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Thread/Post titles

Rance - SASS # 54090

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Just a little rant here..

Not a big deal and may not be a bother for some folks at all.. but..:huh:

I don't care for the posts (threads) that the poster leaves the title of the post ambiguous..

yeah.. I know.. Big word fer me..

But folks are putting up posts that the title doesn't tell you what the thread is

about at all or makes you guess what it's about..

and yeah I know I can just pass over them and most the time I do..

But then after a thread has been on for a while and I open it up and read it

I find it is something I really am interested in.. Geesh..


Rance ;)

Thinkin I'm done now :)

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Rance, I agree totally.  Hate to see a title like "need some help".  And you open it and somebody is looking for a random part for some non-CAS gun.  Or whatever.  Easy enough to put more info in the subject line.


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4 hours ago, Rance - SASS # 54090 said:

I don't care for the posts (threads) that the poster leaves the title of the post ambiguous..


But folks are putting up posts that the title doesn't tell you what the thread is about at all or makes you guess what it's about..

Rance ;)


I agree with you.  I find it annoying.

Cat Brules

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I opened this thinking it was a post with a list of cool or funny thread/post titles, but then I see it's just a rant post about thread/post titles ;) Actually I agree with you as well, although on occasion I am guilty of it too even though I don't actually care for the ambiguous titles. 

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I couldn't agree more and I like Mr. Cole's suggestion.

I also suspect that, like The National Enquirer, a catchy title will draw in those who may not have done so. "Elvis spotted in UFO at Graceland." :ph34r:

Another related rant I have are when duplicate threads are posted. Most of these are done in error, with the person submitting it not realizing it was already sent; however, they should IM an Admin or Moderator to have the duplicate removed. :blink:

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You could make some snazzy click bait titles like "The cowboy shooter stepped to the line thinking he was going to shoot gunfighter style, then this happened....." or " I was planning on cleaning my guns with Hoppes, but I was surprised by this..."

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OK - many agree about ambiguous titles, including me.

Question - what can be done to correct these types of titles by many posters that just don't care to add more information or do it on purpose?

I find this to be an issue not just on the Wire but on many forums

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