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The SASS Spirit: the way it oughta be (and actually IS!)

Hellgate #3302 L

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Today I went to a monthly CAS match and after paying my shoot fee, registering, and gathering my gear I realized that I had forgotten my shooting box that I had carefully set aside so that I would not leave it behind. (Ever done that?) It contained all my Frontiersman accoutrements: caps,.454 roundballs, powder flasks, nipple picks, caps, etc. so I went to the registrar and got my registration fee back and prepared to slink home with my tail between my legs in embarrassment and wondering if I were "losing it". As I was packing up I was explaining to the fellow parked next to me that I had forgot most of my gear and was headed home. He said to me "You're going to shoot duelist" (as opposed to my usual Frontiersman). I'm like, what? And he says "You're going to shoot duelist". "What do you mean?" I say. He says, "I've got two extra pistols and 100 38 special rounds for you to use plus holsters and you can shoot duelist. The only problem is you are gonna get to see the targets." (They were loaded with smokeless and I'm a BP guy). Geeze, what a decent deal, I thought. So I went back to the registrar, handed them my 10 bucks back, signed up for duelist and shot the match with his pistol ammo and the overstock ammo can I had with an extra box of shotgun and rifle ammo. I had black powder shotshells and all but 6 rounds of BP for my rifle and he provided the 38 ammo for the pistols. I want to thank BOOTHILL BANDIT for fishing my chesnuts out of the fire and allowing me to enjoy a fine day shooting at the Oregon Old West Shooters Association monthly match in Albany, Orygun. His generosity is what makes this sport/organization unique to the shooting sports. We both shot in the duelist category. I came in second, he placed (deservedly) first duelist. I know his generosity is not unique within SASS but his generosity is what makes SASS unique. I want to publicly thank Boothill Bandit for giving me a very pleasant day's shooting and letting me save the day rather than driving home calling myself a dummy. With his smokeless loads I was able to see the targets I've been missing. Thanks, Boothill. (And thanks again for the breakfast you bought me a year ago!)





Glad you were able to stay and shoot with us today. I had wondered about the lack of smoke when you were shooting. Good on Boothill!


Today I went to a monthly CAS match and after paying my shoot fee, registering, and gathering my gear I realized that I had forgotten my shooting box that I had carefully set aside so that I would not leave it behind. (Ever done that?) It contained all my Frontiersman accoutrements: caps,.454 roundballs, powder flasks, nipple picks, caps, etc. so I went to the registrar and got my registration fee back and prepared to slink home with my tail between my legs in embarrassment and wondering if I were "losing it". As I was packing up I was explaining to the fellow parked next to me that I had forgot most of my gear and was headed home. He said to me "You're going to shoot duelist" (as opposed to my usual Frontiersman). I'm like, what? And he says "You're going to shoot duelist". "What do you mean?" I say. He says, "I've got two extra pistols and 100 38 special rounds for you to use plus holsters and you can shoot duelist. The only problem is you are gonna get to see the targets." (They were loaded with smokeless and I'm a BP guy). Geeze, what a decent deal, I thought. So I went back to the registrar, handed them my 10 bucks back, signed up for duelist and shot the match with his pistol ammo and the overstock ammo can I had with an extra box of shotgun and rifle ammo. I had black powder shotshells and all but 6 rounds of BP for my rifle and he provided the 38 ammo for the pistols. I want to thank BOOTHILL BANDIT for fishing my chesnuts out of the fire and allowing me to enjoy a fine day shooting at the Oregon Old West Shooters Association monthly match in Albany, Orygun. His generosity is what makes this sport/organization unique to the shooting sports. We both shot in the duelist category. I came in second, he placed (deservedly) first duelist. I know his generosity is not unique within SASS but his generosity is what makes SASS unique. I want to publicly thank Boothill Bandit for giving me a very pleasant day's shooting and letting me save the day rather than driving home calling myself a dummy. With his smokeless loads I was able to see the targets I've been missing. Thanks, Boothill. (And thanks again for the breakfast you bought me a year ago!)

I just wanted to save you the effort of cleaning your rifle with those last five rifle rounds of smokeless. :D I was glad to be able to help a fellow shooter when they needed it. I didn't do anything special. I know there were at least five other shooters that had gear ready and available to help you in your time of distress. I just happened to be there first. Cowboy Action Shooting is the only shooting sport I know of that folks will trip over themselves to be the first ones to put their gear in your hands to help you out, even if you are in their own category. And that's what makes it so much fun. It just wasn't right to let you go home after driving all that way and not be able to shoot. Glad you stuck around.




It's amazing how us shooters don't want anyone to go home without shooting no matter what! Sometimes it takes multiple shooters to get the right stuff to the pard in trouble. But it gets done. I don't think there's any other sport that goes out of the way for fellow shooters like this bunch.


Great story Hellgate, hey ya didn't git hooked on smokeless did ya?? :lol: Rye


That is one of the big things that attracted me to this sport over the non-CAS shooting disciplines (which I still enjoy, but for different reasons)


Another big difference for me is that I would not have headed home after realising I forgot my gear. I would have hung around, watched, scored, picked the brass and run the timer, just because the whole day is a hoot for me, shooting or not (I am new enough to remember those shoots where I just came out to watch before plucking up the courage to shoot!)


The company and the banter is as big a part of the day as the shooting for me. Bigger, if you think about it, since I only spend about 3-4 minutes actually shooting!


I had a similar experience at Come and Take It yesterday with the Green Mountain Regulators. Despite being the checklist demon I am as an old pilot, I got off without my 45 Colt match ammo. I had two stage strips loaded and some spare rounds, but was about 15 rounds short. Snake River Rufus stepped up and gave me a box of 50 of his hand loads that were loaded with the same 200 grain RNFPs I use. Enabled me to finish the match and get my one stinking miss on stage 6!


Thanks, Rufus! I got all your brass back and will have it with me until I shoot with you again.


Oh, I was gonna hang out and help, maybe even RO a few. But I still would have eventually slunk home calling myself a dummie and wondering if I was losing it.


I've done the same for others by loaning a rifle or shotgun or spare ammo.


Did I get hooked on smokeless?

Yeah, it is a little different to actually see the bullet hit behind the target :>( but not interesting enough to lure me from the Dark Side. Bandit's two spare suppository shooters( 'cause cartridge revolvers all load from the rear) were sure nice and easy to cock & shoot compared to my perCUSSIN' guns (that load from the front). I can see going smokeless if I could not obtain or transport Holy Black to some out of state shoot or foreign country.


I went to a match 'bout 8 years ago with .38 guns and .45 ammo... a shooter whom I had only shot with maybe once, Judge Injury, shared his Colts (probably 1st gen, knowing him) and rifle with me so I didn't have to sit it out. It was a small turnout, only a dozen or so shooters, and I placed 1st overall... with borrowed guns... the one and only 1st overall I've ever had at a match. I've shot with him and his son, Kid Payback, many, many times since, and they are definitely "pards to ride the river with".


just a few examples why I truly love this game we play....stories such as these are plentiful...

I got off without my 45 Colt match ammo

Me too! First match this month. I shoot Frontiersman and center fire rounds for the rifle was the farthest thought in my mind.

Posse member gave me 50 Colt 45's. Have a box of 100 for him at next month's match as a Thank Your for my stupid forgetfulness


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