-Menting-Technique-(Aimoo-Post-Revisited) With two rotator cuff surgeries I can't hold iron or brass molds for any length of time.
  17. It's been mentioned but I want to stress that treated wood is the way to go. We just got finished with a range clean up and ended up with 2, count them 2, burn piles each maxing out at 7 ft tall. most of that wood at one time could have been used but the elements have taken their toll. Even if you paint/seal or whatever wood will not last like untreated wood. cr
  18. As a former passenger in choppers piloted by Air Cav pilots I welcome you though I doubt we met. I rode around way back in the 69-70 in RVN cr
  19. The only problem with rebar is they stay hot a long time after the welding is done--ask me how I learn this cr
  20. thing I find interesting in this post is I never knew this particular revolver existed (in the modern world--not getting back into historical accuracy)! Learn something new everyday... cr
  21. +1 since they rotate and don't vibrate I think (hope) they will last longer. Only run it 2 hours per load, too
  22. nice looking pair--I have the same in brown took the soles to a belt sander so I would have period-correct holes in the bottoms like they had during the Civil War
  23. Know the feeling Kid, my comfort zone is narrowing each year. Was going to try to ride the bike (MC) today but slick roads and old bones don't match. 74º right now so all I need are some dry streets cr
  24. pictures...pictures or it didn't happen
  25. wonder what would happen if I put them in my .45 Colt frames?? cr
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