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Wayne LaPierre Resigns

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6 hours ago, Pat Riot said:

In 2019 I was in a meeting at the headquarters building at the agency I worked for.

There were around 20 people in this room. I am positive that there were only 2 gun shots owners in the room. Myself and my boss.
My boss and I were discussing the NRA that morning and he was really ticked at the NRA / Wayne LaPierre and he said his money was going elsewhere from now on. 
I told my boss that the NRA had serious name recognition while the other Pro 2A organizations didn’t. 
Anyway, we’re sitting in this conference room waiting on the guy that called the meeting and I leaned over to my boss and said “I am going to prove my point about the NRA vs your new best friend organizations. I’ll bet you lunch that I am right.” 
He accepted the bet. 
This room is full of LA city dwellers. “Woke” people. Very liberal people. 
I stood up and said “I have a question for all of you.” The room got quiet.

”Show of hands. Who knows the organization called the FPC. The Firearms Policy Coalition?”

No hands went up 

“GOA, Gun Owners of America?”

No hands

“SAF, Second Amendment Foundation?”

Everyone looked at each other with blank looks. No hands went up”

“CRPA, the California Rifle and Pistol Association?”

Murmers, no hands. One lady said “California has a gun association?” With a twisted disgusting look on her face. 
I said Okay. Final question. Anyone heard of the NRA?”

Immediately every hand in the room went up.

There was also a lot of discussion about the NRA almost immediately.

I looked at my boss and said:

”You owe me a lunch and THIS (I motioned at the room full of people) is why I will continue to support the NRA. 

The Left doesn’t get too excited when you mention the other Pro 2A organizations, but they lose their minds when the NRA is mentioned. 

Great story Pat, that proves a major point about the wide berth of the NRA!! 
When the antigunners protest gun laws they always have signs like NRA kills children blah blah blah! I’ve never seen any other pro gun group signs!

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1 hour ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

Great story Pat, that proves a major point about the wide berth of the NRA!! 
When the antigunners protest gun laws they always have signs like NRA kills children blah blah blah! I’ve never seen any other pro gun group signs!

That was not the only time I have done that, but it is the most recent.
In Portland, Oregon I did a similar thing. There were 2 people that had heard of GOA and the FPC, but they had no idea why or where they had heard of them. 
I did my impromptu surveys in Los Angeles (numerous times), Charlotte, Sacramento and Portland. All in public agencies filled with the enlightened brainwashed and useful idiots.

In each case I was pretty sure there were only a couple of gun people, including myself, and in each case nearly everyone know the NRA without me having to say their whole name or explain who WE are. 


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2 minutes ago, bgavin said:

NRA is kinda like a house that has caught fire.
It never is quite the same afterwards.


I disagree and I don't want it the same.


No matter how destroyed the house is...the foundation is still there, ready to be built on once again....stronger and better. That's how it can be rebuilt.


Or, it could just be rebuilt as a copy of the old house, forgetting the reason that it burned down to begin with.


We shall see.

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The NRA foundation is unchanged.
Only a single bit of furniture was kicked out.
The entire remainder of the NRA structure remains unchanged.

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I was at the 2022 Houston conventions and talking to some of the board of directors before the vote and it was pretty clear the Wayne was on his way out. I am not sure what magic rabbit he was able to pull out of the hat to stay in power, but I believe he knows where all the bodies are buried. The other issue was that while many wanted him out, they didn't want to give a win to the political anti-2A cronies calling for it, especially at that moment with Beto electioneering outside. I talked to one the same people afterwards and reading between the lines I got the distinct impression that he would not be at the top for long. Now whether he resigned for health reasons, the personal lawsuit against him, a pre-agreement with the board, or he is reading the tea-leaves of the next convention; I know not.

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Wayne was CEO and executive vice president. They call him the leader of the NRA. My question is what about President Charles Cotton and First vice President Lt. Col Willies  Lee aren’t they the true leaders of the NRA? 
Educate me please. I’m confused!:blink:

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i have no illusions that getting rid of wayne will solve all the problems , im sure its three or four tiers deep , but its a start , new CEO can clean out the problems i would hope and no that should not be from the ranks but from the outside only , 

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I’m glad for a change of leadership. It needed to happen. That said he will be almost impossible to replace. If it were not for him you would not have any guns right now. We have come so close to losing them so many times it’s been ridiculous. I’m a Patriot member and will be upgrading to endowment when I can.  The NRA has always been good at winning elections but has been not so great at lawsuits and holding our politicians feet to fire once elected. The GOA and FPC do this better. I hope the next leadership team can learn from them and upgrade their legal staff.  The real danger now is we get a bunch of spineless jokers like we had in the 80s. 

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On 1/8/2024 at 3:15 PM, Rye Miles #13621 said:

Wayne was CEO and executive vice president. They call him the leader of the NRA. My question is what about President Charles Cotton and First vice President Lt. Col Willies  Lee aren’t they the true leaders of the NRA? 
Educate me please. I’m confused!:blink:


Me too so I looked it up.


CEO vs. President: What’s the Difference?





How Jobs of CEOs, Presidents Differ

American corporations enjoy latitude on how to designate their leadership and whether one person can fill more than one role. For that reason, the following distinctions are generally – not invariably – applicable to understanding how the two roles differ.



The CEO is the top executive in a business; the president is the second-highest executive, after the CEO. In some cases the second-highest executive in a business is called the chief operating officer (COO). CEOs report to the the directors, collectively known as the board. The president or COO reports to the CEO and is typically hired by and can be dismissed by the CEO. A CEO receives reports from the president and sometimes other C-suite executives such as the chief financial officer. Answering to the president are vice presidents, including executive vice presidents and group vice presidents. In addition, higher-level staffers like general managers usually report to the president or chief operating officer.



A CEO’s focus is on spotting opportunities and strategically setting the long-term goals for the organization. The president is more concerned with conducting daily operations efficiently in support of those goals — in other words, the tactics.



CEO objectives typically revolve around large-scale concerns such as building shareholder wealth, acquiring market share and creating a sound company culture. Presidents are more concerned with implementing marketing plans, cutting costs and similarly focused matters. The two jobs sometimes differ in scope: The CEO is concerned with the entire company, while a president may have one operational unit as his priority. The president is more involved with lower-level executives, outside suppliers and customers. Sometimes, a company will have more than one president, with each president responsible for an operating unit.

Relation to board


CEOs often also have a seat on the board of directors. CEOs have relationships with directors, especially the chairman, and the public. The president less commonly sits on the board, although the president may appear before the board to make presentations and provide information to the members.


The Bottom Line

While the CEO and the president may appear to be nearly identical, in many cases their duties and powers are significantly different. CEOs are more strategic and concerned with broader measures of success, and they serve at the pleasure of the board. Presidents, or the chief operating officers, concern themselves with day-to-day execution of the CEO’s strategies, and they answer to the CEO.



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4 minutes ago, Sedalia Dave said:


Me too so I looked it up.


CEO vs. President: What’s the Difference?




In the NRA it seems like most members couldn't even name the President without looking him up. I wonder who'll take over for LaPierre??


Thanks for posting that I was being a bit lazy!:P

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