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Can't Come Back For Months, But Not Stranded

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I don’t fly for a number of reasons! 

1: I can’t carry my sidearm in airports or on the plane!


2: I don’t like to sit in those lousy seats with mostly rude people that I can’t slap.


3: I hate walking through airports dragging luggage and dodging idiots.


4: The food in flight is pathetic 


5: Nine times out of ten I’ll have to change flights which means I’ll have to rush across the airport to get to the connecting flight.


6: TSA


7: I don’t like crowds unless I’m on stage.


8: Going through security and having to remove my shoes and let someone else handle my carry on luggage.


9: The restrooms are cramped and uncomfortable 



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11 hours ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

I don’t fly for a number of reasons! 

1: I can’t carry my sidearm in airports or on the plane! Ditto


2: I don’t like to sit in those lousy seats with mostly rude people that I can’t slap. Ditto


3: I hate walking through airports dragging luggage and dodging idiots. Ditto


4: The food in flight is pathetic What food, it is peanuts and pretzels with a half a can of coke now for the most part.


5: Nine times out of ten I’ll have to change flights which means I’ll have to rush across the airport to get to the connecting flight. Ditto


6: TSA Ditto


7: I don’t like crowds unless I’m on stage. Don't like crowds period


8: Going through security and having to remove my shoes and let someone else handle my carry on luggage. Ditto but it is shoes and belt


9: The restrooms are cramped and uncomfortable  Ditto




11. Having flown over 150k miles a year for around 4 years I vowed not to fly again if at all possible. If I can drive my truck there then I plan ahead and make sure to leave early and just drive. I haven't been on a plane now for over 10 years and only get close to an airport to pick up my wife or daughter.



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Cumulo-granite...that's a cloud with a mountain in it!  Oh, for the good ol' days when you could walk out the gate, climb the stairs, walk up the slanting floor, hear the twin motors start, and talk to the stewardess.  DC-3's forever! B)

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Overseas flying is worse then ever. Use to enjoy flying to Europe. Could reserve seats and we always took the last 2 in back. Now you can't, seats seem smaller and closer to each other. Last time we flew to Europe 4 years ago was painfull, obnoxious passengers, crying and screaming kids and babies. Food was awful and drinks double what they were. Screening was slow, boarding took forever.

I enjoy flying but even flying on commercial flights here in the states isn't made for comfort.

Worse for both, are they charge so much for luggage now and last time we didn't get one bag back till after we were home.

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