I picked up one of these up for a Grant a few weeks back. It's missing the firing pin, spring and screw. I am trying to find someone has one and could post pics of these missing parts. My friend is a machinist and can easily replicate the firing pin with dimensions.
Spent the day with him yesterday, mostly in the shop.
He performed an amputation on my 16 gauge Swedish Hammer gun to make it into a coach gun that any stagecoach shotgun rider would be proud of.
Gonna be my "fun-gun" with brass shotshells & black powder (naturally).
Was a good off-season day!
--Prairie (what's ridin' shotgun) Dawg
Red Cent
I believe what is being referred to is the a lot of us have location posted and it shows up on the left side under the member info. Yours does not. it appears at the bottom in the quotes area.
There is much to be said for gunsmiths with history and credentials. I know of several who are top shelf, some of which are not as well known outside of their local range, but still top flight!!
Talk to folks you know and trust who have had similar work done!
replace battery first. these things sometimes sit for long periods and they ship with cheap batteries. make sure you read instructions of distance to sight. I volunteer as range officer at my club and I regularly send people to 25 yard range to start. they argue it was bore sighted at dealer but they shoot and will be off at 25 yards by 12 inches.