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Almost Missed It! Happy Birthday....

Subdeacon Joe

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A Seabee road building crew saved my bacon (and my convoy) north of Phan Rang (or Phan Thiet: I never could remember which was which) in March of 1969.  (Screwed that up, didn't ya Taylor?)


A D-7 Cat with a Rome plow makes a pretty good substitute for a tank.  Two of them and three 3/4 ton trucks filled with Seabees and shooting irons looking for a fight sure gave Charlie a start.


Thanks, guys and happy birthday.

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Thank You!!!   We throw a pretty good party afterwards too      GW

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18 hours ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

A Seabee road building crew saved my bacon (and my convoy) north of Phan Rang (or Phan Thiet: I never could remember which was which) in March of 1979.


Did you by chance mean 1969? Or were you still kicking ass long after everyone else got out of there? :huh:

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