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Ruger Marlin 1894 in 38/357

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We had a 44 Magnum come through the shop a couple weeks ago, and was snatched up quickly. Bluing was flawless, wood was well finished with good checkering and wood to metal fit was perfect. Action was very smoothwith a crisp but slightly heavy pull, so unless you were really scrutinizing, you probably wouldn't notice it in the field. Overall, an excellent rifle, old John Marlin would be very pleased with it.


I would think there are enough real Marlin 1894s in 38/357 to cover off needs for cowboy action shooting for years to come. Mary's got two Cowboys - one 20" and one 24" - I have an 1894c.  


I held a .357 version a couple days ago. I couldn't cycle it but fit, finish and wood quality were excellent. Nicest Marlin I ever held, I do believe.


The local Scheels got two of the 44 magnum Marlins in several months ago and they still have them even though for two weeks they had them sale priced at $899. Both rifles were very well put together, fit and finished and bluing is outstanding. I have no doubt the smaller caliber rifle will be the same.



I would spring for the 1894 in 44 mag, if it came with octagonal barrel.


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