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Thanks Ted Cruz

Rye Miles #13621

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I agree with what Ted Cruz was saying but he showed his "rookie" status here!


Cruz is no rookie. He is very calculated and methodical in his process. Very intelligent Senator.


GG ~ :FlagAm:

I like him don't get me wrong but I would like to have seen the SG nomination go to a vote. There MAY have been enough pro-gun dems who would have voted against this demented idiot! With what Cruz did just knocked that out the window.




Cruz is no rookie. He is very calculated and methodical in his process. Very intelligent Senator.


GG ~ :FlagAm:

Yeah - what he says :D




It may be a good thing that no one listens to the Surgeon General! ;)


It may be a good thing that no one listens to the Surgeon General! ;)

True but do we really want an anti-gunner in that high of an office pushing guns as a health issue?? :wacko:


True but do we really want an anti-gunner in that high of an office pushing guns as a health issue?? :wacko:

Of course not, but given the choice, he will be a bit less of a problem than an anti-gun Senator, for example. And he won't be there long.


Of course not, but given the choice, he will be a bit less of a problem than an anti-gun Senator, for example. And he won't be there long.

It wasn't a question of whether we had a anti-gun senator vs. an anti-gun SG! We already had the PRO gun Senator in Cruz. I like Cruz, but I think he should have thought about this for a minute longer. He's obviously trying to position himself for votes, it's all political with these guys! :angry:


It wasn't a question of whether we had a anti-gun senator vs. an anti-gun SG! We already had the PRO gun Senator in Cruz. I like Cruz, but I think he should have thought about this for a minute longer. He's obviously trying to position himself for votes, it's all political with these guys! :angry:

+1 Senator Cruz has gone lower on my list of effective politicians nearly every time he opens his mouth in the last few months. And I greatly regret that, as I thought he had real promise.


I hope for a refocus and more statesman-like conduct from him as the election approaches.


We need a conservative who is a statesman, much as Reagan was.


+1 Senator Cruz has gone lower on my list of effective politicians nearly every time he opens his mouth in the last few months. And I greatly regret that, as I thought he had real promise.


I hope for a refocus and more statesman-like conduct from him as the election approaches.


We need a conservative who is a statesman, much as Reagan was.

I tend to agree witya.

And it ain't him.

And it sure ain't Jeb!!


Agree on Jeb ( :ph34r: ), for several reasons.


I am intrigued by a few of the current GOP governors, Scott Walker in particular, although he has been noted by some to be a bit of a control (one man band) type - he certainly gets the domestic and economics issues right. Question is his ability to expand to the global, statesman level?


We shall see - it will be an interesting two years leading to the 2016 Presidential Election.




Too funny. I don't think anybody here is really sure what they want in a president. Guys like Cruz, Lee, Paul, and others fight hard for our Constitution ( and 2nd Amendment) of which some around here complain that it's being ripped to shreds, but are easily able to throw under the bus the people that actually support and fight for it.




If we're waiting for the "Perfect Candidate", it ain't going to happen. When it gets down to Election Day 2016 a lot of us may have to hold our nose and vote or be faced with Hillary or her evil twin for four or eight long years.


If we're waiting for the "Perfect Candidate", it ain't going to happen. When it gets down to Election Day 2016 a lot of us may have to hold our nose and vote or be faced with Hillary or her evil twin for four or eight long years.




GG ~ :FlagAm:


It wasn't a question of whether we had a anti-gun senator vs. an anti-gun SG! We already had the PRO gun Senator in Cruz. I like Cruz, but I think he should have thought about this for a minute longer. He's obviously trying to position himself for votes, it's all political with these guys! :angry:


Not quite - Cruz simply does his job - what his constituents want him to do. Many politicians these days fail to do that....


GG ~ :FlagAm:


Anyone but a democrat!!!


I know exactly what I want in a president. I doubt that I'll get it in today's world. Anything else I say would be too political for the Saloon.

So I'll just say I want a president who likes bourbon. ;)





I agree with what Ted Cruz was saying but he showed his "rookie" status here!

Really - don't be buying into the establishment republican blame game. Those guys are trying to neuter the Tea Party Conservatives as soon as possible.


Do you really think Beohner is a republican, let alone a conservative?


Reid was going to bring every one of Obama's judges and other nominees forward before adjourning the Senate, which is why he nuked the filibuster to

get to a 51 vote approval a while ago. He had no intention of ending this session until this is done, and he even stated so in the press.


All this did was force Reid to switch the order of what he was doing.


Where Cruz played his card and got success was that he made a public vote occur - names are now on record. The squishes are visible, and the go along to

get along Republicans are revealed once more. This is critical, because a lot of them made promises last election, and have now revealed that they are unwilling to

demonstrate a courage of their convictions.


I want more firebrands in the senate - I want to see that gentleman's club turned on it's ear . . and I want to see the legislative body reassert it's power, in total.


Shadow Catcher





This is a long game, not a quick combat, and we need to play it that way. We need to see who can be counted on to keep his word, who will represent his constituents

in the manner he said he would, and who is just saying whatever he needs to say to get elected.


There are those who will tell you that you need to be subtle and crafty, that this is a gentleman's club with rules and decorum that must be adhered to... Bogus BS.

That's where the McCains and the like fit - they're more worried about how their peers see them then how they act for their constituents . .


I know exactly what I want in a president. I doubt that I'll get it in today's world. Anything else I say would be too political for the Saloon.

So I'll just say I want a president who likes bourbon. ;)

Right. At least you got the drink correct ;)






Really - don't be buying into the establishment republican blame game. Those guys are trying to neuter the Tea Party Conservatives as soon as possible.


Do you really think Beohner is a republican, let alone a conservative?


Reid was going to bring every one of Obama's judges and other nominees forward before adjourning the Senate, which is why he nuked the filibuster to

get to a 51 vote approval a while ago. He had no intention of ending this session until this is done, and he even stated so in the press.


All this did was force Reid to switch the order of what he was doing.


Where Cruz played his card and got success was that he made a public vote occur - names are now on record. The squishes are visible, and the go along to

get along Republicans are revealed once more. This is critical, because a lot of them made promises last election, and have now revealed that they are unwilling to

demonstrate a courage of their convictions.


I want more firebrands in the senate - I want to see that gentleman's club turned on it's ear . . and I want to see the legislative body reassert it's power, in total.


Shadow Catcher





This is a long game, not a quick combat, and we need to play it that way. We need to see who can be counted on to keep his word, who will represent his constituents

in the manner he said he would, and who is just saying whatever he needs to say to get elected.


There are those who will tell you that you need to be subtle and crafty, that this is a gentleman's club with rules and decorum that must be adhered to... Bogus BS.

That's where the McCains and the like fit - they're more worried about how their peers see them then how they act for their constituents . .

Smart assessment ;)




I suspect this guy will be the most mocked Surgeon General since Joycelyn Elders single handedly destroyed the PR value the office once had.


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