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Everything posted by Cemetery

  1. Totally digging this movie right now! Be great at a discount theatre with a scratchy print!
  2. I'm guessing your referring to the Uberti '66 clone, since the Miroku '66 is a whole lot more.........
  3. I'm gonna give this a whirl this week, sounds tasty.
  4. Oh Man, I used to cook up a big pot of corned beef and cabbage, along with some killer black eyed peas.....had an open door policy from 4 to 8 for people. Missed that meal.....might have to go to the butcher for some corned beef this week. But today it was chicken soup, and hot black tea with Jameson, honey, cinnamon stick, and lemon......trying to kick a cold.
  5. Phew.....was scared for a second that you went smokeless......... Hope you get back in tip top shape!
  6. I've been thinking of using 3" shells for my SxS just so I can get more powder in...........
  7. I don't know. Doesn't seem worth getting outta bed if you're using less than 70grains of black...........
  8. I'll give this a try, maybe staggering forward might have been my issue this year.
  9. Whoa does fried backstrap sound good!! mmmmmm.........mmmmmmm..................
  10. I enjoy it, nice and smooth.
  11. Glenlivet? Yuck...... Lagavulin is my elixir.
  12. Henry Big Boy? Never heard of this....you mean the Uberti 1860 or 1866?
  13. Lovely Tame Bill, absolutely lovely!!
  14. Oh man, why even get out of bed? For a nice BP substitute, I recommend APP. I use in my 25.20, and on occasion cap & ball gunz. Easy loading, easy cleanup. Capt Baylor always posts sales information when he gets it, here in the forum.
  15. I've got a brace of Uberti 1860's, and followed these instructions, even though they're for Pietta, Larsen Pettifogger wrote them up about eight years ago; http://www.theopenrange.net/forum/index.php?topic=5659.0 There's also the video Bottom Dealing Mike has on his YouTube page discussing smoothing out the hammer to prevent 'cap sucking'......easy alternative to 'cap posts' or other modifications such as what Long Hunter Shooting Supply is offering.
  16. Ran across a handful of Henry BB shooters over the years, None of them had problems, rifle ran smooth and respectable. And they all had big smiles.
  17. Hey Robert Mitchum is in El Dorado!!!! You shoulda told me Forty Rod!
  18. This is my problem, where did you source your metal caps with the O rings?
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