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Redding Profile Crimp

Idaho Gunslinger

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Looking for some reloading advice mostly on crimping. I'm loading 45 Cowboy Special with 130gr Barnstormers. I'm currently using 4.0gr of Promo. I'm using the Hornady 45 AR die set that is typically recommended and loading on a Dillon 650. I have been seating and crimping in one step. I recently picked up a Redding Taper crimp die to try and it will split up seating and crimping into 2 steps. I'm using Federal Match LPP and Starline brass. 


The reason for the change is that I have a lot of unburned powder in my cases so I've wondered if I can achieve a better crimp to help that some. I also have read that people are running this load but with 3.5gr of powder. I had significantly more unburned powder when I tried this. To the point that when unloading my 2 revolvers I was leaving a pile of powder on the unloading table. I also had a chrono spread that was almost 200fps. Moving up to 4.0gr dropped the spread under 50fps. 


My hope in dropping to 3.5gr is to reduce powerfactor since I shoot gunfighter; as well as to conserve powder since I likely won't be getting anymore Promo or Red Dot any time soon.


I've never used this Profile Crimp die and the crimp looks much different than my Hornady roll crimp. So how does this crimp look? Too much? just right? Am I going to start overworking the case mouths with this crimp? I added several photos since crimp is something that can be hard to see in photos. In the bottom 2 photos I have one of my roll crimped rounds on the left.  I also seated the bullet just a hair deeper beyond the crimp groove.


Thanks for any advice!



I use the Profile crimp die on my 44-40 loads. The left one looks OK, and even that might be backed off a bit. What are the marks on the bullets on the right?


I use and recommend the Redding Profile Crimp - Series A for 45 ACP/Auto Rim.  It produces a nice uniform roll crimp INTO the crimp groove.  Your cases on the right appear to be crimped for Head Spacing on the case mouth, sort of a wonky taper crimp ala the ACP. 


Your plus or minus .05 Grain of powder isn't going to do much for your "Power Factor."  Power Factor and Recoil are driven by Physics, which considers primarily the weight of the projectile.  With 130Gr Barnstormer, your about as light as your going to get.  Your amount of unburned powder indicates with your bullet selection and crimp type your using an unsuitable powder for the application.  Change powders.


For Smokeless I like TightGroup.  I no longer shoot smokeless so I Champion APP.

1 hour ago, Springfield Slim SASS #24733 said:

I use the Profile crimp die on my 44-40 loads. The left one looks OK, and even that might be backed off a bit. What are the marks on the bullets on the right?

The crimp on the left is from the Hornady seat and roll crimp die. The one on the right is my first attempt at the Redding Profile Crimp die. 


The marks on the bullets are from the bullet puller. I tapped the bullet out a couple times while playing around with setting the crimp die. 

1 hour ago, Colorado Coffinmaker said:

I use and recommend the Redding Profile Crimp - Series A for 45 ACP/Auto Rim.  It produces a nice uniform roll crimp INTO the crimp groove.  Your cases on the right appear to be crimped for Head Spacing on the case mouth, sort of a wonky taper crimp ala the ACP. 


Your plus or minus .05 Grain of powder isn't going to do much for your "Power Factor."  Power Factor and Recoil are driven by Physics, which considers primarily the weight of the projectile.  With 130Gr Barnstormer, your about as light as your going to get.  Your amount of unburned powder indicates with your bullet selection and crimp type your using an unsuitable powder for the application.  Change powders.


For Smokeless I like TightGroup.  I no longer shoot smokeless so I Champion APP.

Once I get this die set up I plan to try some 700-X, VV-N320, and WST.

I've found TG to be an extremely dirty powder at a PF of 160 in 45 acp so I imagine it will be much worse at a PF under 100 in this 45CS so I wasn't planning on trying it.

22 minutes ago, The Original Lumpy Gritz said:

Have you tried a roll-crimp? 

The left case is a Hornady roll crimp set about as tight as I can reasonably get it and what I have been using for the last 18 months I've been shooting Cowboy. 

15 minutes ago, Idaho Gunslinger said:


The left case is a Hornady roll crimp set about as tight as I can reasonably get it and what I have been using for the last 18 months I've been shooting Cowboy. 

Not a great crimp, at all.

Look at a Lee Factory Crimp Die. 

12 minutes ago, The Original Lumpy Gritz said:

Not a great crimp, at all.

Look at a Lee Factory Crimp Die. 

Does the 45 colt FCD work on the 45 cowboy? I assume the 45 acp FCD will do a taper crimp that likely won't be as tight as the roll crimp I already have. 

3 hours ago, Idaho Gunslinger said:

Does the 45 colt FCD work on the 45 cowboy? I assume the 45 acp FCD will do a taper crimp that likely won't be as tight as the roll crimp I already have. 

Nope, to short.

Call Lee and see if they have any ideas. 


I use a RCBS Roll crimp die for the 45ACP/AR/GAP. Their part number:  18942


This is what a good roll crimp looks like:



My smokeless load for the Cowboy45Special is 3.4 grains of TiteGroup.  I don't get any unburnt powder, but am shooting a 160 gain bullet from BadMan bullets out of OR, in both Colt SAAs & my Uberti 1860 Henry.


I use the Redding 45 AR profile crimp die part number 86189 with 45CS in my 650 and don’t have any problems. 

My go to load is 3.5gr of titegroup with a 180gr bullet (have used the same charge for 160gr as well). 

Where did you get the 130gr barnstormers at? 

2 hours ago, Leroy Luck said:

I use the Redding 45 AR profile crimp die part number 86189 with 45CS in my 650 and don’t have any problems. 

My go to load is 3.5gr of titegroup with a 180gr bullet (have used the same charge for 160gr as well). 

Where did you get the 130gr barnstormers at? 

Do you have pictures of your crimp?


@SHOOTIN FOX sells them on here.


if they are headspacing on the rim you can , if on the case you cant 


The OP's crimp looks to be destroying the brass to me. The ones further down look nice to me. JMHO, and yes, I have slept at Holiday Inn!


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