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Tulsi Gabbard on gun control

Rye Miles #13621

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If she's changed her position on gun control I have not heard about it. She claims to be against the democrat party but she is for gun control including an Assault Weapon ban.


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The leopard may change where it hunts or feeds or even sleeps, but it doesn’t change its spots!!

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She SOUNDS convincing, but I am a lot more skeptical!


It will take a while and a lot of positive action on her part to gain my trust, (what little trust I would have in ANY politician) or get my vote!

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1 hour ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

She SOUNDS convincing, but I am a lot more skeptical!


It will take a while and a lot of positive action on her part to gain my trust, (what little trust I would have in ANY politician) or get my vote!

Amen! I want to like her and believe her, she's articulate for sure and she seems sincere but you're right it's gonna take some of her doing some things to really convince me.


She is pretty hot though!:wub: and she is a veteran.

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I want to hear her stance on specific issues like, constitutional carry, making concealed carry licenses SHALL issue instead of maybe, magazine restrictions, so called "assault" rifle bans, banning "weapons of war", Red flag laws without due process. so called "Common sense" gun laws. and so on down the list.


Lots of politicians when asked if they support the second amendment will say yes. But when asked for their stance on the specific issues I listed above you soon find out that they really don't. 


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Is she for 'common sense'


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Common Sense Limitations of a right?  Yea, you can't yell fire in a crowded theater, nor can you open fire.....  But you can take your mouth into a crowded theater....

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3 hours ago, Sedalia Dave said:

I want to hear her stance on specific issues like, constitutional carry, making concealed carry licenses SHALL issue instead of maybe, magazine restrictions, so called "assault" rifle bans, banning "weapons of war", Red flag laws without due process. so called "Common sense" gun laws. and so on down the list.


Lots of politicians when asked if they support the second amendment will say yes. But when asked for their stance on the specific issues I listed above you soon find out that they really don't. 


Right. Joe Biden said he supports the Second Amendment :blink:

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55 minutes ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

Right. Joe Biden said he supports the Second Amendment :blink:

He can barely support himself.:ph34r:

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I made a mental note somewhere around the 4 minute mark...


I'm not sure she at all has my view of the 2nd Amendment. I do think she does not have the far left Hawaii view of it. So that is a plus. I guess.


Some years back, I lived in Portland Oregon for a year. Some far right organization, religious identity, anti gay, anti abortion, can not remember all the details like the pastor name, but it was on the local evening news they planned a protest. They complied with all the requirements of:





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To cut it short, they did need permits per city government for the political event.. And then there was a group that wanted to counter-protest. Well, due to the short time available to apply and get approval, all permit requirements and fees were waived for the counter-protest. Because suddenly the 1st Amendment was important and should not be restricted in any way.


This is to me is clear political speech on the part of a city government. And it is an anti-2A government. Yet I still remember a sign driving by one of the few local gun stores letting everyone know more pink Glocks were in!


The events taken together reminded me of the ancient phrase "Amicus meus, inimicus inimici mei." or as we know it today: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."


Without declaring either the original protesting preacher or the counter-protestors as my friend, I found the actions of the city to be absolutely counter to the 1st amendment on several levels.


The protest ended up not happening (the primary protestor cited city actions), and from what I understand only a few counter-protestors showed up and had a bit of a party. But the city clearly took a side. And I contrast this to pink Glocks... I do think the counter-protesters were in all likelihood the target market for them. And for this, I do say it is fine.


Considering the actions of the city, I do they think the enemy of my (their) enemy is my (their) friend. In terms of the 2nd Amendment.


And I do think Gabbard has made progress. And I think it is better to continue to draw her along the righteous path than to hate her for not coming far enough.

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