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The Surgeon

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21 hours ago, Dirty Dan Dawkins said:

So how are the Unis/Ginex primers?


I wish I could find a couple thousand each LRP at a decent price.  


They’re legit, they’re just not FEDERAL!!

What do you consider a decent price?? I might be able to advise.

On 4/26/2023 at 9:20 AM, The Surgeon said:

none of the places around me have stock I just loaded up my last 300 primers. figured at 89.00 a brick that's about the best I could do right now. 

Unfortunately that's the going rate right now. There are a lot of stores by us that are charging over a hundred.  They are getting easier to get lately


^^^^^ This by a hundred 
As has been said by others, primers are getting easier to find but the going rate for big name versions (Remington, Federal, CCI, Winchester) seems to be about $90 to $110. My personal belief is that the days of $40-$45 primers is gone, never to return. The only lower cost ones I have seen have been the Ginex and Servicios (sp), still at $60 or so, and my personal experience has been they are okay for practice but a little iffy for a bigger match. 

:FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:

Gateway Kid


The pre-scam prices are never coming back.


The $30K days are lore of old.


It may settle down into the $60K region eventually but I don't bet on it.


Just the way it is. 

1 hour ago, Gateway Kid SASS# 70038 Life said:

^^^^^ This by a hundred 
As has been said by others, primers are getting easier to find but the going rate for big name versions (Remington, Federal, CCI, Winchester) seems to be about $90 to $110. My personal belief is that the days of $40-$45 primers is gone, never to return. The only lower cost ones I have seen have been the Ginex and Servicios (sp), still at $60 or so, and my personal experience has been they are okay for practice but a little iffy for a bigger match. 

:FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:

Gateway Kid


13 minutes ago, Cypress Sun said:

The pre-scam prices are never coming back.


The $30K days are lore of old.


It may settle down into the $60K region eventually but I don't bet on it.


Just the way it is. 

Sportsman's warehouse near me finally got some stock of CCI and Remington primers and they are going for 5.03/100 for cci or 5.70/100 for Remington. you can only get 200 at a time but that's $50 and $57 per 1000. makes me think all the online places are just price gouging because they can.  

Just now, The Surgeon said:


Sportsman's warehouse near me finally got some stock of CCI and Remington primers and they are going for 5.03/100 for cci or 5.70/100 for Remington. you can only get 200 at a time but that's $50 and $57 per 1000. makes me think all the online places are just price gouging because they can.  

Yep I have seen several posts saying this very thing, however....

I personally haven't seen ANY primers other than the Clarinox shotshell primers in almost 18 months, at ANY price. The clerks say they get whatever corporate buyers decide to send them and have no say in the matter. Apparently when they do come in if you are there when they hit the shelf then great otherwise SOL.

In any case as one who reloads in lots of a thousand every other month buying two hundred at a time (if they were available) would necessitate 5 trips to SW to have enough to complete one reloading session. Or convincing SWMBO to go with me on at least two or three trips (she severely dislikes shopping anywhere). I agree the online prices are out of line considering evidence that primers are available in person cheaper as far as product cost. 

Again however......

Prior to retirement I was making approximately $40 per hour, it takes about 30 minutes round trip to SW ($20) + 16 miles round trip at 25 mpg = .6 gallon x $3.299 per gallon ($1.98) times 3 trips (best case scenario) which adds $65.94 to the purchase price.

If I wanted to spend my time and gas (both of which have value to me) to make these multiple trips (assuming primers are available every day and you don't add in a wasted trip when they don't have stock) you still have a price of about $116.24 per thousand. (65.94 + 50.30)

Of course if your time and fuel are free disregard my above.


:FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:

Gateway Kid

On 5/19/2023 at 1:08 PM, Gateway Kid SASS# 70038 Life said:

Yep I have seen several posts saying this very thing, however....

I personally haven't seen ANY primers other than the Clarinox shotshell primers in almost 18 months, at ANY price. The clerks say they get whatever corporate buyers decide to send them and have no say in the matter. Apparently when they do come in if you are there when they hit the shelf then great otherwise SOL.

In any case as one who reloads in lots of a thousand every other month buying two hundred at a time (if they were available) would necessitate 5 trips to SW to have enough to complete one reloading session. Or convincing SWMBO to go with me on at least two or three trips (she severely dislikes shopping anywhere). I agree the online prices are out of line considering evidence that primers are available in person cheaper as far as product cost. 

Again however......

Prior to retirement I was making approximately $40 per hour, it takes about 30 minutes round trip to SW ($20) + 16 miles round trip at 25 mpg = .6 gallon x $3.299 per gallon ($1.98) times 3 trips (best case scenario) which adds $65.94 to the purchase price.

If I wanted to spend my time and gas (both of which have value to me) to make these multiple trips (assuming primers are available every day and you don't add in a wasted trip when they don't have stock) you still have a price of about $116.24 per thousand. (65.94 + 50.30)

Of course if your time and fuel are free disregard my above.


:FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:

Gateway Kid

I completely understand what you are saying. However in my particular case I drive past sportsman's warehouse 2 times a day back and forth to work so I wouldn't factor gas or time in and I could easily stop 5 days a week if I wanted to. would I prefer to do that no, but I will if I have to. 

On 5/19/2023 at 12:08 PM, Gateway Kid SASS# 70038 Life said:

Yep I have seen several posts saying this very thing, however....

I personally haven't seen ANY primers other than the Clarinox shotshell primers in almost 18 months, at ANY price. The clerks say they get whatever corporate buyers decide to send them and have no say in the matter. Apparently when they do come in if you are there when they hit the shelf then great otherwise SOL.

In any case as one who reloads in lots of a thousand every other month buying two hundred at a time (if they were available) would necessitate 5 trips to SW to have enough to complete one reloading session. Or convincing SWMBO to go with me on at least two or three trips (she severely dislikes shopping anywhere). I agree the online prices are out of line considering evidence that primers are available in person cheaper as far as product cost. 

Again however......

Prior to retirement I was making approximately $40 per hour, it takes about 30 minutes round trip to SW ($20) + 16 miles round trip at 25 mpg = .6 gallon x $3.299 per gallon ($1.98) times 3 trips (best case scenario) which adds $65.94 to the purchase price.

If I wanted to spend my time and gas (both of which have value to me) to make these multiple trips (assuming primers are available every day and you don't add in a wasted trip when they don't have stock) you still have a price of about $116.24 per thousand. (65.94 + 50.30)

Of course if your time and fuel are free disregard my above.


:FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:

Gateway Kid

Sports Target USA still has decent prices for primers. Fed in SPP are $88 per thousand and if you buy 5K shipping is free. Still have the $30 hazmat fee but at least they have them available.




CCI Small pistol primers 0.061 cents per.




This is the lowest price I've seen in a while for primers made from a company whose name I can pronounce.


I've never ordered from Liberty Survival before but it looks like they share a same physical address as Lohman Arms who I have ordred from before.


Seems legit.

3 hours ago, Big Horn Bari said:

CCI Small pistol primers 0.61 cents.




This is the lowest price I've seen in a while for primers made from a company whose name I can pronounce.


I've never ordered from Liberty Survival before but it looks like they share a same physical address as Lohman Arms who I have ordred from before.


Seems legit.

$61 per thousand when NO ONE else is selling them lower than $85...doesn't sound legit.  I'll let someone else be the guinea pig.

28 minutes ago, Lucky Lead Pepper said:

$61 per thousand when NO ONE else is selling them lower than $85...doesn't sound legit.  I'll let someone else be the guinea pig.

They seem to be out of stock on a lot of different products, whereas most scammer sites have EVERYTHING in stock!  And it looks like they take credit cards.

1 hour ago, Abilene, SASS # 27489 said:

They seem to be out of stock on a lot of different products, whereas most scammer sites have EVERYTHING in stock!  And it looks like they take credit cards.

And add to that - the facebook icon on that site goes to an actual facebook page with a couple thousand followers.




Sad that we are at that point were we really have to look at these opportunities with a high level of skeptism.  I do hope it's legit and that this is a sign of thing returning to nornal - whatever that is.

On 4/26/2023 at 7:15 AM, Lucky Lead Pepper said:

Never heard of Brunos...can they be trusted?

been buying from them for years.  great people. Windy City Red 


I use Ginex exclusively since I started. I shoot FCD. No problems with duds. 

SPP continue to be less expensive $329.99/5K



LPP $474.99/5K






I'm still shooting the last of my 10K purchase at $125/5K from 2019 so that $474.99 still feels large. 


And yes the price includes shipping and hazmat. 







Okay  - since I posted up 

On 5/26/2023 at 8:17 PM, Lucky Lead Pepper said:

$61 per thousand when NO ONE else is selling them lower than $85...doesn't sound legit.  I'll let someone else be the guinea pig.


On 5/26/2023 at 8:47 PM, Abilene, SASS # 27489 said:

They seem to be out of stock on a lot of different products, whereas most scammer sites have EVERYTHING in stock!  And it looks like they take credit cards.


Okay - since I posted the link I decided to be the guinea pig.  I ordered on Saturday May 27th (Memorial Day Weekend)!.  Billed and shipped on June 2.  I received today as described - 


*Plated/Un-Plated primers in white OEM box packaging may be substituted in place of retail packaging due to scarcity of product. 


Not the usualy silver plated CCI we're used to seeing but I imagine they will go bang.  Overall $381.84 including hazmat and shipping from Tenn to California. 


They show still in stock if anybody needs some.




Received a text from my dealer today asking if I wanted any primers.  He can get CCI #500 SPP from his supplier for $70/1,000 with no limit.  Prices are certainly softening a bit which may explain why there has been a few more promos (free hazmat, etc.) from the on-line places lately.  How low they will go is anyone's guess and trying to predict it is an exercise in futility.  The point is that shooters might want to hold off on maxing their orders until they get a sense of where these prices might land.


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