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Hey UB, Alpo, Father Kit Kool, etc..........

Widder, SASS #59054

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You fellers, along with Pat and Larsen and others seem to be kinda smart and know some good history stuff.


Q:   Do any of you know how many wives Methusela out lived?   I do.





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2 minutes ago, Doc Shapiro said:

As far as I know, he had one wife named Naamah.  But I could certainly be wrong.


Would have hated to see her when she got past around 750. :ph34r:

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This sounds like the Civil War pensioners wives.  A bunch of the old goats were in their 80's and 90's and married 12 year olds.  When they died their wives got their pensions.  The last Civil War pension wife died in 2020.

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15 minutes ago, Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 said:

This sounds like the Civil War pensioners wives.  A bunch of the old goats were in their 80's and 90's and married 12 year olds.  When they died their wives got their pensions.  The last Civil War pension wife died in 2020.


I think that was a daughter, not a wife.

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This stuff inspires a drink. Or two.

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I didn't say those wives were married to Methusala.    The wives that out lived him was Noah's wife and his 3 daughter in laws, who were

wives of his 3 sons.





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Well if you're looking at it like that, the answer is millions upon millions upon millions. Since Methuselah died thousands of years ago there have been multi-millions of wives that have lived past that date.

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37 minutes ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

Well, what about Lamech?




Got my B.C. dates mixed up. 

Although Lamech had two wives (Adah and Zillah) which I thought would be considered as outliving Methuselah, considering that Lamech himself died 5 years before the Great Flood at age 777.

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If we lived to 750 years old today how old would we have to be before we could collect social security?

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2 hours ago, Dantankerous said:

If we lived to 750 years old today how old would we have to be before we could collect social security?


Depends upon whether you are an illegal alien or a tax paying citizen.





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Biblical and opera questions are my trivia Krypyonite,

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1 hour ago, Utah Bob #35998 said:

Biblical and opera questions are my trivia Krypyonite,


Don't feel to bad, UB.   I have my weaknesses also.    I can't fly very well.




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