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My Wire...so Sad

Jim No Horse

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I have followed the recent posts that seem so divisive. The war of northern  aggression, ending slavery, states rights, succession, freedom of speech, freedom of passage, basic human dignity. The war was and still is to many people, all these things. I do not pretend to know what is in your heart


I come from a family steeped in this lore. The columns still stand in Beaufort where the house was burned away those long sad years ago, by Union calvary. My mothers side of our family.


In Cheneyville Louisiana, growing up, the iron rings were still in the walls of the church where slaves were chained to hear the word of god. I still remember the 'colored only' bathrooms and water fountains of my youth. The 'War' had been over for 100 years when these daily injustices were taking place.

The Ford family owned a slave that escaped named Solomon. He went on to write a book, Twelve Years a Slave. When the movie came out I got a call from a cousin who was concerned how it would make the family 'look'. I told him there was just no way to put a good spin on owning human beings. My fathers side of the family.


Family gatherings are full of the 'what ifs' concerning the war. The war is long over but the tragic loss of 700,000 young men and boys still haunts me. The murder and rapes of families on both sides is appalling. Honor...where is honor in all this mahyem and blood?


When I was so sick all I wanted was my wife by my side, to hug my granddaughter,  who lives in California,  and to strap on my leather again and hear that beep that makes my heart race. To be with the cowboys I have grown to love. To play this game again. The game we all love. I lived on the Wire trapped in bed on and off for weeks at a time for well over a year. The Wire became my lifeline. It is sad to see threads digress into nothing but bickering cloaked in the mantle of free speach. Life is so so precious. And so short and fragile. I do not pretend to know what is in your hearts. Hug your families...love your friends and laugh often!!!


I did not post this thread to create a forum for more divisive commentary. Our moderators do a thankless and admirable  job. Please lock this up if it goes sideways.


I do not know what is in your hearts but you now know what is in mine. God bless...Jim No Horse 





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Years ago I left SASS for a while. I will not go into all the reasons why but I will say that certain folks' attitudes, odd trends in new member attitudes and a serious lack of the Cowboy Way (in my perception) here on the Wire was a big reason. While I was not participating in CAS I would often pop in on the Wire as a "guest" lurker and read posts. Often I would do a search on a gun or a cartridge that would take me to a post or a thread here on the Wire and I would read posts from folks I once knew and folks I had never heard of. The thing that kind of dawned on me one day after returning to SASS was that things ebb and flow here on the Wire and not just the Wire forum but also in the Saloon. That "ebb and flow" would be more like, now I am having  heard time explaining in words what I think so bear with me here....Well, it would be more like how a large family functions. There are good times, bad times, people with troubles and people with no troubles and often all at the same time, just like a family. You have the favorite son or Daddy's little girl, or the black sheep of the family. You have your great aunts and uncles that always seem to be around and always smiling and just adding to the pleasantness of their surroundings. You have the ambitious young competitive type that irks the old guard because they have the experience and have traveled that road. You have the kids and the wall-flowers that just hang back and watch. You have the proverbial politicians or the meddling brother in law that figures he's been around long enough so now he was to influence things that were never the family norm. You have the conservative uncle and the liberal nephew that always seem to be at odds but always find a way to be involved with each other...It's like a big family. And big families have problems and big families have good times. It ebbs and flows. In all the forums that I have been in and read this is the only forum that I have ever encountered with the dynamics that we have here within SASS and here on the Wire.


The Wire and the people that frequent it are unique and wonderful and when things get ugly or dark you can bet they will not stay that way because the people that are attracted to this sport, this way of life, this organization, regardless of where they live or their backgrounds have something in common, deep down...and I can only describe it as The Cowboy Way...and not leaving the Ladies out of this, The Cowgirl Way.


Sure, it sounds cliche and corny, to some, but that is how I see it.  These things shall pass, just like they always do...ebb and flow...:)


Now, get your gear together and hit a match! That'll cheer you up! :D



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Amen! I to have been laid up for long periods of time, thank the maker none have been life threatening! On my dad's side we had good men fighting on both sides, both sides fighting for what they thought was right and just. No slaves were ever owned, one side fresh off the boat from Ireland the other fighting with Stand Watie. As a history teacher the civil war is my favorite time to teach and I teach it from all perspectives, I have my students read and research men and women from each side and why the choose to fight on the side they did, it gives the kid a different perspective of the war. 

I grew up on army bases during the 60s but I never saw segregation until we drove through town in Georgia and south Carolina, I never understood why my best friends could go to the movies with me one base but not in town, until I studied it on my own.

The wire is chocked full of great topics and great people. But I have caught myself not answering a post or two for fear of how others will respond! I have received way to many terse responses or seen way to many terse responses to people's questions. Not everyone knows the rule book like the back of their hand, some people want to find answers to questions from the more experienced members so they don't make the same mistakes. Yes there are some who just want to stir the pot and a few who like to make others feel small but most of us are great people. My boss has had to speak to me about emails I have sent to parents, while nothing was wrong with them it was how they could have been read that was the point. He always says you cannot read tone in an email. Now I always think about how I would feel if I was on the other side of the email or post before I hit send, and most the time I re-edit my response, some might take that to thought.

Wow this went longer than I expected, thanks for the post Jim! It allowed me to put into words what I have been thinking for awhile, life is to short to live with regrets, we need to get back to saying hi to strangers, holding doors open for folks, tipping your hat to people you just met and just being nice.


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Thank you gentlemen...I still love the Wire and as been noted....like a big family. Sometimes up...sometimes down.


Yes Allie...I have had many cats... MoPac...Chocolate Kitty...Tubby was my restaurants mascot.

But presently we have 2 Dobermans and 4 Papilons so no cats right now....Jim

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Aside: :blush:


Jim, the woman who gave me my Smooth Collie, the only dog I've ever had, had 6 other Collies and one cat. The cat was there when they were born and was The Boss. From what she told me and my experience with my dog, the cats rule and the dogs obey. When I got my dog, in 2008, I had three cats that all eventually died of old age. Before my dog passed, this year :(, I had two different cats. One was very timid and the other was a rambunctious kitten. Both cats still ruled. After that experience, I think it is good to raise dogs with a strong-willed kitty.  The following photo is my beloved doggie and the rambunctious kitten.


(I miss my doggie so much.)



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Allie, your post brought a sigh and a soft spot of remembrance of time, as a child, I had a small black terrier/heinz 57 mix named Tippy and a black kitten named Nick the Greek.

The mayhem those two created around the house and out in the yard, before they would tire and curl up in one black ball, was really something.

Thanks for triggering a fond memory.

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Jim....you da man!


looking forward to seeing you again soon.  

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My Wire...so Sad


Well... the Good Book says... you gotta "sort the wheat... from the chaff".


Hey... my newfound friend... "Ain't Gotta Horse"... just... do some sortin'.  It won't hurt nothin'.


You did a good post.  Ms. Allie... the Grizzly Momma... is the ONE that you don't want to awaken... to see you  kickin' on her cub... THE SASS WIRE.


If that happens... wouldn't give spit... for anybody's continuance on this forum.  She... can be right ferocious at times.  Just don't ever... post funnies... 'bout cats... or cat fishin'.


Mister... don't know you from Adam, Mr.   No-Horse..  But... good luck to you in the future.



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Thanks TS...I suppose I should have done a little sortin before I posted. Good advice my new friend....JNH

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Hey cowboy!  Keep your sunny smile this side of the ground!  Keep talkin and shootin.....We love you.


Oklahoma Dee

Kansas City Sneed

Cody Two Gunsa

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