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How much brass in a large flat rate box from USPS?

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Best to put it in a heavy bag inside the flat rate box, in case the box tears.

That way, you don't lose any brass.


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6 hours ago, Prairie Dawg, SASS #50329 said:

Best to put it in a heavy bag inside the flat rate box, in case the box tears.

That way, you don't lose any brass.


Some number of years ago bought a bunch of 38 brass from a pard in Florida. Two boxes of roughly two thousand each. One showed up pristine the other completely empty! Had a corner smashed and open not one case in the package! Would have thought someone would notice 2K brass on the floor! USPS said they received it that way but with no internal bag to contain anything in the event of damage,’no recourse. Could not prove what had been in the package so no claim for recompense. Out 2K brass!


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Gateway Kid

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On 5/17/2024 at 9:12 AM, Marlin Buckhorn,SASS 51727 said:

Can anybody tell me how many pieces of 38 special brass will fit in a USPS large flat rate box? How about a medium flat rate box?


Thanks in advance for your help,


Don't forget weight limit,75 pounds for flat rate box.

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8 hours ago, Von Dutch, SASS # 7995 said:

Don't forget weight limit,75 pounds for flat rate box.

Just asking, but I thought it was 70#

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Gateway Kid

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Thanks for the responses. Planned on a plastic bag liner plus bagged individual lots of specific head stamped brass. I think I will stick with the midsize boxes instead of large. Thanks Preacherman, now I know how many boxes I need. And I am pretty sure the weight limit is 70 lbs like the Gateway Kid said.


Thanks again for everybody's help,


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From the USPS website:

Weight, Size, & Shape Requirements

Use USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate packaging and pay one price:

  • Pay the same price for mailpieces weighing up to 70 lbs going anywhere in the U.S.
  • Use our Priority Mail Flat Rate Envelopes or Boxes that come in standard sizes so you don't have to worry about measuring them.
  • When sealing a Flat Rate Envelope or Box, the container flaps must be able to close within the normal folds.



Come down for a match next month and bring Wapsi with you.  Haven't seen you in a while.


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