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TV: Dark Winds --ammo problem

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if you haven't seen it yet, skip till you do--it's a pretty good show






at the end of the series, Lt Joe is trapped in a tunnel above a campfire (this will make sense when/if you've seen it)


he opens his revolver and drops 3 cartridges down into the fire (pause) they go off and he jumps down himself --  OK I can see that


later he gets outside and when getting ready to return fire opens his revolver and sees the 3 remaining cartridges--he closes it back up and the show continues


my and my wife's problem:  he didn't reload?  he doesn't have any extra ammo?  for an only 6-shot revolver?  Give us a break!


rant over


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Why did he even bother to open it if he didn't have any more ammo?

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Either to show the television audience that he only had three rounds, or to make sure that when he took the first three out he had positioned the cylinder when he closed it so that a live one was next up.

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3 hours ago, Colorado Coffinmaker said:


WHAT???  18 Round Revolvers are a MYTH???  Surely you jest!!  We've seen countless 18 round revolvers on the TV!!  Must be real!!

you are right, if it is on TV then it is the truth, just like Facebook, if it is on Facebook then it surely is real.



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