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Looking forward to it although the Indians….er…Guardians are not looking very promising

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My Angels have taken a couple of hard hits this off season so we'll see how things go.  I will still root for them regardless.

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Hoping the Pitching turns the Cardinals around!

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I'm looking forward to the new season although I have my reservations about the Rays. I see problems with the infield, mainly short stop (Franco will probably be in jail)  and 1st base (Yandy Diaz is just plain out lazy and does stupid stuff). The outfield has it's problems also, centerfield (Siri thinks he's Gods gift to baseball but isn't even close) and left field (Arozarena is prone to getting lazy, holds the ball too long and has a weak arm). Starting pitching seems okay but the closers suck...all of them starting with Colin Poche (I call him the Pooch cause anytime he comes out, he screws the pooch) being the worst.


I say the Rays go 86 - 78, 3rd in the AL East with NY (damn) Yankees 1st and Baltimore Orioles 2nd.

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I watched a little of the Dodgers and Padres. It was 8-1 Dodgers when I turned it off. Nice to some baseball though.


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Padres have scored 2 runs in 2 games and given up 18 runs. Glad these games don’t count.

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Indians errr….Guardians vs Reds today. Their first ST game.

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2 hours ago, Subdeacon Joe said:

That Padres game Thursday - gave up 4 two run homers in the first inning...ended up 14 to 1 LA.
Yesterday was a little better, lot 4-1.

The Padres gave up only 1 2 run home run in the first. The others were on doubles. Not that it makes much difference. I’ll be at EOT next week and my pard Buck Garrett and I will take in a game or two while we’re there.

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So now the pitcher has 18 seconds with a man on base instead of 20. 
15 with nobody on.

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1 hour ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

So now the pitcher has 18 seconds with a man on base instead of 20. 
15 with nobody on.

I haven’t watched a game in years is the pitch timer thing tolerable or am I just gonna hate it?


I read the NL has DH now too?



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The pitch clock,  I think,  is a good idea.   Players seem to have adapted to it quite well.    And  it's as much a "batters clock" as a pitch  clock.  We don't see the batters stepping back,  adjusting each finger of their gloves, tucking their shirts in, carving new bats, and changing their shoes after every pitch. 


Padres got spanked again today, 11-7 to the Brewers. But at least they put up some runs.

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1 hour ago, Tyrel Cody said:

I haven’t watched a game in years is the pitch timer thing tolerable or am I just gonna hate it?


I read the NL has DH now too?



It’s tolerable, it took last year for them to get used to it. It does speed up the game. Yes the NL has the DH now both leagues are on the same page. 

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1 hour ago, Tyrel Cody said:

I haven’t watched a game in years is the pitch timer thing tolerable or am I just gonna hate it?


I read the NL has DH now too?




Also, no infield shifts allowed off the dirt or on the opposite side of 2nd base than they are normally positioned. Bases are a little larger, pick off throws are limited and (supposedly) basemen blocking the bags will be scrutinized closer than in the past. Mound visits have been reduced and I think that relief pitchers must pitch to a minimum of three batters.


The reason for all of the new rules was to reduce the time of the game as they were going 3.5 to 4.5 hours for a 9 inning game...most of it due to the batters' delaying tactics as Joe alluded to.

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Cards had their first two games today, won one, lost one. Testing out the young arms. Nice to have baseball back!

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