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Lovex D032 Powder - Is it Cleanshot?

Buckshot Bear

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Lovex D032 Powder  -  Is it Cleanshot?


I've really lucked out (I hope) and been able to get many kilo's of Lovex D032 powder from a recent shipment into Australia.

Looking at the reloading tables on the Lovex website there are no listings for .38 Special with a 125gr projectile (which I use). 


Looking at the Cleanshot tables there are listings for 125gr projectiles.


Googling (always dangerous) there's multiple mentions of DO32 being the same powder as Cleanshot, but if that's in fact true, I'm just wondering why Lovex don't list any loadings for DO32 and 125gr pills?




Are the powders one and the same?


Also lucked out with Vihtavuori N320 & N330 and bulk primers, so glad to see components trickling back in.......Now if ADI (Australian Defence Industries)  just pulled their collective thumbs out and started Trailboss production again!!!!!

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Lovex has several Years produced for and in Europe under the name Accurate. Lovex produced in the last years the full program of  Accurate powder under your own name. Lovex D032 is identical with Accurate AA2.

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Yes sir, Lovex D032 and CleanShot are the same powder.  D032 is the label for the bulk powder and CleanShot is the name used for the packaged product sold to individual reloaders.  Check out Bullets by Scarlet website for loading data for CAS loads.


I use Clean Shot for CAS and load 3.2 Grains behind either a 105 or 125 TCFP bullet.  Shoots nice for me.  But at least it's a starting point for you.  You can also use Clean Shot for shotgun loads if you're so inclined.  About 13 to 14 grains under 7/8 ounce of shot in a 12 gauge makes a nice soft shooting CAS load that works on the knock downs at my club.


The VV N320 and N330 are also sweet finds.  Happy to hear that you guys are finally getting some components.  I hope that it keeps coming and gets easier to find for all of us.

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12 hours ago, Wild Eagle said:

Never seen it sold in small containers with the D032 name...

Ever been shopping is Australia?:lol:

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9 minutes ago, VinnieBoomBah said:

Once, back in 1977.  Shopkeeper said "You American kids all love your peanut butter, you should try some of the Australian kind


It was not peanut butter :blink:



Ya' gotta' enlarge on that story! 

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12 hours ago, Chief Rick said:

Ever been shopping is Australia?:lol:

Actually, yes.  I worked near Perth quite often for many years.  Also, vacation in Cairns from time to time.  But never shopped for powder or firearms.  

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sounds like the burnrate is very close to red dot and clays and a number of other fast shotgun powders we all use for CAS pistol rounds , good info to know should i find myself in a buy circumstance of that 

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Here is Clean Shot/DO32 reloading information for cowboy. I’m a dealer for Shooters World since 2015. We got several cowboys to help us with loads and then SW got it tested with my hardcast lead bullets. Clean Shot Cowboy Shared Data.pdf


Clean Shot Cowboy Action Load Data.xlsx




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