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  1. Back to the original question. How do you handle food at monthly matches? Lunch with both hands.........Dinner with a fork and knife
    2 points
  2. What part of privately owned business do you not understand? First off, if you had read the article, which looks like you didn't, there was no infringement going on. It was a request. Probably a lawyer-ed thing to do. And second, the bill of rights does not extend within private companies. Anything you do against their rules is trespassing. So you are telling me that if you owned a business, someone could come in with a pro muslim sign and preach the koran? What part of freedom of religion are you not understanding, right? And why does where I'm located matter?
    2 points
  3. Hello Folks, I normally would not start a thread about W3G on a SASS forum. However, I just saw Palaver Pete's article in the December Chronicle and would like to set the record straight. Western 3 Gun is alive and well, at least it is in Piru California. They shoot every month and have an annual match called World Cup. I have enjoyed shooting there myself. Regards, Allie Mo
    1 point
  4. Redwood: as for freedom of religion, i have nothing against that. But if i owned a brick and mortar store, and someone came in with placards preaching ANY religion, I would tell them this is a store, not a street corner, so please be courteous to the other customers. As for carrying in my store, as long as it is concealed, I wouldn't really care. If I had a store like that, instead of working from my home like I do, then I would be packing anyway. Think about it, even if you posted a "No Guns" sign, are the guys who are going to rob you going to care? That goes for the stupid people also. You just can't mandate away stupidity, I thought we all knew that already.
    1 point
  5. If the business does not have the proper signs I am carrying in the business.If the business has the proper signs I will find somewhere else to shop.
    1 point
  6. So are you saying that you need to personally make sure folks are vetted to your standards before a person carries concealed around you? Just trying to get a handle on the concept I guess.
    1 point
  7. My two cents as with any advice or opinion it's worth what you pay for it. Levi has every right to set whatever rule(s) they wish. I have the right to vote with my dollars as to whether or not I accept or agree with their rules. It sadly seems that so many gun owners have lost sight of the importance of protecting all of our rights. It seems if the new anti gun law doesn't affect them personally they turn a blind eye. Oh ban "standard capacity magazines" who cares I have single action revolvers, ban Chinese imports who cares I shoot an AR 15. Restrict where you can carry a concealed weapon or if you can even carry one awww who cares my state has liberal carry rules yours doesn't then move. Trust me California gun laws are high on my list of reasons I'm moving, but shouldn't we stand together, other gun owners whether they shoot evil black guns or all American SAA are not the enemy. Instead of arguing the point of is this ban/request right shouldn't we be arguing with our money and votes against any and all anti gun bans/statement/laws. The anti gun groups have learned to split gun owners by targeting one part knowing that many gun owners won't fight against measures that don't directly affect them. Somewhere I remember reading United we stand divided we fall think someone famous said it if not I'll take credit for it. Isn't it time we all stand together to preserve our right and heritage. Maybe I'm old fashion but if you support gun right I consider you a kindred soul no matter where you live, what color you are, religion you practice or type gun you shoot.
    1 point
  8. The only stores I can remember going to in the last few years... Hardware, Lumber, Supermarket, Gas, Guns, Auto Repair. That's it. Everything else, you can get it delivered. If it doesn't come to me, I don't bother with it. Haven't been to a mall in loooong time.
    1 point
  9. I tend not to go where I am not wanted.... I would not appear at a Black Panther meeting or will go to a store that does not want my business...for what ever their reason. Wranglers work for me.
    1 point
  10. No gun = none of my business weather I'm packing or not
    1 point
  11. What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you understand. Sorry, I just looked at where you're located.
    1 point
  12. It's a request, not a mandate. So I could just say no. No to the request and no to the jeans, I've worn Wranglers since the 70s anyway
    1 point
  13. Been told NO FOOD FIGHTS! Hardly seems fair but... Anyway, there's a couple small clubs that I go to and they have food and adult bevridges (BYOB) after the match. Quite a nice touch. Some folks bring extras like chips . Fancy Filly even brought chili once. I like it. I also like going out to a restaurant (must serve beer) afterwards. I guess I'm just a social animal. Waimea
    1 point
  14. Rance....I b'lieve its more formally called "the truths as we best remember them" Kajun
    1 point
  15. We have a wonderful young lady named Rebecca who provides a homemade lunch for the modest fee of $6.
    1 point
  16. Our local club for monthly's? We have a couple of restraurants about 3 miles away (in town) that can handle our group of shooters.. We try to notify them ahead of time.. We invite every shooter at our shooters meeting to join us there after our match is done.. Great fellowship and Uuuhhhh... Lies?? Eeerrrr Uuuuuhhh... .stories... About why their match went the way it did.. Rance. Thinkin just the way we do it..
    1 point
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