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Midway movie question

Trigger Mike

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No sex or nudity. Very minimal language; nothing like so many contemporary flics. Recall one 'f-ck yourself' by the guy tossed overboard by the Japanese and no doubt a few damns. That's it.


Violence it goes without saying, but not overdone, considering it's a war movie. But it's there, including burning and charred bodies.


I'd probably take a 13-year-old, but not younger in my view. And I'd give him a heads-up.


If your 10 year old hasn't heard those words before, then their usage shouldn't mean anything to him.


I ain't saying that my teaching methods to my daughter were the best in the world, but when she got

in school early on, I told her there were words some people use that WE (our family) didn't use in

our conversations and if she ever had a question about any of them, just ask us.


I also told her to be VERY cautious in using words that she had never heard US (Mom and Dad) use.


10 years old just might be a good age to start helping your child understand some new words that

are NOT acceptable by Your family.


And the Movie 'Midway' could be a very good flick that might help them check out some

WWII facts.

They'll have an opportunity to hear about PH, bombing of Tokyo, and Midway.

PLUS, their interest will probably peak to learn something about Battleships and AC carriers.


AND, Patton wasn't the only 'Blood & Guts' officer in our military.   The Navy, Marines and Air Force

also had some tough SOB's that played important roles in WWII.


Good Luck.





If you get your kids interested in history at all they'll be doing better than most other kids who only seem interested in what's on MTV. It might be worth the risk of hearing an F-bomb or two.


Gratuitous violence I would worry about. Violence in a historical context is a teaching moment. As others stated language is easy to discuss and the earlier they learn the better. 




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