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You are being arrested.


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If cop pointed the gun at you, would it be manos arriba, Hände hoch? Hands up!


I've seen this more and more lately, over the last few years, on TV. When the cop points the gun at the criminal, they put their hands behind their head. Heck, I've even heard the cop on TV tell the suspect to put his hands behind his head.


I've always kind of thought that the reason that you had the arrestee put his hands up was so that you, the cop, could see his hands. See if he had a weapon. If he put his hands behind his head you don't know what he's got.

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There's different techniques taught over the years.  Putting the hands behind the head with the fingers interlinked is one.  The officer can approach the suspect from the rear and with one hand can cover the interlocked fingers and keep him from pulling them apart.  The officer can then use his free hand to search the suspect for weapons.  This technique could be used with a compliant but still dangerous suspect.   It looks good in the movies.

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That's why I always put em on the ground, especially at gunpoint....face down arms out, much harder to resist from that position...hands behind the head,interlace fingers is for a rear approach, usually kneeling by then or on their way to old cold ground

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Serious felons were proned out.  One little trick.  When dealing with drunks, and putting them through field sobriety tests, when I reached the point where I knew I had sufficient probable cause to arrest for Operating under the Influence, I would give them one last field sobriety test.  I'd have them face away from me, interlace their fingers behind their head, thereby allowing me to move in quickly from behind and grab their hands to put them off balance if necessary and handcuff.

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