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Jersey Bratt (my significant other) went with me to Wartrace today and she shot 8 stages, I timed her and offered suggestions. And she's not mad at me!!But we went through 2 100 rd boxes of ammo and that made me grumpy that we didn't have more. I'm pushing her gently to shoot her FIRST match on Sat.

Get off the LAWN



Congrats on getting her out to play.

Now watch her start to out shoot ya!

That happened to me years ago, when we used to shoot ISU.

She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed was then with the Queens Cowboys and shot well in training with her service pistol, to the point that her transition to what I was doing came easily.

Unfortunately, her health now keeps her out of the game, but she doesn't begrudge the time I spend on it now in my retirement.


Imis congrats on getting Jersy Bratt out shooting with you. There's nothing quite like shooting with your cowgirl. Granny One Shot and I have been shooting CAS together since 2007 and it's been great. I get to buy more guns and spend time more shooting than ever now. If anything she is much more competitive than I am and out shoots me quite often.

Grey Beard

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I wonder what Jabez is doing today? I bet what ever it is he's not shivering in the cold or shoveling snow. Darn it that makes me grumpy!! :angry: LOL



Yep I'm glad she's gonna make the transition from scorekeeper to being the one who's score is recorded.We set the range on fire the day I met her, 6 years ago. Only burned one berm, it was 3 weeks before we hosted the TN State Match and there was lots of fresh new straw mat and fresh seeded ground. I was INSTRUCTED no more pyrotechnic loads at Wartrace, after that. Lots of folks were grumpy that day.

Jabez ......you out there? We're keeping the tradition alive.





Yep I'm glad she's gonna make the transition from scorekeeper to being the one who's score is recorded.We set the range on fire the day I met her, 6 years ago. Only burned one berm, it was 3 weeks before we hosted the TN State Match and there was lots of fresh new straw mat and fresh seeded ground. I was INSTRUCTED no more pyrotechnic loads at Wartrace, after that. Lots of folks were grumpy that day.

Jabez ......you out there? We're keeping the tradition alive.



LOL :D that is to funny Imis your story made me less grumpy, thank goodness I wasn't drinking coffee or I would have drowned my keyboard. My wife Granny is hot but we've never started a fire, course at our age we would need to use a match. Hopefully we'll have the opportunity to shoot with the two of you someday. We like to travel to shoots and plan to spend as much of next winter in the USA traveling to different shoots.

Grey Beard


Grey Beard

If you and Granny get as far south as Tennessee we would love to have ya''ll shoot at Wartrace, we host the Tennessee State match, Regulators Reckoning the second weekend of October each year. It is a very well thought of match at a first rate facility.Oct 12-14, 2017. I believe that qualifies as winter in Saskatchawan. We usually have great weather, 50 degree days that time of year. YA"LL Come. Or any other time, too, we shoot first and third Sat all year, above 40F

And if not I will be Grumpy


Now kindly remove yourselves from my immaculately manicure lawn


You just never know where Granny and I could show up Imis. We like to shoot new place and make new friends so at some point in the next couple years who knows we just might get there.

Grey Beard


The nice thing about senility is not remembering that you ever made a mistake. Since that makes me perfect, it makes

me really grumpy if a TO and spotters call a MISS!!!


What the H--- are they thinking!!!


The nice thing about senility is not remembering that you ever made a mistake. Since that makes me perfect, it makes

me really grumpy if a TO and spotters call a MISS!!!


What the H--- are they thinking!!!


Well now Mud Marine, if you joined up with us in the Stealth Bullet Shooting Society, you wouldn't have to worry about things like that!!





We're lightweights and cant get rain to freeze at 60 degrees.Must be a lack of talent.


We just turn the temperature down enough that we want to stay inside by the fire. Seems like that's cold enough to make the rain freeze or turn to snow!! LOL


Page three? Humm, that ain't good.

Doing some loading for this summer, after looking at the area's scheduled matches. Gonna need lottsa bullets.

Waiting patiently for Winter Camp February 11


Oh yeah,




Service the lawn mower?

42 ° ?

I'm still scraping ice off the driveway after running the snow-blower!

Getting ready for Winter Camp 5 during our winter festival - Winterlude!

Skating on the Rideau Canal, snow-shoe races, cross-country skiing, sled dog races, sleigh rides, trail rides on our snowmobiles.

Up here, we learn to play in the *^%&%$* stuff!



Posted (edited)

Winter Camp 5 today, with Red Storm, Regulator, as Posse Marshal/Match Director/Chief Waddie.

Temperature a balmy -12° with some snow.

Heated shooting cabins and a beans hot lunch around the wood stove, with pards in the club house. What could be any better?

And there I sat with a banged up knee that I had trouble bending and couldn't shoot. That makes me Grumpier than ever!

Rooster, Territorial Governor, had to leave with a cold anyway and stayed away from my place. (And here I had stocked extra coffee just for him!)

Thanks to the pards and buckaroos who stayed to help put away the steel and strike the shooting sheds.



Edited by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

I is back !!!


Great job !!! all Ya Grumps fer keeping all da World Grumpy...


Thanks for improving the Weather for my return last Night ....



Got a pile of paper work to attend to ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Makes me double GRUMPY ...


Jabez Cowboy


Oh sure! Rub it in!

You got the mild weather out in God's country.

I got snow. Lots and lots of snow.

Blower is now having problems getting it up high enough to get it over the banks.

Driveway is starting to resemble a tunnel.

And it's still coming down; so;


Oh Yeah: Welcome back!


In honor of President Trump I'm going to only shoot the first two trespassers on my lawn today ,,,,, the rest i'll Hang ...


Nice weather ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, fer winter....


Pull up a stump or chair an enjoy a cup of Joe and a tail or two ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and Ya can prime some brass fer me while we sit ...

Hand primers are great ....

I is a little behind on loading fer this year ............



Jabez Cowboy


Welcome back Jabez and thanks for bringing the warm weather with you. I can actually see the grass on my back lawn, it's been a lot of February's since that's happened.


Grey Beard


Thanks fer da Warm wishes ...


My boy got his first Gopher of the season , off da back lawn a couple days ago ...



Jabez Cowboy


Got some snow up here today. It melted as it fell but still made me grumpy. :angry:

Grey Beard

The snow we get would make you down right crauchtity. 😲


It is a glorious, nearly Spring day in Tennessee, today. I got rained out yesterday so I am still Grumpy.

Lets all walk in circles in Jabez lawn, stomp in the puddles and let it freeze in wierd patterns



Ain't no Puddles,,,,,,,,, But there is mud in da Garden ...


Only Snow here is on da hills to da west an da Rockies a little further west,,,,, And the pile at the

south end of my drive placed there with my tractor ...



Jabez Cowboy


Wish I could say the same about the snow. Driveway looked like a tunnel until I was able to shovel a few feet off the top of the pile, to get ready for the next dump.

Snow blower was having trouble shooting the snow to the top of the pile

Melting a bit today, but nothing like your way Jabez!

Gotta miss those Chinooks!




Feb. 22, cloudy and +1C. here in Canada's capital.

Sap is starting to run in some bushes, taps are going into the maples, kettles are getting cleaned up and fuel stocked for the boil!

Starting to drool.

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