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Wolverine Rangers Range War SASS Michigan State Championship Sept. 1-3

Deuce Stevens SASS#55996

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 Range War is just around the corner. Sept. 1-3. You can find info and even register and pay online here http://www.wolverinerangers.org/RW.html . 10 main match stages, 2 shifts of cowboy mini match,wildbunch match, plainsman match, speed events and one of the best banquets in the business are all included in your match fee. Plenty of dry camping available and several hotels close by the range (less than 10 minute drive). Looking forward to seeing all our old friends and hopefully making some new ones. 


Best deal in SASS!  Come enjoy a World Class Match.  R.J., Deuce, and their crew do a great job entertaining the shooters.  Can't wait!


See you there,




I signed up online. Only took a few minutes.   


Looking forward too range war.   


Paint color will will be the same as last year.     Red with white border and. Blue with white border




still time if you haven't  signed up.....love this shoot.....signed up online, so easy.  Kil R Bea and I are going.  Great shoot every year.


Can't wait, looking forward to seeing all my friends and Pardners. One of the best values for your Gold-Dust as far as I'm concern.


  So load up your gear and come out and have FUN.........


                Dirty Bart     ;)


This is the 19th Range War.  Counting  this one  I have shot the last 18 has anyone shot all 19  ? 


 See you all next week.


Bad River Marty


Catlow you're my Hero.......I'm with you Marty....fact is we shot on your and I think it was No Buk posse....


Faygo(that's got 5 days and a wake up) Kid




I think you might be the only one to shoot them all.




That was 2000 and NoBuk helped me run the posse that year and I have run a posse at Range War every year since. This  will make 18 years in a row I have run a posse at range War. Wow that along time I'm getting old!


 Bad River Marty



This will be my 14th Range War in a row and my 11th year as Match Director. I was actually considered the young guy back in those days LOL. 



 I Was trying to figure out  how long its been since R. J . took over as Captain . I remember the first year you were match director. Saginaw brought props and steel  for 6 stages. I'm glad we don't have to do that any more.

You are doing a great job keep it up.


Bad River Marty


I still have a t- shirt from each year or bag ( one year ).  Some are showing their age. Quite an assortment of colors.


This shoot gets better every year. A lot of hard work for everyone . 


How many NATIONAL  AND WORLD CHAMPIONS  shoot this match every year ?    There must be a reason .


we will be there Wensday noon


This year will be #18 for me.  I missed 1999.  


Best guess,

Deuce and RJ. Started in 2006 



Hey if anybody from New England is coming to Range War,


I need a case or two of Budlight in the Patriots cans.   





Marty, how in the heck can you even remember all that? All i can remember is ol sy getting me into mischief in hooterville, unloading and setting up lots of steel, deuce and die walker forgetting thier air compressor and blowing up thier air mattresses by mouth, faygo tangling with a fence pounder, and how hot it gets down in apple knocker land, take care stay safe looking forward too seeing everybody in a few days, ps the yooper TeePee wont make it this year back to my tent


Deuce your still a young man..lol....look at the age base........LMAO


Sure am glad we don't have any hills to climb at RW


Yes.....about the same time...maybe just before that....


It's like One more day and a wake up....bowl of Cheerios......The 3 S's and Eleanor and I will be on the way......


My first year was 2003, I've made most of them since then.  I have missed a couple due to injuries but I'll be there this year. Still need to register but that's typical for me.:blush:


This is is one of my favorite matches!


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