Pee Wee #15785 Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 If state matches and above can have category's not recognized by SASS when will they start to let non SASS members shoot the match? I thought that all state and above was SASS Rules.
Anvil Al #59168 Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 when will they start to let non SASS members shoot the match? I hope never. If ya want some of the milk. Ya need to help pay for the cow.
Blackwater 53393 Posted December 15, 2010 Posted December 15, 2010 State and even regional matches are given latitude by S.A.S.S. to experiment. Don't think for a minute that the W.B. and such don't look at what goes on at the state level. I don't always agree with the Wild Bunch as many here and out in the real world will testify, but they do look and they are pretty savy when it comes to the bigger picture. Most of our recent category additions are a direct result of the experimentation that has gone on at state and regional matches. What starts as a grass roots idea at the club level and makes it consistantly to the state and regional level will almost certainly be adopted by S.A.S.S.. In the case of FCGF it's on the cusp. I hope it's gonna' happen soon. Then maybe Outlaw down the road. And yeah if you wanna' drink the milk you gotsta' feed the cow!!
twelve mile REB Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 I guess it could be a cash cow. Just don't think those boys are getting rich on your dues. Besides if you join any other group, club or organization you pay dues this is just the same. Like my Grandma used to say "if your going to dance ya got to pay the fiddler" Just the view from this side of the river. 12
Pee Wee #15785 Posted December 16, 2010 Author Posted December 16, 2010 Been shooting under SASS rules for years, not wanting to be bad mouthing anyone. I just think that if the match is SASS then the rules should be followed. I know that things get done different at local matches as most use the SASS rules as a guide. This is where you can experiment. At state and above should be shot under the SASS rules, if not in the rules it isn't done. It would be like at the local shoot you could shoot your Cooper Navy double action and since several of the local shoots allows it . If one of the local clubs is putting on the state where they were shooting the Cooper decides to have a category for the Cooper. Not right just as it isn't right to shoot in a category not part of SASS.
Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217 Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 Hi Pee Wee, Range safety rules sometimes trump SASS Rules. It is up to the Wild Bunch (WB) to determine whether they can live with those exceptions. For example, at some clubs shooting a round over the berm is a MDQ; it is not in the SASS Rules. At Badlands Bar 3 (SW Regional) you may not load your SG on the move; SASS rules allow it. It is my understanding that the WB encourages experimentation with additional categories. They would rather see that than have them be SASS official categories until sufficient numbers participate in the category. The first new category after I started shooting was 49er. It quickly became one of the largest categories. I don't have any problem with adding locally-popular categories (FCGF for example). What I don't like is collapsing official SASS categories, especially when it places the person whose category was collapsed in a category where they are at a disadvantage. I agree that State and above matches should not have categories that use guns that are not SASS-legal main match guns. All of the new categories since I started require SASS-legal guns. Also, I thought that State and above matches must sign a contract with SASS agreeing with certain policies. I don't know any details about it though. It has been a long standing policy that to compete in State and above matches, one must be a SASS member. I don't see that changing. For real answers (not just opinions), you might contact Hipshot or Coyote Calhoun using this Webpage, Regards, Allie Mo
irish ike, SASS #43615 Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 Many experiment with catagory additions like Wild Bunch and right now Frontier or BP Gunfighter. I believe thats how B Western and Classic Cowoy made its way in. They shot the new catagories using SASS rules but needed to come up with the variations needed for the experimental Catagory. Another place is the side matches. They have no effect on the main match, but allow some ability to experiment. In my area we have created two catagories for Plainsman and have added Military and Open to Wild Bunch. We also shoot a stage called Master Gunfighter that uses 10 guns. 2 cartridge revolvers, 2 cap and ball, 1 main match pistol caliber rifle, a single shot rifle caliber, 97 or 87 shotgun, a SXS shotgun, a belly gun, and a lever action rifle caliber rifle. I guess the idea is to provide some flexibility and more ways to shoot more guns to make more people happy. Ike
Gold Canyon Kid #43974 Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 If you don't feel strongly enough about the sport to pay your dues, why should you be allowed to shoot in a big shoot like a state championship match?
Greeenriver SASS #38681 Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 If state matches and above can have category's not recognized by SASS when will they start to let non SASS members shoot the match? I thought that all state and above was SASS Rules. I think that State and above Shoots sanctioned by SASS are Championship matches, and as such, a person would have to be a SASS member to be compete there for a catagory or overall win recognisition. You cannot compete for a NASCAR Championship if you are not a member of NASCAR, or any other orginised sport I'm aware of. SASS is the same thing, an organised sport. State and above matches are where SASS finds out if there is enough following for new catagories. Firearms used are SASS legal firearms as far as I know. Never seen a State or above match allow non-legal firearms, but that's not to say it hasn't happened, I can only state what I've seen. Just my thinking on this, but it makes sence to me, (Now, that's scarry!!!) Merry Christmass and Happy New Year to all. Greeenriver
Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 If you don't feel strongly enough about the sport to pay your dues, why should you be allowed to shoot in a big shoot like a state championship match? .... I gotta ask tha same question
Greeenriver SASS #38681 Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 I see your SASS number is 15785. To me, that indicates that you are a long time member and are asking a simple question for information and discussion, or have droped out of SASS and are wondering if it's worth the dues to rejoin. How close am I to the reason of this post?? Did I guess even close??? Merry Christmass and Happy New Year to all. Greeenriver
Snakebite Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 They do follow the rules. There are no rules against adding catagories on your own.... in fact, it is incouraged. They will never allow non SASS shooters to shoot those events. Snakebite
Mustang Gregg Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 I usually get on the "NO MORE CATEGORIES" side of the gate. But I'll loosen up a might today. My two clubs won't be hosting a state SASS match soon, so we won't have to foot the bill for additional trophies. But at our monthly shoots (no prizes---only an scoresheet emailed out), we have additional categories for some shooters who can't shoot the shotgun or only have one six-shooter, or whatever. But I really hope it never goes to letting non-SASS members shoot at a state SASS match. Merry Christmas, Pards! Mustang Gregg, TG
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