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what my doctor just told me about my health plan

Trigger Mike

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As you know we were told if we like our plan we can keep our plan.  In 2013 I paid 525 a month for health insurance.  last year i was told I could not keep my plan and my premium was 1700 a month from the open market.  Mid year my doctor thought that i had reached my yearly limit was why i was being declined and having to pay more out of pocket and that it was going toward my dedcutible.  This year my card showed why.  I'm on something called plan X and Plan X is not accepted by anybody in town except the hospital.  so this year i am paying 2563 per month for health insurance and not getting anything for it.  I still have to pay 300 of the 500 bill for my diabetes medicine.  

In response my doctor decided on their own to reduce what they bill me by 40%.

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I never thought that I would be happy to turn 65; but after years of paying over $24,000 yearly for (a very good) health insurance plan for my wife and I, Medicare and Medex now cost me a fraction of that.  My wife's single plan is still pricey, but when she turns 65, our total health plan costs will be very affordable.


Now all I have to do is pray that Medicare doesn't go bust.



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53 minutes ago, Trigger Mike said:

As you know we were told if we like our plan we can keep our plan.  In 2013 I paid 525 a month for health insurance.  last year i was told I could not keep my plan and my premium was 1700 a month from the open market.  Mid year my doctor thought that i had reached my yearly limit was why i was being declined and having to pay more out of pocket and that it was going toward my dedcutible.  This year my card showed why.  I'm on something called plan X and Plan X is not accepted by anybody in town except the hospital.  so this year i am paying 2563 per month for health insurance and not getting anything for it.  I still have to pay 300 of the 500 bill for my diabetes medicine.  

In response my doctor decided on their own to reduce what they bill me by 40%.

Mike have you tried Wal Mart for your Insulin? We only pay about $160 a month for my wife's using their Relion brand

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I had to buy expensive insurance that didn't pay for anything until the deductible of some $50,000 was reached.  When I visited the Dr, I told him he was going to treat me like he was an old-time country doctor. (A clue I wasn't going to pay for a bunch of expensive test.)  He understood and didn't order up expensive tests.  Still, a typical office visit - including blood and urine test - would be turned into the insurance company for $380.00.  The insurance company would turn down the claim and the doctor's office would bill me for about $80.   


The insurance industry is a big consumer ripoff.  

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12 minutes ago, Trigger Mike said:

i have not tried Wal-Mart.  i don't need insulin but they may be cheaper for Farxiga.  can't hurt to ask.


Have a pharmacist review your prescriptions.   I was prescribed a medication that cost $80 a pop (15 years ago).  From a suggestion from the pharmacist,  the Dr changed my prescription to a generic drug that was 1/10th the price. 

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There is a group of doctors in Oklahoma City that do surgery very inexpensively because they don't take any insuranceYou pay in cash.  They have no one to file claims, send past due notices, etc.  so expenses are cut allowing them to care for you much cheaper.  Too bad we can't get more doctors, clinics, and hospitals to do this.  

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Holy Crap,  You can go bankrupt just paying your health care premiums. Up here in the great white north, we pay $400. per month through my wife's' teacher retirement plan, it and the free government plan includes just about everything, including 80% dental and out of country coverage.  A triple bypass here only costs the gas to go to the hospital and back.  Major cancer treatment, the same, just the price of the gas to get there and back.  No charge for doctors appointments and all my meds are at no cost.  No cost for physiotherapy either.  No cost for eyeglasses every two years.  There is no age or medical restriction for the out of country coverage.  Best $400. per month we have ever spent.

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The logical solution is to cancel it but if i do then there is no coverage if we go to the hospital and the wife already had 1 cancer surgery plus if you cancel and they finally repeal obamacare everything we have becomes a preexisting condition, or so i figure.

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14 hours ago, Pat Riot, SASS #13748 said:

Check out Good Rx on line. Often you can find cheaper prescriptions.

My wife has found some pretty good prices this way.





I've used GoodRX for several years.  I find that using that service costs me less than having to pay premiums for prescription coverage on my medicare supplemental.

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