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Well, I know what I will NOT be cooking for dinner!  :huh:


Snapped this picture at the supermarket.  Hm... and here I thought them misc's wuz endangered!  :rolleyes:



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8 hours ago, Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967 said:

Well, I know what I will NOT be cooking for dinner!  :huh:


Snapped this picture at the supermarket.  Hm... and here I thought them misc's wuz endangered!  :rolleyes:



That looks just NASTY!

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1 hour ago, Gungadin said:


Bet the people on food stamps aren't buying it.....


Pay up!  Because that's a bet you lost. 


Other than occasional "o such a deal specials" the only meat I buy is stuff like that and "Managers Special."


Don't bother to post the image of that ONE example that's been going around the Internet for 20 years showing lobster and fancy steak.


Yeah, a tiny percentage will abuse the system, just like there is a tiny percentage of bad cops.  Most buy lots of stuff on clearance racks, pasta, cheap red sauce, rice, and legumes.  

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The first time I had any experience with food stamps whatsoever. Summer of 1973. My first job - bagboy. Back then you had to separate the groceries from the non groceries. So this woman comes up and she's got a bunch of groceries and a 5 lb sack of Purina dog chow. Cashier tells her that she cannot buy dog food with food stamps, so she picks up the dog food and walks away and comes back with a 3 lb package of hamburger.

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17 minutes ago, Alpo said:

Purina dog chow. Cashier tells her that she cannot buy dog food with food stamps, so she picks up the dog food and walks away and comes back with a 3 lb package of hamburger.


People on food stamps have pets that need to be fed.  She was using the system. 


Once I could have bought a rotisserie chicken, end of day, for two bucks.  But because it was "ready to eat" food stamps didn't cover it.  But I could use them to buy a $7 raw chicken of about the same size.

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In the seventies they had 50¢ food stamps. The stamps has to be torn out in front of the cashier. If they were loose, they were no good. The only legal loose stamps were 50 centers. That's what you got in change. If your change was less than 50¢ you got money.


By the eighties the 50¢ had gone away. Smallest stamp was $1. And it could be loose.


I'm working this store one day, and a car pulls up. Little girl gets out and comes in. Gets an individual bag of chips (40¢), and pays with a $1 stamp. Gets 60¢ change. Goes gets back in the car. Little boy gets out, comes in gets a candy bar (35¢), and pays with a $1 stamp. Gets 65¢ change, goes out gets back in car.  Man gets out, comes in buys pack of cigarettes ($1.10), pays with handful of change.


I do believe he used food stamps to buy cigarettes.

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23 minutes ago, Subdeacon Joe said:


Pay up!  Because that's a bet you lost. 


Other than occasional "o such a deal specials" the only meat I buy is stuff like that and "Managers Special."


Don't bother to post the image of that ONE example that's been going around the Internet for 20 years showing lobster and fancy steak.


Yeah, a tiny percentage will abuse the system, just like there is a tiny percentage of bad cops.  Most buy lots of stuff on clearance racks, pasta, cheap red sauce, rice, and legumes.  


I beg to differ. I've seen EDT/SNAP cards used for many "luxury" type items. Lobster, crab, shrimp, prime rib, t-bones/steak, expensive fish fillets and the like are among the "luxury" items that I've seen the cards used for. I'd say that I witness it about one out of every ten times (10%) that I go to the grocery store. I also personally am aware of at least 3 people that receive SNAP benefits that have no business whatsoever receiving them. Selling the SNAP benefits is also a thriving business from what I understand. Don't know how that works, but it evidently happens on a regular basis according to the State of Florida.


Don't get me wrong, I know that most of the people that receive SNAP benefits truly need it however there are that many that don't.

I personally think that there so be some limitations on the type of food that SNAP benefits should be able to purchase. Be even better if there were dedicated SNAP benefit stores with the foods that the cards could purchase, no more extravagant taxpayer funded meals.

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In the early aughts I was working at the airport. Ed was in QA. Wasn't making as much as me, but doing good for around here. Had four girls, one in college. Living in a 3 bedroom apartment, driving a crapped out piece of junk.


We got a new contract. After six months the customer was happy, and we were told there was enough work to last ten years.


Ed's twins graduated, and now he had three girls in college. Bought a chunk of land up in the Sandhills, put in a septic tank and a double wide. Gave up the apartment, sold the clunker and bought a new pickup.


Six months later we lost the contract and everyone was laid off.


Max unemployment in Florida is 1100 a month. Can't pay mortgage and truck payment on that, let alone buy food. So he went on food stamps.


Ed's Hawaiian. Polynesian men have a tendency to bulk.


So we have this big fat guy driving a new truck, using food stamps.


I'm sure he got a bunch of dirty looks, and maybe a few comments.

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16 minutes ago, Cypress Sun said:

Selling the SNAP benefits is also a thriving business from what I understand


Which is illegal.


I stand by my condemnation of the blanket statement that nobody on food stamps would buy meat like that.


Your guestimate that fully 10% of people using EBT for what you consider luxury foods....do you know their entire situation?  Maybe they scrimped and ate, or will eat, lots of legumes, pasta, and rice for month so they can have one special meal for an anniversary or something.  Right now Safeway is running a special on 2lb. bags of frozen shrimp, buy one get one free.  High quality protein, and very filling, and can be stretched quite a bit with food bank goods.


I just get sick of the assumptions that virtually all people on food stamps abuse them, that they are somehow subhuman, and should be limited to beans, rice, and oatmeal.

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Sorry I hit a nerve, I must learn you can't say anything without insulting someone.  I didn't say 'all' and I have 'paid up' and I have waited 40 minutes behind a mom and daughter using multiple WIC cards and sorting stuff that can and can't pass and I saw what they bought and I know they will forever be poor because of their behavior.  And it wasn't my only such experience.


I don't use 'always' and 'never' and I do buy discount stuff because I'm overtaxed and taking care of those that vote for a living.


That being said it is Thanksgiving and we are all blessed.  We could be in Israel or the Gaza Strip and have elected Hamas in the last election 8+ years ago.  So yes, I should quit whining.  

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2 minutes ago, Subdeacon Joe said:


Which is illegal.


I stand by my condemnation of the blanket statement that nobody on food stamps would buy meat like that.


Your guestimate that fully 10% of people using EBT for what you consider luxury foods....do you know their entire situation?  Maybe they scrimped and ate, or will eat, lots of legumes, pasta, and rice for month so they can have one special meal for an anniversary or something.  Right now Safeway is running a special on 2lb. bags of frozen shrimp, buy one get one free.  High quality protein, and very filling, and can be stretched quite a bit with food bank goods.


I just get sick of the assumptions that virtually all people on food stamps abuse them, that they are somehow subhuman, and should be limited to beans, rice, and oatmeal.


Nope, don't know their situation. All I know is that they are using their EBT cards for expensive foods...while they have two or three kids in tow. Are those kids going to be the ones eating that crab and shrimp? I doubt it. All I can go by is what I personally witness them buy and what they use to pay for it with...expensive food and EBT cards. 


If you read my previous post, I did state that most of the EBT recipients are indeed needing assistance. It's the few that abuse the system that puts the entire system in an unfavorable light.


As far as food banks, I've been watching the news and their coverage of food bank give aways for Thanksgiving...and the lines of medium to high(er) end vehicles filled with people talking on their cell phones and a few smoking cigarettes. Just pull up, get your turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes, green beans, etc., with no qualifiers.

If one really wants to witness the "abuse of the system", go watch a food bank (or the like) food give away or even worse, a Toys for Tots give away. Just watch the recipients' drive up in newer vehicles, some smoking cigarettes, staring at their cell phones, drinking their Starbucks coffee, pick up the free items and drive off. I have witnessed it first hand multiple times, makes me sick to think that there are people and kids that truly need help but don't receive it because it has all been given away to people that really didn't need the help.

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