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Catalog nonsense

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I get a lot of catalogs and I want to take a recent one as an example.   I have bought a number of things from them in the past but am unlikely to do so again.


The front cover has a guy who looks like battle ready wannabe with a sword thingy that has a knobby sheath that is supposed to double as a club...I think.  He has a "please don't hurt me" look on his face.  He isn't fearsome and if I encountered one like him and felt the least amount of threat to myself I'd simply shoot a half dozen holes in him, go home,  make a sandwich and watch TV.


Inside they have pictures of dozens of "fantasy" knives and swords, accessories such as sharpeners (Each the best there is dontchknow.), some hatchets and tomahawks, a gizmo made to break into cars, "replica guns" of guns that never existed, para-cord, some impressively useless shop tools, lock picking kits, a super-dooper lighter or two, goggles and night seeing gear, novelty signs, cheap bandoliers and holsters, a crossbows ( one that shoots toothpicks), badges, lights of many kinds, saps and brass knuckles, junk jewelry, a manriki gusari (one of the few things I bought), copper stills, whips of questionable quality, scary looking "non-lethal" guns that look like assault rifles and will get some one using one killed, make believe Viking drinking cups.....and on and on.


This is only one of many, that I see, so someone must be buying this junk..


It doesn't make you tough or frightening and most people who have this gadgetry probably don't any clue whatsoever how to use any of it.  If you want to be tough and frightening may I suggest a trip to to the nearest armed forces recruiting office.  They will be happy to see you and unless you a total zero you will at least get paid to learn a trade.


If you are already tough and frightening you can disregard all of this and join me in a laugh or several at these people's expense.

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This reminded me of a guy I saw at the gun show yesterday. He looked like he wasn’t sure what to wear. 
He had a khaki colored canvas flat hat with some funky sunglasses propped up there. He had on a desert tan military looking canvas trench coat with the sleeves rolled up. He had tan leather fingerless gloves on. It appeared he had on a tactical vest under the coat. I could see at least two really big knives in sheaths on his belt. He had on jeans and Army issue tan combat boots laced loosely with the jeans tucked into the boots. 
He had very little or no head hair but he had a gray handlebar mustache. 
I was wondering what comic book he fell out of. 


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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Black Angus McPherson said:

I'm thinking I'd like to have a crossbow that shoots toothpicks.  :D


I had a Salt gun.  It wasn't worth a darn.



 What did you shoot salt for?  They're mostly harmless and other than being hard on your blood pressure ( like my kids were) they can be pleasing to be around.

11 minutes ago, PowderRiverCowboy said:

Ohh I wanna guess I say Bud K and no I dont get their crap lol

Bud K is it.  


I bought a manriki because it is easier than making one.  I got to be pretty proficient with one I made when I was on Okinawa in 1966, but that one vanished in one of our many moves.


Not proficient any more and I nearly killed myself trying some of mover from yesteryear.

Edited by Forty Rod SASS 3935
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13 hours ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

 What did you shoot salt for?  They're mostly harmless and other than being hard on your blood pressure ( like my kids were) they can be pleasing to be around.

Bud K is it.  


I bought a manriki because it is easier than making one.  I got to be pretty proficient with one I made when I was on Okinawa in 1966, but that one vanished in one of our many moves.


Not proficient any more and I nearly killed myself trying some of mover from yesteryear.

Manriki, huh?  What could go wrong? :lol:
When I was in the Navy I was a student of Shorin Ryu karate. One of the guys I became friends with had a Manriki. He had no idea how to use it. He wanted my help practicing and I adamantly declined. I told him that I am pretty sure these were designed by women. They will get you in the nuts. It’s only a matter of time. 
I learned this lesson through the practice and use of Nunchucks as a teenager. I got really good with them, but I can’t tell you how many times I clocked myself or hit myself in the nuts. I literally knocked myself out once. :blink:

Weapons on strings, ropes or chains are like snakes. Just when you think you’ve got it trained it bites or chokes you. Luckily snakes don’t clobber you as well. :lol:

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