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Page 3 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, What Gives ???



Porcupine Shadowriders are having their/Our two day shoot this week-end ... starts with a pot-luck and swap meet on Friday...


Then shooting Sat. and Sunday ...



Jabez Cowboy

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No match for me this weekend and next.

Everybody's gone to Barrie, but She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed isn't too well; can't travel and I don't want to leave her here alone even though she wanted me to.


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Two days shooting this week-end and Four days shooting Next week-end ...


Be great to see some of my pards from out of province ....




Jabez Cowboy

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Had a real ungrumpy day a week or so ago. I asked Miss Lorrie where she would like to go for our 55 wedding anniversary. We went to the Springfield Cardinals baseball game and sat in the near luxury seats in the Red Bird Roost.


Course I will be grumpy when the CC bill comes in.

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So ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Noz , when you coming ta shoot with us???


You would be a right fine addition to our crew of smoke belchers ...



Jabez Cowboy

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No shooting for me, again this weekend.

Contractor is digging up the drive to widen it and install inter-lock. $$$$

Original builder just laid asphalt on top of a layer of sand and rubble, irregularly spread out.

My poor lawn is taking a beating from tracked Bobcats and a backhoe.

I just hope they don't hit the gas line.

That would make me REALLY GRUMPY!

​(Oh! and 1919 more Posts before this thread goes POOF!)

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It's time ...https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/your-brain-food/201010/how-coffee-and-donuts-enhance-memory


How Coffee and Donuts Enhance Memory
Donuts and coffee, they're what your brain wants



Sometimes, what our brain wants is not always good for our bodies. Donuts are a good example. It is early morning and you're driving to work after a nice breakfast of black coffee and two eggs, easy-over, with bacon. Yet, you're still hungry and having difficulty paying attention to the traffic. Why? Your brain is not cooperating because it is not satisfied with that breakfast because it lacked one critical ingredient that your brain urgently needs, sugar. You have been fasting since dinner last night and your blood levels of sugar have fallen to very low levels. From your brain's perspective, sugar is indispensable. It will do whatever is necessary to convince you to eat sugar as often as possible. Why? Your brain needs sugar (usually in the form of glucose) to function normally. The billions and billions of neurons in your brain require a constant supply of sugar to maintain their ability to produce energy and communicate with other neurons. Your neurons can only tolerate a total deprivation of sugar for a few minutes before they begin to die. Therefore, as blood levels of sugar decrease with the passage of time since your last meal, you begin to experience a craving for food, preferably something sweet. Essentially, the presence of sugar in your brain is considered normal, and its absence leads to the feeling of craving and the initiation of hunting or foraging behaviors, such as seeking out a vending machine for some cupcakes or a candy bar.

Once inside the brain, sugar is also used to produce a very important neurotransmitter chemical call acetylcholine. Acetylcholine allows you to learn and remember, to regulate your attention and mood, and to control how well you can move. Your brain makes acetylcholine from choline, which is obtained from the diet, and from acetyl groups that originate from the metabolism of sugar. We frequently obtain choline in our diet by eating lecithin. Lecithin can be found in many different bakery goods such as donuts and cupcakes and is commonly added to chocolate. Thus a tasty chocolate covered donut first thing in the morning is going to provide your brain with everything it needs to pay attention and learn new things. Sadly, those eggs and bacon that you had for breakfast were completely insufficient for the task of preparing your acetylcholine neurons to function.

As the day progresses your acetylcholine neurons are busy consuming choline and sugar as you spend your day thinking and learning. However, as evening arrives you cannot help but notice that you're having trouble paying attention and you're experiencing a little mental slowing. What's happening to your acetylcholine neurons and what can you do about it? The cure for our mental slowing: coffee. While we were busy thinking and learning all day another neurotransmitter chemical was increasing in concentration and it has slowly and powerfully begun to turn off our acetylcholine neurons. This chemical is called adenosine. Adenosine inhibits the function of acetylcholine neurons our brains and the longer we are awake the more persuasive is its influence. The caffeine in our coffee is able to prevent the actions of adenosine and release our acetylcholine neurons from their chemical shackles; our attentiveness improves and we are ready for anything - at least until the caffeine effect wears off.

So, tomorrow morning do not fight the urge to stop for coffee and donuts. It's what your brain wants you to do. Now please go back and read the first sentence again.

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Breakfast of Coffee and meds... went to sleep late watching the reports of the hate crime in Dallas... woke up to even worse news. Deeply saddened and prayerful for the families, those fighting to survive, and all those who chose a career of serving and protecting us. God bless them all.

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Well !!!


Any Grumps out there???


Coffee fer some an Hay an Water fer da rest ....


Been a loading 180 gr. bullets in my .38-40 from a new to me caster , seem the lube and load just fine ..... hoping they shoot as good as they look...

Loading them over a compressed charge of Goex 3F ...



Jabez Cowboy

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I'm playing around with a "new to me" Lightning in .357

Trying a number of different charges to see what it likes best, although it seems to prefer a cartridge with some "OOMPH" to it.

Light loads are all over the place while heavier stuff is making a much tighter group.

Cortisone shot in my knee, along with some Xyolcaine on Friday. Seems to help, so I'll get the other shot up as well.

Only 1907 posts before the thread goes "POOF"


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Hey Kid ,,, does that Lightning strike in the same spot more than once ???


Just starting to load-up some bullets from a new to me caster 158 gr. RNFP these are nice looking bullets, and I'm lubing them with Lyman Gold to be loaded over a compressed load of Goex 3f in .38 spl. cases ...


Can primers that sat underwater for a couple of weeks, be dried out and still used ???

Have a bunch of primed .38 cases that got wet when my basement flooded back in 2012 while I was in Uganda ...

I have popped of about a dozen and they all go bang ... I hate to have to de-primer them all as they are ready to load ...


Coffee fer all da Grumps ...



Jabez Cowboy

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As for the Lightning, using factory fodder, it groups pretty well. Low charges resemble a shotgun pattern. I'm playin around with several powders, with loads, still under Max charges. I found Hornady listed both Rifle and Handgun loads which helped explain the significant charge differences between the books, using the same powder.

I'm using the same bullet you're casting, but I don't have the time to cast and size, in spite of having the equipment, but I do have two good bullet casters I can buy from. One with a Magna-Caster and the other producing good quality big bore rifle bullets in smaller quantities,


As for your wet, then dried primed cases, it sounds ​like they've dried sufficiently to use. I'm not sure I would use them for an important match, but practice wouldn't be an issue. Any misfires, you can use the old RCBS hammer and salvage the bullet, powder and brass.

The thing I might be concerned about would be any changes to the primers flash temperature, as a result of the soaking, causing squibs. I'd load a sampling and make a trip to the range and give them a try.




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Kid that there Lightning is just waiting fer Ya ta use some black in it ....


Just fill that case with 3F and watch the groups tighten up,,,, after da smoke clears so-as you can ....


Them primers has been drying fer 4 years now.......



Jabez Cowboy

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Oh where oh where did all da Grumps go ????

Off ta see the Gun show ???

Or to shootin before the fall snow...

Or maybe got lost, I don't Know ...


Coffee and Cookies fer da Grumps



Jabez Cowboy

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Don't fall in and get wet.

I'm getting ready for The Wild Turkey Posses Tribute to 19th Century Gunmakers next Saturday.

Loading up the motor home and heading out to Grenville Friday, so Red Storm (Regulator), Rooster and I will watch cowboy movies Friday night after supper in Prescott

1900 posts until the thread goes "POOF"​

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Yes Kid ;


We had great fishing , I caught my limit of 8 Largemouth each of the two days ...

Both TR and I caught our personal best largemouths his being 3.5 pounds and mine 4.2 pounds ...


We don't have very many spots to fish for Largemouth out here , but TR will have 8 bass to take with him home all better than 2.5 pounds....

This is all he can take across the line...


My boy James did really well but didn't up his personal best ....


Jabez Cowboy

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Enough Fish stories,,,, TR is of to shoot in Sask.


Then Back here in a little over a week to fish for walleye ...


Coffee an Choc Chip cookies fer da Grumps ...



Jabez Cowboy

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  • 2 weeks later...

Took the covered wagon and stayed on the range at Eastern Ontario Shooting Club, with Red Storm-Regulator, and Rooster.

Hot on set-up Friday and for the match Saturday.

Ray Charbonneau, range owner has just received the OK from the inspectors from the Chief Firearms Office for our new and (greatly) enlarged, dedicated cowboy range.

New digs for the Ottawa Valley Marauders! WHOO HOO ! ☺

Grumpy about all the work that'll have to be done though !

(1895 posts before thread goes "POOF")​

Edited by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474
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