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Good News on the Trail Boss Front

H. K. Uriah, SASS #74619

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But...How will scalpers make a living if Trail Boss is readily available? Primer prices dropping and now this! Think of all the baby scalpers that will go to bed hungry! Oh, the humanity!

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8 hours ago, Texas Jack Black said:

 That is good news I am down to just under 30lbs Left.

I'm down to 10 bottles.


It helped that my wife severely injured herself and wasn't able to shoot at all this summer, as the TB is for her loads. 


Now to try and get her 100% healed. 

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I finally have enough other powders to tide me over.  I might not switch back.  
Two bottles to make 1 pound 2 ounces gets expensive.  Clays and WST for the win.  

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