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Posted (edited)

When I visit family in Scranton,Pa, they call it soda…..'round here that's an ice cream soda!! In NYC I believe they call it soda pop so I think that's where the two names started.


Anyway I just weighed another 150 rounds, and really feeling grumpy!!!!! :angry:

Edited by Rye Miles #13621

Down here in Texas every sort of soft drink is referred to as a coke. You want a coke? Yea, make it a Dr Pepper.


Got some snow up here today. It melted as it fell but still made me grumpy. :angry:

Grey Beard


Life is grumpy without coffee. It's 6 am and I haven't had mine yet. This day is not starting off well. Looks like road coffee for me, on the way to hospital for my 86 year old dad. Could be a rough one. Good thing the nurses stations have coffee too, probably why they aren't grumpy.




Grey Beard;


Good to see ya rolled out of Hibernation, how's da Boss ???


Ya coming to Cactus Flats ???


Coffee fer da Grumps, got my own Nurse home today to keep me on the straight an narrow,,,, best be on good behavior ...


Jabez Cowboy


Well my Boss and I spear-headed a 9 mile highway clean-up effort to help raise funds for our next project in Northern Uganda ...

So we picked trash for the better part of the day with 11 others covering both sides of the road....


Really sore and Grumpy Now ....


Make yer own Coffee ...




Jabez Cowboy


It was 75 degrees on Thursday, yesterday was 50 and raining and today not much better but at least no rain! What's with this crappy spring???


That's why I'm grumpy today!! :angry:


Today is when I need to know if you is taking me up of the offer of my paying for ya ta shoot this week-end ...

Well ya Southern Grumps ,,,, What say Ye ...


Coffee and Grass ,you deside which is fer Ya .....



Jabez Cowboy


Grey Beard;


Good to see ya rolled out of Hibernation, how's da Boss ???


Ya coming to Cactus Flats ???


Coffee fer da Grumps, got my own Nurse home today to keep me on the straight an narrow,,,, best be on good behavior ...


Jabez Cowboy


I have Chemo Tuesday, Wednesday and finish up at about 1:00pm on Thursday. Generally I'm crashing by the weekend and with our Big Bang 2 day shoot coming up in Saskatoon the following weekend Granny convinced me that I best stay home so make some smoke for me. It was either that or find someone to be Match Director for me at the Big Bang. She really laid down the law and won't even let me set up the range. I agreed mostly because today is our 46th wedding anniversary.


Well that's pretty special, 46 years ,,,, she don't look a day over 45 years old ,,,, You on the other hand !


Have a special day , and give her a hug from me and one from the Missus ...


Are ya coming out to the ranch to shoot with us in da hills ...



Jabez Cowboy

trying ta be grumpy bout now ...


Well Where is all da Grumps, hiding ???


Oh waiting lurking da bag a young'un...


Coffee and Grass ,,, And room in da Bunkhouse ...



Jabez Cowboy

Posted (edited)

Well that's pretty special, 46 years ,,,, she don't look a day over 45 years old ,,,, You on the other hand !


Have a special day , and give her a hug from me and one from the Missus ...


Are ya coming out to the ranch to shoot with us in da hills ...



Jabez Cowboy

trying ta be grumpy bout now ...

Yes that's our plan do the shoot at South West Trapper and Alberta Annie's then head off to Kamloops for the shoot there. Pending some co-operation with the folks scheduling my chemo that is. If not then I'll likely need to miss one or the other in order to be in Saskatoon for chemo. That would make me Thrice as grumpy having to miss one of my favorite matches.


PS our 46th anniversary turned out great :)

Edited by Grey Beard

Grey Beard:


Did the Boss get her Hugs...

If needed you could park your trailer here between shoots, while you run back for chemo instead of pulling it back and forth...


It's raining here , but not in Medicine Hat ,,,,,,,,,,, Yet...


Take care ...


Jabez Cowboy


Got my hand and thumb workin' again, after a little accident. Thought for a while I was going to have to shoot two handed.

Missed the Wild Turkey Posse "Moon of the Fat Ponies" match.

Figured it wasn't safe to handle any boomsticks the way the hand was.

Anniversary for She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed coming up. 48 years. Don't seem that long.

Guess when you get the right one, time flies by.

Now get off my fresh cut lawn!


Lawn cutting ,,,,,,,,,,, Bad form ...

Should be a shooting ...


What's that bright glowing object in da sky ??? ,,,,,,,,,,,, oh must be da Sun returning ...

Lot's of rain at Cactus Flats shoot ,,, but we didn't have to complete the Ark ...

Towing truck trailer combos out of the mud is a new sport ...


Jabez Cowboy


Coffee and Hay fer Ya All


Them's that can take of their shoes are welcome in da bunkhouse , da rest should be eating Hay ...


Apple pie ta go with da Coffee ...



Jabez Cowboy


Any one Grumpy ???

My cousins Son is becoming a Grandpappy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Maybe this explains some of my creekin bones...



Jabez Cowboy


Have all da Redheads gone and dunn turned Grey , or where's they at ???


I sure miss some old Grumps like COG that used turn-up and cause trouble...


Coffee and Apple Pie fer da grumps ....




Jabez Cowboy


Hair, (what's left of it!) is now blonde.

Barber keeps tellin' me it's gray, but I think it's more a new shade of blonde. Funny though; I used to be brown haired.

Root canal this afternoon, so Don't even try to walk on my lawn!


Only 1942 more posts before this thread goes "POOF!"


Well we just raised some money for Start-up for a welding shop in Northern Uganda still need about 10,000 more ...

Kinda makes me GRUMPY ....



Jabez Cowboy

Posted (edited)

Well we just raised some money for Start-up for a welding shop in Northern Uganda still need about 10,000 more ...

Kinda makes me GRUMPY ....



Jabez Cowboy


Awesome Jabez, helping other folks is one of the kindest things we can do. Plus it give a nice warm fuzzy feeling that helps with the Grumpiness.


Will likely get to see you at Lane's shoot. We are just getting the last details worked out.


Grey Beard

Edited by Grey Beard

Grey Beard;


Ya see you there , the range is looking good , after todays work bee...



Jabez Cowboy


Grey Beard;


Ya see you there , the range is looking good , after todays work bee...



Jabez Cowboy

Yup :) just got the last details worked out with my oncologist. Seems my Chemo Port has moved from my chest to my neck and has caused a clot. So.... clot buster injections for 3 months and surgery to remove and reinstall my port but we will be ready to leave for the Thompkins Shoot on the 16th and Lane's early the next week, that will get us there in time to do lots of visiting. Then on to my daughters in Cranbrook for a couple days before the Kamloops shoot. Looking forward to seeing all my friends from Alberta, after missing the Medicine Hat shoot it seems like forever since Granny and I have seen you guys.

Grey Beard


Well Grey Beard , we kinda miss you too ,,,,, Tell Grannie we really miss her :P:o;)


All kidding aside it will be good to see you, and if you need a place to set a spell , let me know you's welcome here...



Jabez Cowboy


Hey All ;


Where all are ya shooting this year ???


Ya might consider coming North to Shoot ...




Jabez Cowboy


Back from page 3....


Now Boys and Girls ,,,,,,,,,,, You is making me Grumpy ...


That and hearing that a friend lost his Daughter-in-Law to Cancer...




Jabez Cowboy


Jabez Good to see you's keepin the faith. It was over 100 here in TN today an Im plannin to shoot Wild Bunch on Sat, if it dont rain a bunch. Keep up your good works.

Imis (still) Twohofon


There's some that believe I is stubborn ....


Course ah don't hold with that line off thinking ....


Coffee and Hay fer thems that needs some ...


Our range is looking good for our Shoot on the 24th. week-end ...



Jabez Cowboy


Week an a Half to our Spring 2 day shoot out west of my place by7 miles....


Coffee's on ...




Jabez Cowboy

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