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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2016 in all areas

  1. My daughter is coming home for Christmas so I thought I better wash the floors. My floors are tile and I don't think I've done anything to them for two or three years. After all, the Romans had tile floors and I don't ever recall reading anything about them washing them. Well, first off I kept running into #8 shot all over the house. Amazing how that stuff migrates. Have no idea how it gets from the gun room to the kitchen, but they were there. As I kept scrubbing what I thought was the pattern in the tile started coming off. Cheap tile? As I moved from room to room I started seeing little streaks that looked like spots I had missed. Like a cat chaseing a laser pointer I was on them. Finally figured out it was the sun shinning through the Venetian blinds onto the newly glossy floor. Don't know if I like the glossy look. Sorta like the fanatics who polish the receivers on their 66s when everyone knows you should shoot BP through them and let them turn a natural mustard color. The things we do for Christmas!
    1 point
  2. For the last month I've been photographing and doing the individual gun write-ups for a Bic Graphics calendar that will feature a dozen antique firearms. I thought you might like to see some of the photographs from the session.
    1 point
  3. >>>>. Today's Lesson in American History <<<<< The two most important events in all of history were the 'invention of beer' and the 'invention of the wheel.' Beer required grain and that was the beginning of agriculture. Neither the glass bottle nor aluminum can were invented yet, so while our early humans were sitting around waiting for them to be invented, they just stayed close to the brewery. That's how villages were formed. The wheel was invented to get man to the beer and vice versa. These two were the foundation of modern civilization and together were the catalyst for the splitting of humanity into two distinct subgroups: 1. Liberals 2. Conservatives Some men spent their days tracking and killing animals to BBQ at night while they were drinking beer. This was the beginning of what is known as the 'conservative movement.' Other men who were less skilled at hunting (called 'vegetarians' which was an early human word meaning 'bad hunter') learned to live off the Conservatives by showing up for the nightly BBQ's and doing the sewing, fetching, and hairdressing. This was the beginning of the 'liberal movement.' Some of these liberal men evolved into women. Others became known as 'girlie-men.' Some noteworthy liberal achievements include the domestication of cats, the invention of group therapy, group hugs, and the concept of democratic voting to decide how to divide the meat and beer that Conservatives provided. Over the years Conservatives came to be symbolized by the largest, most powerful land animal on earth, the elephant. Liberals are symbolized by the jackass for obvious reasons. Modern Liberals like 'light beer' (with lime added), but most prefer white wine or imported bottled water. They eat raw fish but like their beef well done. Sushi, tofu, and French food are standard liberal fare. Another interesting evolutionary side note: Many liberal women have higher testosterone levels than their men. Most college professors, social workers, personal injury attorneys, journalists, film makers in Hollywood, group therapists and community organizers are liberals. Liberals meddled in our national pastime and invented the 'designated hitter' rule because it wasn't fair to make the pitcher also bat. Conservatives drink real beer. They eat red meat and still provide for their women. Conservatives are members of the military, big game hunters, rodeo cowboys, lumberjacks, construction workers, firemen, medical doctors, police officers, engineers, corporate executives, athletes, airline pilots, and generally anyone who works productively. Conservatives who own companies hire other Conservatives who want to work for a living. Liberals produce little or nothing. They like to govern the producers and decide what to do with the production. Liberals believe Europeans are more enlightened than Americans. That is why most of the liberals remained in Europe when Conservatives were coming to America. They crept in after the 'wild west' was tamed and created a business of trying to get more for nothing. This ends today's lesson in world history. It should be noted that a liberal may have a momentary urge to angrily respond to this post. A Conservative will simply laugh and be so convinced of the absolute truth of this history that it will be shared immediately to other true believers and to just piss-off more Liberals. And there you have it. Let your next action reveal your true self, I'm going to grab a few beers and grill some steaks! Merry Christmas, One and All..!!! AND, Happy New Year!!
    1 point
  4. My mistake I did not realize there were two different shooting disciplines. I purposely did not use the rules on BPCR.net because there is no date stating when they were last updated. The rule book on the NRA site was revised in March 2016 Link to the correct discipline rule book NRA Rifle Silhouette Rules. Section 3 covers Equipment. 3.4 is BPCR
    1 point
  5. Yeah, I keep in my rolodex next to the "Vega and Pinto Mechanics".
    1 point
  6. Corn Gratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Calloway, and thank you for setting a fine example! Well done, the both of you!
    1 point
  7. Just an abomination.............fill er full of holy black, seat the bullet and get to shooting!!!
    1 point
  8. I shot my new tifle today. Man is it sweet. I shot some cowboy loads and some different jacketed factory rounds including the Leverevoltion rounds and this gun is more accurate than i am with all of them. The faster loads hit point of aim. The cowboy loads shot a little high but nice tight groups! I have a definite keeper on my hands :-) Thanks for the powder advice. Looks I wil be getting out my cookbooks...yeehaw!
    1 point
  9. if there is no cylnder shake and the lockup is good hammer trigger cylender operates smouthly barrel is clean i would go probably as high as 500. other than the 686 these are the best revolvers made by S&W. i have both and also been to the s&w armorer schools. my price would be out the door
    1 point
  10. Interesting topic,with some good thoughts being shared. The match director side of me recognizes that we are in the entertainment business. I am all for recognizing as many shooters as a mach sees fit to. How a shooter chooses to feel about their own accomplishments is up to them. Recently at a board meeting for our state match the question was posed would shooters rather see a smaller amount of buckles awarded but make the buckles higher quality or more buckles making them not as "fancy" due to cost, the first reaction was higher quality buckles but stick with more of them LOL. It seems a lot of our shooters sport wide like lots of awards given. As Four Bucks pointed out what does it really matter. The core of this game is meeting individual goals and self satisfaction, because in the end there really is not anything else. Not to switch subjects but I always scratch my head when people talk about all that shooters have sacrificed to be successful in this game. Sacrifice is something that a soldier does,something a LEO or Fireman does, or even a Mom and Dad, not someone who chose to dryfire more than the next guy. I can speak with 100% certainty that the biggest award you will receive comes from within knowing that for that particular few days you happened to put together a match that got you to your finish. If you are expecting more you will be disappointed. Probably not a popular view but hey I've been there before. It's the contributions that folks make on and off the range that labels champions. Anyway thats the view from this old busted up soon to be wranglers saddle LOL.
    1 point
  11. Because there is no way that you would ever dream this stuff up on your own! LL
    1 point
  12. I like you more and more 4 Bucks!!! I am not a 'great shooter', probably because I am not competitive. Some feel I get 'participation awards' But....let me tell ya... I cast my own bulletts, load my own ammo, shot shells included... I clean my own guns also. I volunteer at matches...I work on my posse.... Where exactly does that fit in the thinking? I have improved my times...that is my game.
    1 point
  13. At my club, the Illowa irregulars, a poker chip is awarded to the winner of each category if there was any competition. You have to beat somebody to get a chip. Everyone seems to enjoy the announcements as each winner is announced. Chancy Shot - First Place FCGF --- No chip Someday I will beat somebody. Chancy
    1 point
  14. GREAT depth perception there. Didn't even fold his mirrors in. Hats off for a great job !
    1 point
  15. HE's so close I bet some of his paint rubbed off on the shadow..... ..........Widder
    1 point
  16. I am pro death penalty. The problem is that, in too many cases, an agressive DA pushed for the death penalty without enough evidence. A jury was convinced of guilt, but a DA focused more on his or her reputation than the truth leading to a questionable conviction. Then it is like a hair in a biscuit: one is enough to cause doubt for the whole system. The death penalty should require witness and indisputable evidence. Set the bar very high but then allows a judicial review that takes no more than 30 days and then the sentence is carried out within a few weeks. Then the dp would be the deterent that it should be.
    1 point
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