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Our Alexa is feeling the Blues

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Ann asked our Alexa how she was feeling this morning.
She responded by singing.




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Years ago...


 I had never heard of Alexa.  Riding in the car with my wife, daughter and son-in- law, my daughter was asking Alexa (on her phone) for driving directions.  She handed me the phone, saying "Try it Dad.  She will talk to you."


So I took the phone and said, "Alexa, talk dirty to me."


Alexa said, "Vacuum cleaner."


They thought it was funny.  I was disappointed.

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I ran across a video of a little girl running around talking to Alexa. Her mom says,  "We don't have Alexa.". Girl replied,  "I know. She's my imaginary friend.":unsure:

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My daughter & son-in-law have Googlefied their entire house. I was staying with them and going to work while my wife stayed in Oregon until our house sold.

Anyway, One day they weren’t home and I said “Alexa, play some heavy metal.”

A second or two later this garbage music comes pouring out of the speakers. 
I said “Alexa, I asked for heavy metal. Not garbage.”

Alexa says back “Heavy metal. A genre of hard core rock & roll music. It’s origins are vague but most likely it…”

”Alexa! I want to hear Heavy Metal music!”

Garbage music began pouring from the speakers. (I consider stuffing a microphone in your mouth and grunting a lot to guitars and drums “garbage music”

”Alexa Stop.”

Music stopped. 
“Alexa play some heavy metal music.”




”Alexa, go (blank) yourself”

Alexa answered…



I laughed so hard I had tears streaming down my cheeks. 
Try as I might I couldn’t get Alexa to say that again. 

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1 hour ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

I don’t have Alexa. I do have Siri but have not spoken to her in years.

Same here. 

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Had a Ford F150 that had a bunch of rocker switches inside the steering wheel.  I'd bump one every so often and a voice would ask me for a command.  I'd reply,  "Shutup!". It would come back with,  "I don't understand your command,  please rephrase you question."

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I asked Siri what she was wearing, she said “ I don’t have a body” :lol:



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Every once in a while, I accidentally activate Siri, at which time I usually utter something not repeatable in polite company.


Siri usually responds with, “I won’t respond to that!” to which I usually reply with “You just did!”

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