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This Will Surely Change Your Mood

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I opened the garage door and entered the house through the garage this evening.  I had a lot of items in my hands and digging out keys to unlock doors would be really difficult.  When I got to the door to enter the laundry room, I could hear my little cat on the inside quietly meowing.  When I walked in my husband said she started meowing as soon as she heard the garage door go up because she knew her mom was home.  I made a point to give her extra scratchies when I could.   The love of a pet is one of the best feelings you can have.

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I used to love watching our dog Maddie get all excited when my wife came home. Mary was Maddie’s person. She had this bark-yelp-whine that she only did for my wife’s arrival home. She was such a sweet dog. 

You are upright Kris, the love of a pet is wonderful. 

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Our rescue Rottie's wiggling butt is always at the door when we get home! Kitties most of the time, but they just meow and walk away, but Kimber acts like we've been gone for eternity even when it's less than an hour!

Their part of what makes our home, a home.


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i cant disagree with those sentiments and it is uncanny how they know the sound of "your car" as it approaches - ours knows my wifes before the gatrage door opener is pushed , 

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On 3/6/2024 at 3:57 PM, Calamity Kris said:

I opened the garage door and entered the house through the garage this evening.  I had a lot of items in my hands and digging out keys to unlock doors would be really difficult.  When I got to the door to enter the laundry room, I could hear my little cat on the inside quietly meowing.  When I walked in my husband said she started meowing as soon as she heard the garage door go up because she knew her mom was home.  I made a point to give her extra scratchies when I could.   The love of a pet is one of the best feelings you can have.

Tis for sure.  I have a 15 pound Chihuahua miniature pinscher mix.  She is my best friend and when my wife died the pup met me at the door every time I came home and spent ten minutes looking forMomma.  After a couple of years she stopped, but she still has conniption fits each time an ambulance comes to help me out....about six times in the last three and a half years.


She is convinced God put her here to love and be loved.

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