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MY NY resolutions

Slowhand Bob, 24229

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Shoot more, fish more, eat less, rework my property fence rows, and most of all, haul off a ton of 'stuff' that I never use anymore to make room to get at the stuff I need to use. My once beautiful leather and hobby shops now look like storage containers from Hades inside! I started to add exercise to my list but BUT, just doing what I have listed above would be a workout.


Any of you guys got big plans fer 2011 that you wish to share? It is claimed that public announcements are more likely to come happen. If cash distribution is on your mind I just might be able to take some off your hands!




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My biggest resolution is to get a clean match, next is to visit more than one CAS club. Then maybe lose some weight...maybe.

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Bravo Bob!


I wish you well. I've told a few friends about resolutions and I still didn't stick to them. So, I will not post anything I am not certain will happen.


Happy New Year and good luck with your resolutions my dear SASS friends. I hope you are stronger than I am and have a healthy and happy new year!




Allie Mo

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There were probably many, many times this year when I may have.....


Disturbed You,

Troubled You,

Pestered You,

Irritated You,

Bugged You,

or got on your Nerves!!

So today, I just wanted to tell you....




Suck it up Cupcake! Cause there AIN'T NO CHANGES Planned for 2011!

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It's better to make a New Year's resolution and break it then not make one at all.


(Oh well sounds profound don't it?)


Happy New Year and my resolution is to shoot more and buy more guns!

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I started mine early, I quit dipping (as in smokeless tobacco) two weeks ago today, been doing well and have not killed anyone yet. This is a big deal for me as I would dip 8-10 hours a day. So far so good, been sleeping better and I feel better overall.

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I started mine early, I quit dipping (as in smokeless tobacco) two weeks ago today, been doing well and have not killed anyone yet. This is a big deal for me as I would dip 8-10 hours a day. So far so good, been sleeping better and I feel better overall.



Good luck buddy you can do it.


I'm at it for tha humptenth time. I'm at 257# I gotta do something or die. Food is hard ta deal with.




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Deuce, that is a good one. I quit chawwin several years back and wish I had done it much sooner as my throat is a mess, just hope it doesn't turn to somethin worse. I would actually wake up two or three times a night to freshin my chaw over the last twenty or twentyfive years of use. You da man if you keep that resolution!!!


Ray, food and procrastination are my biggest demons now. Im thinking you got me by an inch or two taller while I weigh about the same as you. A few more pounds and I will be able to wear my long drop competition holsters for concealed carry!!


Oh well, here is another tip of the glass wishing fer you all a Happy New Year and save the resolutions till tomorrow.

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Hey Gents,


Watch out! I'm getting on my soapbox now.


Beeelllliieve me I know how addictive nicotine is. I wish you the best in your efforts to quit. I don't remember how many times I quit smoking...My motto was "quit and quit again." Finally the moon and stars lined up. I got the stomach flu and ran out of cigarettes the same day. After I got over the flu, most of the physical addiction was gone. It still took months before I was not a raving lunatic. Hubby tells folks I was a pitiful puppy.


Anyway, that was 1984 and I've beat it. I did learn that you cannot just have one. At least I can't.


BTW, I hate cigars! My dad smoked cigars every hour of every day. He and my mom, who did not smoke, both died because of his smoking.


Off the soapbox now.


Happy New Year and Best Wishes for Making Your Resolutions Work!!!


Allie Mo

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Finish a major weight-loss effort and then buy a new cowboy wardrobe at EOT.


Get good enough with my 45-70 to compete in long-range events.


Start Wild Bunch matches at my local range.

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