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email from my kids school about gun threat

Trigger Mike

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I got an email from the head master of my children's Christian School.  a 6th grader had his lunch in a paper bag.  Another child asked him what was in the brown bag.  He said, "a gun"  the teacher heard it, confronted the child, he repeated he had a gun.  She scolded him for saying things like that.  It turned out it was his lunch.  he said he was joking.  He was taken out of the school.  I suppose now that every child who either wants to scare the other kids or get extra attention will be claiming that for a while.  I wonder if it is not the result of the constant 24 hours a day coverage every time there is a shooting.  Children want attention and to impress their friends and will use anything they can to get it plus they think everything is funny at that age.  

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Good old fashioned parenting would fix that. 

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34 minutes ago, Trigger Mike said:

Children want attention and to impress their friends and will use anything they can to get it plus they think everything is funny at that age.  


20 minutes ago, Tennessee Trapper Tom said:

Good old fashioned parenting would fix that. 


That's it in a nutshell, except nobody is allowed to be a parent anymore unless its heaping tons of false praise on their kids. If I had done something like that my dad would've made sure I couldn't sit down for awhile.

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Knowing my son likes to be the class clown, I made sure all 4 of mine know to never do that.  I would not want to be that childs parent.  If the child gets what is needed I do not want to be that child either.  I am curious if and when they will let that kid come back to school.  earlier they had a child threaten to rape a girl and he suddenly disappeared never to be seen again at the school, for which I was glad.  


On a side note the school seems to be on top of things.  there is an autistic child who goes nuts sometimes (based on my kids accounts) and the assistant head master will come in and sit beside him in class or take him to another room and calm him down.  Just this week they had a meeting for the parents and discussed their method of doing things and security as well.  the Headmaster said that they are going to focus on "who" instead of what.  "Who" being God and "Who" also being the student to guide them to the main "Who".  The idea being they can then graduate good "statesmen, homemakers, politicians, workers etc " that will have a positive influence on society in the future.  

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I was an elementary teacher for 35 years and will tell you kids do stupid stuff and will tell you honestly later they had no idea why.  They're kids and their brains are not fully developed hence the reason they can't buy cars and enter into legal contracts.


However, with today's world and the concern for all the other 'elves' in the schools the teachers have to err on this side of caution.  


Believe me, all the kids get a thorough explanation of this early on in the school year.   And it's touched on throughout the year.


While this student didn't do something 'felony stupid' it still has to be taken seriously--remember we can't joke about having a bomb when you're on a plane.


If this was the first time--make it a learning experience; repeat:  then something more in the way of getting his attention.



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Had a 4th grader whose parents were divorced.  His mom lived just down the street from me.  He spent the weekend fishing with his dad and came directly to school on Monday morning.  Dad had given him and taught him how to use a filet knife which was still in his backpack.  He got caught showing it to his friends and discussing exactly how to filet a fish.  When questioned by me about what he should have done instead of showing the knife to several friends, his answer was "Hide it quicker?"  I then asked him what a different better option was.  His answer, "Tell you I had it in my backpack.?"  Me, "And what do you think I would have done then?"  Him, "Lock it up in your desk and then take it home to my mom after school."  Obviously what I could have done, but I would have probably explained the situation to the principal and probably had her keep the knife until mom or dad came to pick it up just to be on the safe side and CMA (covering my ash (sp on purpose).


Unfortunately because of the hard and fast rule and his lack of thinking, he spent 6 weeks in the Alternative Learning Center which has the REAL behavior problems and where he really didn't get much real education.  Kids sometimes don't think about the serious consequences of what they say and do.  That said, we can't always know the kids like I knew him and his parents, and we can't allow dangerous statements and actions to go on for the safety of the other students.  Sometimes even young children do dangerous things like bringing a loaded weapon to school, so I understand why he received the consequences he did.



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On ‎3‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 6:26 AM, Rye Miles #13621 said:

Sounds like this kid wants attention!!:o


It sounds like this kid needs a good old "butt whuppin". That always made me pay attention. :blush::(

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Children have a fascination with the forbidden. Alcohol, tobacco, drugs, guns, etc.


I wouldn’t give the kid a butt whoopin.....I’d take him or her shooting.


I would teach him or her gun safety and he or her would learn the destructive power of a gun. As adults we simply take knowledge for granted. Until you have smelled burned powder and seen the target explode, you don’t really get it. You don’t know the stove is hot or even understand the concept until you have touched it.  And in this day and age, many children are not exposed to guns. Many children don’t have fathers. And many mothers are over protective of their children.


After his or her education in firearms if they exhibit irresponsible traits? Then and only then can you punish them because they fully understand why they are being punished.


My daughter swept me with a loaded firearm one time while on the ranch shooting. I came down on her hard because she fully understood the destructive power of the tool she held in her hands, and she was taught how to safely handle it. 


 But if she had never ever touched a gun before? Then it’s not her fault.....it’s my fault. Or in the case of the OP story? It’s societies fault.



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