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First time at EOT

Complicated Lady

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Will be attending EOT for the first time this year...

trying to decide if I want to shoot the match or just be a "Conventioneer"

I enjoy shooting but I'm definitely not fast. I'm tickled when I shoot a stage in the high 30s.


My daughter, Magnolia Blossom and her boyfriend, Waterloo are going to shoot the match.

I could cheer them on and enjoy everything else that's going on. I could dress up and visit with folks.

I hear there are lots of vendors.

I don't like regular shopping but "cowboy" shopping is different.

I think I would be more relaxed and enjoy not having any pressure.


Will I regret it if I don't shoot?


Comments... Opinions...

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CL, you need to SHOOT EoT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trust me, you will regret it if you don't.


It ain't the speed, it's the fellowship of the other shooters. I've talked to several folks that have gone conventioneer for their first time, and have regretted not shooting the match.



Lorelei and I will see y'all out there.

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Shoot the match sweet Lady.

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Its my first time going to EOT as well. At first I thought I would just waddie the entire week, but pards at my local told me to shoot, otherwise I would regret it later. After thinking about what they said I realized they were right. After all, I'm already there, I can waddie when I am not shooting, and I can visit the vendors too. I am making a full week of it.

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CL, you need to SHOOT EoT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trust me, you will regret it if you don't.


It ain't the speed, it's the fellowship of the other shooters. I've talked to several folks that have gone conventioneer for their first time, and have regretted not shooting the match.



Lorelei and I will see y'all out there.




You will be kicking yourself if you don't shoot it.

There will be PLENTY there alot slower than you are.

And lots of down time to do all the other stuff.

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I would suggest shooting also, but another option for one who does shoot and know the game is,as a conventioneer, follow your favorite posse (in your case the one with MG & W on it) and be the designated scorekeeper. As a PM,I like to welcome a shooter's spouse, friend or whatever who is familiar with game, and possibly some of the competitors, to be the posse's "official" scorekeeper. That person in return seems to enjoy being a part of posse and is welcomed to be in posse picture just like shooting members of posse.


See ya there.



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I agree with both Billy and the others. You don't need to be worried about shooting slow. There are always some at EOT who are REALLY slow, and we appreciate them on the posse as well as the fast ones. As a long time PM and match director I can assure you that everyone on the posse always appreciates an extra person to score, but you will miss out on shooting the World Championships!! If you aren't really into shooting ,as a Conventioneer, there are some bays set up for conventioneers to shoot throughout the week. (at least there have been for the past few years). My wife Copper Queen just doesn't want to shoot that early morning rotation so she Conventioneers and judges Costumes during the day. Conventioneers get to participate in EVERYTHING social. If you plan to come back to future EOT's being a Conventioneer the first time is pretty nice, but if this is your only trip SHOOT !!!

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Should you shoot the Main Match? Definitely.


The first time we went to EOT, we went as conventioneers. Wished we had registered for the Match.


Buena suerte,


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so y'all are sure that no one is going to watch me shoot and then say "What is she doing here? ...doesn't she know this is the World Championship match?"


I think you have about talked me into shooting.... but then I start second guessing myself and decide I need to just watch and visit with everyone.


I do think I would feel more included in things if I was a shooter....even if it's a very slow shooter.

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Do not worry about being slow, fast or anything in between, I'm not. I'm going to have fun with people I have never met but enjoy the same things I do. I am no speed demon, so if you are nervous and want someone on your posse slower than you than you are more than welcome to posse up with me...then you can ask me if I knew it was the world championship and we laugh about it together.

Main thing is to have relax and have fun. It is part of what life is all about.

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so y'all are sure that no one is going to watch me shoot and then say "What is she doing here? ...doesn't she know this is the World Championship match?"


I do think I would feel more included in things if I was a shooter....even if it's a very slow shooter.



My experience is that folks will be cheering you when you have a better stage than your average - if you are a slow, inaccurate shooter, people will cheer you if you shave a few seconds off your average time or if you clean a stage, or any stage you finish with a grin simply because you had fun. If you shoot only one clean stage for the entire match, the Posse will go crazy cheering for you on that stage.


The stages are fun, and well written. You only shoot 4 stages a day, so you can socialize, shop, and not wear yourself out spending all day on the Range.


The folks shooting the match are a full representation of all abilities and are just like the cowboys and cowgirls you shoot with at home.


And, pretty lady, my remarks are not just intended for you, personally, but also for anyone else sitting on the fence watching this thread!


See you there!


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You need to shoot it!!!!! Like el Gato says everyone will be cheering for you. Last year was my forst EOT and I had a blast. Put down people that you want to posse with, such as people you shoot with at home and you will have a few that you know to shoot with. But don't worry if you are not the fastest. You will be shooting with the best and thye are great to learn from!!! :) You are welcome to shoot with us if you want.No one will make fun of you. I promise. :)


Painted Filly

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Thank you for your words of encouragement. I know CAS are the nicest people around so I really shouldn't be concerned.

I may not get to posse with you but I do hope I will at least get to meet you.

I understand they have a SASS Wire "meet and greet" one night in the saloon.


I decided last night I AM GONNA SHOOT IT!


I will just go ahead and warn everyone....

I will be at the bottom of the score sheet but I will keep smiling!

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You wouldn't be on the bottom if I could shoot.I wish I could go the the shoots around and shoot just to be with the people that go.I dont get to go and shoot because of funds. You will do good.Have a great time.Pit Bull

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  • 3 weeks later...



Shotshell and I will also be going as first timers.... I admit I am nervous as hell. I'm slower than molasses, and don't want to look like a fool in front of the big shooters. I am also scared of getting rushed throught the stages and getiing reprimanded for my costumes. I HATE dressing up. I think its just a fear of the unknown. Its a huge step out of our comfort zones. But I also know I would really regret going out all that way and not getting to shoot. Come on, shoot, and we can be slow together. I bet it will be a load of fun :)


See Ya There,

Shell Belle

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You will enjoy yourselves and shoot just fine. I even shot the Wild Bunch match with only one other under my belt. Remember everyone there had to shoot their first one at some time or other.


Take care and have fun



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Shotshell and I will also be going as first timers.... I admit I am nervous as hell. I'm slower than molasses, and don't want to look like a fool in front of the big shooters. I am also scared of getting rushed throught the stages and getiing reprimanded for my costumes. I HATE dressing up. I think its just a fear of the unknown. Its a huge step out of our comfort zones. But I also know I would really regret going out all that way and not getting to shoot. Come on, shoot, and we can be slow together. I bet it will be a load of fun :)


See Ya There,

Shell Belle


It's a deal!

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You will enjoy yourselves and shoot just fine. I even shot the Wild Bunch match with only one other under my belt. Remember everyone there had to shoot their first one at some time or other.


Take care and have fun




Are you going to EOT this year?

I know I will see you at the state match.

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No, I cannot make this years EOT. I will get to see y'all at the Texas State match and we are going to have a jam up time. When will y'all be arriving at the range? See you soon.


Take care



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No, I cannot make this years EOT. I will get to see y'all at the Texas State match and we are going to have a jam up time. When will y'all be arriving at the range? See you soon.


Take care




We can leave right after school on Wednesday. It's at least a 7 hour drive.

You will see me Thursday morning.


We really are going to have a great time.

but I will warn you, my daughter is gonna beat both of us.

She has improved so much in a year and a half.

Me? I've been doing this for 7 years now and I'm still slow.

However... as you know, that does not prevent me from having a grand time!

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Magnolia probably beat me the first time she shot. But hey, she is at least 40 years my junior, I still have as much maybe more fun. I will be at the range Wed. afternoon so I will be there when y'all arrive. I did not realize you were that far east of D. If you are not too tired come looking for me or just yell I have good ears and follow sound well.


Take care and see you soon



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After reading the responses here, it's obvious that shooting speed is a matter of PERCEPTION. CL, you are not slow. Shelle Belle-who are you trying to kid?? Slow as molasses?? We all know better.

Unless you're Badlands Bud, we're ALL slower than SOMEBODY! You just have to be comfortable with yourself at your level.

Looks like Angels and I will be attending this year(found out yesterday morning the OWSA match has been cancelled). Look forward to seeing all of you there.

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It doesnt matter if you shoot slow fast clean or... well... not clean!


This is all about the fun you have fun doing it.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Girl you BETTER shoot. You only regret the things you didn't do!! :lol: I'm tellin ya your gunna want to shoot. Make sure the family stops by and has some refreshments at my camp. ;)


I drank your chocholate cake now you need to sample my "Apple Pie".


Well I do believe you have talked me smooth into it!

....that Apple Pie I mean

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This will be our first EOT and we have been doing SASS for a couple of years now. Our first year, we went to the NW Regional championships and were very nervous because we were so new to the sport and a slug with a limp would have been much faster than either of us and near sighted mole stood a better chance of a clean shoot than we did. It was the best experience of our lives! We had friendly helpful people in our posse and when my wife's gun seriously malfunctioned, one of the top shooters insisted that she share his gun and even gave her the ammo to use (his own match grade stuff instead of my initial feeble attempts at reloading!). No one thought less of us because we were slow or had misses. We did have a couple of people offer advice politely on how we could improve our game and the advice was pretty darn good too!


So please shoot in the match. You won't be the worst shooter out there as long as you have fun. The worst shooter is the person that can't find fun in being with good folks, breathing fresh air, and enjoying a great sport. Placement is not a factor when my wife and I shoot. I am never going to cause Badlands Bud to lay awake at night worrying if he can beat me, but I don't care. As long as I shoot a fun match the only person I am really competing against is me.


Maybe we will see ya there.

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Thank you for your words of encouragement. I know CAS are the nicest people around so I really shouldn't be concerned.

I may not get to posse with you but I do hope I will at least get to meet you.

I understand they have a SASS Wire "meet and greet" one night in the saloon.


I decided last night I AM GONNA SHOOT IT!


I will just go ahead and warn everyone....

I will be at the bottom of the score sheet but I will keep smiling!


Now that is settled, are you coming to the Convention?? I have put in vacation time for this year. I am still trying to get off for Comin at Cha, but I don't think it's going to happen this year. I will bring some of that Virginia Gentleman bourban for you and it will make your toes curl up.

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Now that is settled, are you coming to the Convention?? I have put in vacation time for this year. I am still trying to get off for Comin at Cha, but I don't think it's going to happen this year. I will bring some of that Virginia Gentleman bourban for you and it will make your toes curl up.


I wish I was going to the Convention this year but it's doubtful.

I will make it there someday.

If you come to Comin At Cha you could share that bourbon then.

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All of us were first timers once! And you will fit right in. The first time we went to EOT in 2000 in California. We had only shot off our horses two or three times. and had NEVER competed :ph34r: .. talk about scared..and Slower than moses.. :blush: I thought Aneeda was gonna puke or pee her pantaloons... :lol: But we made it and now we are mad if we don't make it. Like Rocky said.. Its all for fun and games anyway.

Hugs and hope to se ya there!! XXXOOO Hel( who shoots scared everytime) da Huginkiss.

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All of us were first timers once! And you will fit right in. The first time we went to EOT in 2000 in California. We had only shot off our horses two or three times. and had NEVER competed :ph34r: .. talk about scared..and Slower than moses.. :blush: I thought Aneeda was gonna puke or pee her pantaloons... :lol: But we made it and now we are mad if we don't make it. Like Rocky said.. Its all for fun and games anyway.

Hugs and hope to se ya there!! XXXOOO Hel( who shoots scared everytime) da Huginkiss.

Everyone who has responsed about this has told me I need to shoot or I will regret it.

I have signed up to shoot the main match. I am nervous because it is THE BIG MATCH but I will try not to make anyone mad at me for being too slow.

I will keep smiling and hope everyone else does too.


I'm looking forward to meeting you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am nervous because it is THE BIG MATCH but I will try not to make anyone mad at me for being too slow.

I will keep smiling and hope everyone else does too.


Complicated -

If there is a SINGLE person at EOT who acts like they are mad you are there, I will need their name. Remember - there are no interpersonal conflicts. But, there can be a little advise laid out about how to treat a fellow shooter, and a LADY at that.


Amber Ale and I will be there. We'll help make you feel at home in NM.


Good luck, GJ

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Complicated Lady, Rich Diamond is on your posse. He's got your backside if there's any complaints. Don't be surprised if a network shooting show films you and not some of the faster shooters on your posse. Your avator shows you are photogenic. They are likely to show you in a short segment.

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