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Abilene Slim SASS 81783

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Everything posted by Abilene Slim SASS 81783

  1. No. We found the Garden Weasel nut picker uppers ineffective.
  2. That’s how it worked in my case. Mine was a CC modified gun without any external markings. The jeweling, signature and stamping on the receiver came with race package. Cap even asked my permission to add the markings.
  3. here’s a pic of my Coyote Cap ‘87. I bought it 2010 and it had a basic drop 2 mod, but it was easy to push past the detent in mag plug. Still, it was much better than box stock. Cap offered a “race ready” package that made the drop two more positive, but still allows stoking the magazine. It also keeps the action fully open for loading, where the other tended to partially close when handled. With the race package, he also jeweled the bolt and added his serial number & signature. I had him do this mod around 2011. It’s a great ’87.
  4. That illustrates my first marriage. I just didn’t know it at the time…
  5. Did your rifle look like this? This is my Mossberg .22 made for military training. That’s a 6-round detachable mag just ahead of the trigger guard
  6. Pic is reversed for some reason. That’s quite a contraption.
  7. I don’t care who you are, that’s funny right there.
  8. Thanks. Like I said, I’m old. Cultural jokes & references are becoming increasingly foreign to me.
  9. Crayola crayons…Marines..? OK, I’m old.
  10. I don’t care who you are, that’s funny right there. And true…
  11. In this country, Kix was/is a kid’s breakfast cereal.
  12. Looks like it’s in a war-torn and/or impoverished locale. Doing what they can with what’s available.
  13. Not tracking on this one. I’m afraid I need it explained.
  14. Yup. It’s a unique and unforgettable aroma - especially on a hot day.
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