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JEDI GF #174: Single Action

Widder, SASS #59054

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Single Action in Maine is now JEDI GF #174.


Congratulations Pard.


Although some circumstances hinder him from being as active now as he was in the past, his contributions to SASS/CAS thru his local club(s) is honorable and noteworthy.


He supports 2 local clubs. When able, he helped with setup for one club and is still active in doing the scoring for another club.

He has won SR GF at the NH State Shoot, SR GF at the Great Nor'easter New England Regional, and also won the Maine State BP shoot shooting GF.


PLUS, and this is a big one, he has helped other shooters in teaching them techniques and with equipment. And he has been recognized with winning the award for 'Spirit of the Game' at the Maine State shoot.


All in all, I would say that Single Action has put in a good days work in promoting SASS/CAS and exemplifies that the JEDI Force is on his side.


Congrats again Single Action. Keep em smokin!





Single Action is a terrific gunfighter and a fantastic addition to the JEDI


If you want to see "The Force" in action, posse up with Single Action!



Congratulations Single Action,welcome to the best group in the world.


Single Action has helped me by leaps and bounds! Not only with my guns but also with instructions on different techinques and is truly a GREAT friend. And for that I am deeply indebted to him.

Thank you SOOOO much Single.


Congrats Single Action and well deserved.


We have always enjoyed watching you shoot gunfighter and you were the first person I ever saw with a lever action shotgun and how you sure could make it sing!


Hope to see you on the trail this summer!




Howdy Single Action,


Congratulations Jedi GF #174. Honored to have you join the force.


Hasta Luego, Keystone


Congrats....I sent you a pm.




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