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Ethan Cord

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  • SASS #
    124 Life Regulator
  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Cajon Cowboys, Double R Bar, Brimstone Pistoleros, Dammit Gang

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Southern California
  • Interests
    Crazy Cora,
    My grand daughter,
    Outdoor Cooking,
    Muscle Cars,
    WWII aircraft

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Ethan Cord's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. Hi Whitewater Dave, if you still have these I am looking for a set. How much do you want for these dies shipped to 92583? Thanks, Ethan
  2. Hi Doc, I’ll take these if they are still available. PM with payment info please. Ethan
  3. I called Ruger and asked if they will sell hammers to C&R FFL holders. The female Ruger representative I spoke with stated “a C&R is not a real FFL” and that “Ruger will not sell parts to C&R FFL holders”. She said to contact a Ruger dealer and have them order the parts.
  4. Did you sell the 458 Win Mag brass and Bullets?

    1. Ethan Cord

      Ethan Cord

      Yes I did. I have a set of RCBS dies if you need some.

    2. Marshal TKD, Sass # 36984L

      Marshal TKD, Sass # 36984L

      I have dies, in need of brass.



  5. Pay attention to Widder's advice here! I have a story about the first .454 Casull loads I made for a bear hunt that did not have enough crimp on the bullets... When the bullets back out and lock up the cylinder when you fire the first round I hope you are wearing brown pants. For some strange reason, bears are not willing to stand by whilst you try to "unstick" your revolver to take another shot at them. And Freedom Arms revolvers do not disassemble as easily as a Colt SAA or Ruger single action.
  6. I purchased a Ruger Bisley model in 45 Colt in the 90's and called and spoke with John Linebaugh about his conversions after reading Ross Seyfreid's articles about the .475 Linebaugh in Guns & Ammo. Not long after that I picked up a screaming deal on a Freedom Arms Model 83 in .454 Casull, so I never had John do a conversion for me. He definitely would have been the guy I used if i would have pursued the work.
  7. Howdy pards, I am looking for a couple of Stainless Steel Ruger Super Blackhawk Hammers. Please let me know what you have and price shipped to ZIP Code 92583. Thanks! Ethan
  8. Reb, I could not upload photos via PM. Here is the brass, bullets and ammo I have. Ethan
  9. Ok, I'll buy all of them and give it a try. Please PM payment info to me.
  10. PM sent. I have RCBS dies, brass, bullets, etc.
  11. Texas Maverick, Which press do you load with? I use Dillon 550s. I not sure if the bullet feeder will work on a 550. Thanks.
  12. CarbineCasey, I have all the items in the pictures boxed up and ready to ship to you. Feel free to share anything you don't need with others. Please PM your current shipping address to me. I am very glad to hear how well your daughter is doing, that is so awesome! Our second granddaughter is due in the second week of December. We are super excited!! I appreciate you my friend. Ethan
  13. CC, let me know if any of this stuff works for you. Ethan
  14. You cannot view this product without joining a mailing list. Last thing I need is more emails.
  15. Howdy amigo, I have a collection of holsters, speed loaders, etc. in a box in the garage that will fit your model 36. Some items are new, some are used, but all are in good shape. PM me the address you would like me to ship them to. I hope all is well for you and your daughter. Ethan
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