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Rooster Ron Wayne

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Everything posted by Rooster Ron Wayne

  1. I don't want to step on Cotton eye Joe's Deal . If that is 800 shipped and Cotton eye Joe and you don't already have a deal . I will take them . Rooster
  2. Good morning Pards . Rube Burrows did a awesome review on this setup on YouTube ( Jwheeler331 ) on YouTube. Also ( Mr.spookey ) on YouTube channel has done a awesome review of this fine setup from Pietta. I have now been selected as the next guy to review this awesome Brotherhood of the Traveling 1858 By Pietta. ( BigRooster616 ) On YouTube coming soon. Pic's and more coming soon to The SASS Wire ! Rooster.
  3. All the Pietta GWll guns are really nicely built guns. My Pietta GWll Del Rio Deluxe is just an outstanding Second Gen Colt Clone .
  4. Thank you Sr. RIP
  5. It's a deal . I will take it . Gold on the way in the morning, Pony express ! Rooster
  6. Beautiful Flinchlock . Free Bump
  7. I will take another one !
  8. I took some small rubber hose that fit the size of the nipples and cut them a little long . This way you can dry fire your cap guns and not damage the nipples or frame . Works great . So Saith The Rooster
  9. I will second that call if something don't work out Just Sayin. Rooster
  10. Thank you all for all the great info . I'm just looking to play with a couple of belly guns . I thought this would be about the right loading I was looking for . And it sounds about right . God bless . Rooster
  11. I have four of them. Two 7 1/4 and Two 5" They both are fun to shoot but I don't use them at all in competition . They are a lot of fun to shoot . And they sure are Beautiful to look at . Just Sayin. Rooster
  12. Hi Pards . I have been reloading for many years now . Not much I don't load . But I'm thinking about trying some 45 Special. Loading for some Pietta Remington Ace with Conversion Cylinder. I think this would be a nice size loading for this gun . Can this cartridge be loaded with 45 acp dies or do you need a special die to load the 45 special cartridge ? Any advice for loading this cartridge would be greatly appreciated. I load most everything with APP or Unique powder. I'm going to likely use 200gr RNFP Lee home cast lead bullets .
  13. Tom Horn was framed to get rid of him. Of all the things that he did do this was not one of them that he was punished and killed for. This was a very good movie IMHO . Rooster
  14. A modern day M1 Carbine. Good review. I would not mind having one . But at 900.00 I don't really need one . Nothing I can't already do with my Lever Action Pistol Caliber Guns . Rooster
  15. It looks like all is sold . But nothing is marked as sold . I will take 100 if they are still available. Rooster
  16. Thank you Dawg. Parts came in the mail today . This setup turned out looking very good . My new favorite 44 Special. PS. Dawg is always a pleasure to deal with & Over delivers on what your getting from him . God bless. Rooster
  17. This was all about money and Nothing about fighting
  18. Good old hot water and dish soap works just fine for me . And I use moose milk on the range . So Saith The Rooster
  19. Done ! Thank you Pard . God Bless Rooster
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