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Jackaroo, # 29989

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Everything posted by Jackaroo, # 29989

  1. You're a tough cowboy Eddie, I'm sure you'll pull through mate. In the meantime, prayers up buddy. from Jack N Kat down under.
  2. Trail Boss is being manufactured now, be on the lookout for it or better still just go and place a back order with your dealer, you'll eventually get it. Back orders here down under are slowly being filled.
  3. Agree, I've used it, (when we could get it) ever since it came out. 2.9 grains with a 125 bullet for pistol and same charge for rifle but a 158 TC bullet. Never ever had an issue, have never used a powder check thing. I'd say you got a problem with your loader. It's not the powder.
  4. No all good mate. Here's the Oz one not much to show.
  5. Works out to be about 35 grains of 3F 245 gn bullet. overall length 2.5"
  6. Thanks for that Cowtown, I'll have a go. Yep worked fine, OP updated. Thank you,
  7. Would love to, you can see and read about our adventures on Facebook under that same name.
  8. In our Adventures with Jack n Kat we did 34 states. But I don't know to get that map up, if I can get a link I'll put 'em up. In the mean time here is a road map. Over 100000kms Not bad for a couple of Aussies. Just busy making a frame for it, we saved most of our shoot badges for the surrounds but couldn't get them all on. Black are road trips, red are flying trips. So those on the map plus New Zealand.
  9. Easiest to just fit them on to the site , THEN file from the top down to the original blade. Worked for me.
  10. Fitted one to my Marlin 38.55 such a difference, you'll love it.
  11. LARSON !!! that's not nice, but still funny.
  12. Kathouse Kelli and myself shot with him many times during our stay in OK usa. Great fellow, RIP mate,/ Jack n Kat.
  13. Hi Willie, how ya going,. You want em?

    1. Scrub Oak Willie 53737

      Scrub Oak Willie 53737

      Yes , I'm in N.C. will be home late tomorrow. Can finalize how to do it then,. will be in touch.

    2. Jackaroo, # 29989
  14. Hi Rico,

    I've been advised that you may have a 1887 coyote cap tuned lever shotgun for sale.

    If you have I'd be interested.



    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jackaroo, # 29989

      Jackaroo, # 29989

      Hi Rico, are we still working on this?


    3. RICO, SASS #9760LIFE

      RICO, SASS #9760LIFE

      There are no markings on the hammer of my '87..................


    4. Jackaroo, # 29989

      Jackaroo, # 29989

      OK thanks for the update Rico

      Seems he did not work on it then despite the special edition stamp.

      I'll keep looking, thanks for your patience.

      Kind Regards


  15. Got any pics Boom?

    Is it Cap actioned like I want?

    Many thanks.

  16. Tell me how you want the loot.

    I can Paypal if you have an account or check on the pony.

    Let me know and i'll give an address to send to.



  17. Hey Tomahawk,

    Do you know that Mollys have the SASS man logo they can put on your buckles instead of the crossed pistols.,

    Just ask them in your order you want the SASS man, they can only doing it for SASS cowboy shooting events.


    Jackaroo (back in OZ now)

  18. You going to EOT MM?

    We'll be at CO state shoot then EOT, if'n you can do a $1000.00 for them guns, you'd have a deal.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mudflat Mike, SASS #20904

      Mudflat Mike, SASS #20904

      Actually, I can have 'em delivered at EOT and save you the transfer fees if that works

    3. Jackaroo, # 29989

      Jackaroo, # 29989

      I can do a $1000.00 cash. Do you have someone going to CO state on way to EOT..?

    4. Mudflat Mike, SASS #20904

      Mudflat Mike, SASS #20904

      Sold 'em today, sorry


  19. Hi Smokie,

    Can you send some pics to brtssw@gmail.com or on Messenger please.

    What's your phone number and best time to call?


    1. Smokie, SASS # 6061

      Smokie, SASS # 6061

      I'll send some pictures.




      I'm at home and will be until 3pm

  20. Did you send a check Kid haven't yet r ceived anything?

    1. El Hombre Sin Nombre

      El Hombre Sin Nombre

      I did. Might be delayed because of the holiday? 

    2. Jackaroo, # 29989

      Jackaroo, # 29989

      OK will be on the lookout.

  21. Did you send a check Kid haven't yet r ceived anything?

  22. If they're 38's I'll take them Goldie,

     let me know.

    Maybe you can give them to Cooncan to bring down,she comes down to our practice shoot.

    Can ring me on 903 394 8678

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