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Hey Kid ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, We got 1/2 inch of snow on the ground here ...


Coffee and sweet bread hot from da oven ....



Jabez Cowboy


Who else is Grumpy ???


Well a Bunch of Canadian Cowboys are with Justin truedo... Lie-brals should be jailed, the whole lying mess ...




Jabez Cowboy


He do got nice hair though. Too bad there ain't nothin' but solid rock underneath it.

Some of our cousins, south of the medicine line, complain about elected officials who got no previous experience as an elected officials.

Well heck, we'uns gots a boss that never had a permanent or fulltime job! He was a part-time drama teacher!

And from what I see on TV, he couldn't have been very good at that!

OK,Ya got me Grumpy!

Now get off the lawn.

(Lawn? What lawn? All I sees is white stuff!)


Hey Kid ;


Howdy from da land of the Naked Grass,,,,,,,,,,,,,, No snow here ...


Big wind though ,,, must be the Sister-in-Law planning ta visit ....




Jabez Cowboy


SIL? Big Wind?

Oh Jabez! Yer livin' dangerous!!

Does yore life's saddle pardner read yore posts on yore confuser?

(1818 more posts until this thread goes "POOF")


And, get off the Lawn!


It seems that when ever my Sister-in-law comes ta visit da wind kicks up ... Nice warning that company is on

da Way....


I call her da "Old Grey Mare" have for years,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and I ain't dead yet ...


And yes my Saddle Partner keeps life interesting ...


Put up Our Christmas display and lights today ...


Coffee an Bacon and eggs is da Morning's menue .... at 9:30 then off ta Church ...



Jabez Cowboy


Big Red AKA Number 1 Son and I put up some lights around the veradah and the eavestrough, at the front of the house.

Left the side of the place free of lights. We're on a corner with a creek and a designated wetland area across the street from us and I don't like to disturb the neighbouring coyotes, wolves, deer, occasional moose, and lately, a Martin.

Neighbours are all former city dwellers and are wondering "What happened to my cat?"

Posters up looking for lost cats all over the neighbourhood. Tried telling one citidiot and got a blank look like I was making things up.




Ya know maybe we ought to get some more City Botts into da country ta Feed da Cats...

The Cats of which I speak are expanding their range like never before here in eastern Alberta as well as in the Mountains from which their name derives ....


Nice Kitty ,,,,, Nice Kitty ....


They are coming into Schools, Main street shops and Malls ,,,, maybe they are shopping for Christmas dinner ....



Jabez Cowboy



I recall them little "Kittys"

Here in Ontario, it seems some "Stuff"-for-Brains, sitting in the Lands and Flowers offices inToronto, (the Centre of the Universe) decided it would be a good idea to re-introduce the Eastern Cougar. (They tried to deny it. but were caught out a few years ago)

Last year, on 417, a truck struck and killed one.

Ontario Provincial Police showed up and their report ID's the beast as a cougar.

The Merry Men from Lands and Flowers showed up to claim the remains and ID'd it as "a large fur bearing animal".


These little Kitty's get quite big out here where there is lot's to eat ....

I have seen Trail-cam pictures of one leaping a 6 foot high fence with a 40 pound dog in it's mouth in the middle of a town ...

That dog was the third the house owner "lost" in under 2 years and the reason for the trail-cam ...


Cat Food = small dog



Jabez Cowboy


Well, here we are in Ottawa, December 2nd, snow all gone, raining.


Can't even get out for partridge.

Flu season getting underway with the cold and damp.




Howdy We is getting da Snow now , bout 4 inches so far .....


Got da Smoker going ta make some deer jerky ....


Going to make another batch of snack sausage right soon ...


Coffee's hot and fresh ...


Pull up a stump and tell me you're woes , ,,,



Jabez Cowboy


My woes? !

We ain't got enough time right now. Maybe later over a rum or three. (You know, the one Red Storm and I like: that 8 year old Bacardi the folks below the Medicine Line can't get!)

OK, OK, Knees are aching pretty good even with the braces, pills and cortisone; snowed last night and it's still coming down - about 4" on my rear deck right now.

Good thing # 1 son is home from work today HE can shovel while I try to run the snow blower after it stops.

Found out I'm now married to a 71 year old woman, who now claims she's going to start counting backwards. Oh well, I suppose she's going to start on me on the 25th when I turn 73.

Oh well, coffee's made and the waffle iron just "beeped"

Later 'Gator



Oh Jabez, Where ya been? We got no worries no more.

The Little Potato and his merry men are making it all legal.

If we're all tokin' like he wants, we won't care anymore and he gets to be PMFL, just like his Daddy wanted to be.

Get with the program boy!


All this talk about Turd Oh is making me grumpy, seems like the country is going to pot. Well that and my but is sore from all of the sitting on the couch.


Grey Beard ;


When's Granny going ta let you come out ta Play ???


Looking forward to shooting with da two of Ya this spring ...


Tell Granny "this time I is giving her my hug myownself ...


Jabez Cowboy


Grey Beard ;


When's Granny going ta let you come out ta Play ???


Looking forward to shooting with da two of Ya this spring ...


Tell Granny "this time I is giving her my hug myownself ...


Jabez Cowboy

According to the Doc I should be all finished with my treatments by early April. It looks like chemo will restart in early Jan based on the way my incision is healing and then I'll have 6 chemo treatments and then back to normal life. From what Alberta Annie told Granny it sounds like the June Match in Granum may not happen so it could be the Palmers Gulch match when we get to shoot together again. If the mate for the gun I won there last year shows up in time I may shoot FC. I ordered it in early Nov and they said it could be up to a years wait so I'm not holding my breath.


Grey Beard


Thursday night my middle Son James made his first Coaching Debut his Junior High School Senior team won their first Game of the season ,60 to 25 ....

Both of my younger boys played University Basketball , now James has just started coaching ....


Coffee fer all !!!



Jabez Cowboy


I'm guessing it's hard to be Grumpy in the USA ,,,, Now ...


All the best ...


Coffee and peach crumble fer da Grumps ...



Jabez Cowboy

I don't know. I'm still disappointed that out of three hundred sixty MILLION people in this country those were the best two we could find. :unsure::wacko::blink::rolleyes:

  • Like 1

But the better of the two choices won.


No matter how Slim the Pickings were ...


But Yes I agree ...


How's Ole Blue , doing ,,,, Wolfie Says Hi....



Jabez Cowboy


haven;t been to Rocky Mountain Rangers for too long. Do I get the free entry if I am first physically or just sign up? :-) Do I have to worry about the French Canadian taking away my guns? If so, I;d be really grumpy!


It's not that I'm cheap but I do throw nickels around like manhole covers!


Howdy Mud Marine ;


Missed Ya this year saw you was signed up ,,,,, then heard ya wasn`t coming so I had to make smoke for us both ...

Since ole Tickelwood passed I have been left ta rightfully cloud up the range ... Be nice ta have someone else folks could blame da clouds on ...


If we send that little French dud south ,,, will you promise ta keep him???

Come on up ,,, We here in Cow Country Aberta are having our fall annual the week before the SASS Canadfian Nationals ....

Shoot our match , spend a couple days around here I have plenty of space then we can head the wagons west to da Canadians ...

TR and Cog have be coming up near every year ...



Jabez Cowboy


Well it's that time of da year,Loading up all those empty cases , drinking Coffee, eating Bearsign,Listening to lies and Freezing ....


Jabez Cowboy


Yep. Same here. Don't want to spend time loading in summer. Too short up here to waste inside loading.

Counted up the scheduled matches, figured out the ~round count, checked the number of loaded rounds left over from this years supply, counted empties and started the process. (Missed four year enders as well as the Upper and Lower Canada Wild Bunch Championship's after that that fall I took and busted three ribs, so I had around 500+ rounds of .45 Colt left over, plus shotgun and .45 ACP)


The dry tumbler first, de-prime only, check case length, trim and de-burr, then into the Sonic cleaner. (I like my brass nice and shiny! Must be the magpie in me!)

I'll load enough to ensure I can get through the matches with some practice along the way.


Local LEO's did a "GULP" one day, when they stopped for coffee and saw the stocked ammo shelves in the gun/loading room.

I showed them the match schedule, numbers of stages and the anticipated round count and they understood.

Trying to get them to join us for some of the fun, but their shift schedules and young families kinda preclude that, but they have a standing invite.

Must say one lad was really intrigued by my shiny SASS .45's so I may see him one day when match days and his Saturday off coincide.


(Yer gonna disturb the cinch bugs in there!)




Ah hope you and yours have a very merry Christmas ....


Get out and shoot lot's this upcoming year ...



Jabez Cowboy


I'll have a Caffe Mocha Latte with 2% froth and a crushed almond chocolate croissant.


And you thought YOU were grumpy....


Carlos is that a drink or something Ya wear ???


Good ta see ya is still viewing da grass from da top side ...


Croissant ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, is that something dem frenchies make ???

We is kinda tired of little Frenchies up here Now ...



Jabez Cowboy


Instant human and a bear sign to start the day.


Ah likes my Coffee strong and Black but Not Bitter .....


Come ta think on it Ah don't much care for Bitter People either ....


But a Bearsign or two would set right fine bout now ...


Mud ole boy , my local range 7 1/2 miles from my door doesn't have a real Long-range side match ,,, and Alberta Frontier Shooters lost the range they had last you was up here with the sweet long range set-up ... They have since moved to a new range near Rocky Mountain House ,,,, but with-out a real long-range set-up ...

Palmers Gulch at Heffley Creek has the best long range set-up up this way ...



Jabez Cowboy


Howdy back at ya!

Nippy here today.

Started the snow blower and blew the driveway clear although the wind picked up and started it drifting again.

She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed is looking at southern travel maps and Florida hotels but I want to be around for Winter Camp!

(1791 more posts before the thread goes "POOF!")


Chinook wind blew in around 4 am. -25 to 28 degrees in 15 minutes ..... This is in American ... degrees ...


Coffee fer da Grumps ....



Jabez Cowboy

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